Review: Worldprofit’s Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp Training with George Kosch presented LIVE Friday April 20th, 2018.

Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch welcomed all the new Silver and Platinum VIP Members to the training session and to the Worldprofit family.

CONGRATULATIONS to our own Wallace Johnson, on the publication of his new book just released on Amazon.
It’s titled: "From 1 to Infinity with Synergy: Life and Times of Wallace A Johnson, MBA, MCEC"

Introductory Training Remarks

In his customary down to earn, no-hype manner George delivered a good dose of reality training about what it takes to make money online.

Feature Training Topics

A. Worldprofit System Overview.
What happens when you sign up a free Associate membership. How you benefit. How the system works for you.
Lesson 3 – why it is the MOST important lesson. If you haven’t progressed to Lesson 3 and watched the video, we urge you to do so right away.

B. Using Worldprofit’s system to promote your own affiliate programs.
Over 80% of Worldprofit tools, software, resources can be applied to any or all your own affiliate programs.
We host your site, we host the software, we provide support and business resources for growing your own online business. We help you earn online from multiple sources all the while you are learning in our training program.
Some of our Members promote just Worldprofit services to earn commission, while others promote in addition to their own affiliate programs or our recommended vendors to earn multiple streams of income. Sadly some Members never even start the training, don’t let this be you!

  1. List Building. What many people don’t realize when they are just madly and blindly posting affiliate links, is that if you don’t have a website, a list manager, and a system like Worldprofit offers you are costing yourself sales – a lot of sales now and in the future. The reason? You aren’t building your own list, you are only building the list of the product vendors. At Worldprofit we provide you with the complete system for growing your business including your domain based website, list manager, prospect manager, landing pages, promotion resources, traffic and follow up tools for growing your OWN customer list, building your OWN email list and growing your OWN business that can generate income for you for years to come.

Featured Worldprofit Services

  • Rotator Genie – get your own Rotator system and start earning ad revenue
  • Worldprofit’s Autoresponder System – simple, powerful, effective. No learning curve.
  • Image and PDF/ Ebook Hosting Service – included in your Worldprofit Membership at no extra cost, with NO ad overlays.
  • Worldprofit Community – network with others involved in affiliate marketing
  • Worldprofit Video Library
  • Worldprofit Facebook Group


-> To watch the recorded version of the April 27th, 2018 training login to your Worldprofit Member area and you will find it in the training section. Review again if you like using the Pause features.

Thank you to everyone who attended Worldprofit’s LIVE training session today.

Next LIVE Home business and affiliate marketing training with George Kosch is Friday May 4th, 2018 – 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, you’re missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at

Review of Live Home Business and Affiliate Marketing training with George Kosch Friday July 14, 2017.

Review of July 14, 2017 Home Business and Affiliate Marketing training presented by Worldprofit Inc.

Instructor: George Kosch, CEO, Co-Founder, Software Engineer. Worldprofit Inc.

Worldprofit’s weekly training is LIVE and interactive so participants can ask and get instant answers as you follow along on screen.

Topics coverered in this session:

  • Introduction to Worldprofit’s Member area, training system and marketing program.
  • Suggestions for new Members getting started quickly and correctly
  • Commissions: How to get paid and payment methods.
  • Online Bootcamp Lessons created by George Kosch – IMPORTANCE of LESSON 3.
  • Website Management System included in Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Memberships
  • Organization and Time Savers for managing your business including tools and software in your Worldprofit Member area that are included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership. (Link Manager, Reminder System, Prospect Manager, Virtual Assistant)

George’s Favourite recommended time saving tools for doing your promotions

  1. Link Manager – Included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership. Organize all the places you promote to by category, by site etc.
  2. Jit Bit Auto Text – Create your own shortforms for your Ad Titles, Ad Copy, As URLS.
  3. RoboForm (Password Manager) why it’s better then browser based password managers
  4. Prospect Manager Included in your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership. Organize your leads, by category, follow up date, notes etc. Includes group emailer.

What’s NEW!

Updates are now complete to our SEO Optimizer Pro site. (
We had removed some services for updates and improvements, all services are now back online.

George Kosch provided a demonstration of one of the new services at SEO Optimizer Pro.
There is also a help video on the site.

Don’t spend too much time worrying about SEO, use the services but understand you still need to do direct promotion to actively generate targetted leads.

A few questions and comments from participants.

jan: Is there a help video of the Seo optimizer pro?
Ric: when I cloak my link it goes to my web site instead of the lead cap page, am I missing something?
jan: If you were to spend the majority of your time promoting which is the easiest and quickest to make commissions.
Dave: Excellent tool George, thanks for showing
Gary: What is considered a great score?
Rosalind: George could we have more webinars on organization and automation?
Dave: SOTAM is excellent provides good optins : ) I love it
Fran: It’s good to have a second gmail address specifically for TEs and Safelists.
Emily: I love working from home no commuting I also do data entry besides Worldprofit
Robert: When you purchase leads that are on the left side menu where do they go and what do I do with them?
Fran: Would it be possible to get all the money each month less than 50, as most people put this back into advertising – that is have the OPTION
Charlotte: oh my god, for someone with OCD for keeping things organised i love this
Rich: love it
Dave: Wow now that is a cool tool, I’m going to use that
Emily Lewis: I love Jit Bit
Dave Hayes: smart efficiency means more profits
Gary: Thank You for another great training session.!
Alan: and so say all of us. thank you
Dave Hayes: Have a great weekend all, thanks George and Sandi
Emily: Thank you George glad to have come have a great day
Emily: I am thinking about becoming a monitor

Last words: THANK YOU TO LINDA ELZE, BRIAN ARMSTRONG and WALLACE JOHNSON our Worldprofit Monitor Supervisors. We couldn’t do it without you! Anyone interested in being a Worldprofit Monitor, submit a Support ticket and we will get you stated in the training with these fine people.

To our entire Monitor team – YOU ROCK ! We see you filling in the gaps in the schedule, smiles on your faces, always willing to learn while helping others in our Worldprofit’s home business community. Thank you so much for all you do.

Summary: Worldprofit has been providing our unique brand of training for 23 years with no plans of stopping. Thank you to our friends, and members of our extended family around the world for your support and loyalty over the years. We have a number of Special Offers this month with discounts and bonuses for loyalty. Watch your email and the message center for new offers as posted.

Thank you to everyone who attended Worldprofit’s LIVE training session. We love your questions, input and requests for demos, keeps things interesting and in tune with your needs for a more personalized training session.

If you missed the LIVE session or wish to review the training again, a recording of the July 14th session can be viewed in your Worldprofit member area.

The next LIVE training session with Worldprofit home business and affiliate marketing training Instructor George Kosch is Friday July 21, 2017 at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, you’re missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at