Review of World Profit’s Affiliate marketing Bootcamp training for Sep 25, 2020

Recap of Sept 25th, 2020 Bootcamp Training

Home Business Bootcamp Training Day is every Friday morning at World profit.

World profit’s Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch, the architect of World profit’s business platform, and the CEO and Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc., provides the LIVE training, takes your questions, does demonstrations to enrich your learning and understanding of how to grow your own successful online business. Training sessions starts at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.
(Not sure what time that is in your part of the world? Do a Google Search for a Time Zone Converter.
For those unable to attend the LIVE sessions, we do a recap each week and record the session for your convenience.

Bootcamp Training Topics:

  • NEW World Profit MEMBERS: Here’s what to do next.
  • Important things to know and DO to get out of the gate the RIGHT way – skills and knowledge that rewards you for YEARS in this industry
  • Worldprofit’s marketing system works. Here’s proof you can verify yourself.
    Ask yourself how did YOU get here? Your Sponsor followed our training, he / she DID what we teach – and YOU are now a Member.
  • Discussion: Got your OWN Affiliate programs you want to promote? Fantastic!
    George demonstrated some of the powerful resources in your member area to help you grow your OTHER businesses.
  • Specifics on how Worldprofit’s system WORKS in the background so you can focus on PROMOTION
  • How our Members helped us create the most powerful platform for affiliate marketers developed over 25 years
  • Sales Conversions, what works, what doesn’t, proof.
  • Who’s Logged in: What it is and how to use this vital data to know who are your BEST Associates!
  • Your World profit Prospect Manager: What it is; how to use; features and inclusions
  • Discussion: How to know if your Lead Source is providing REAL leads and not fake bot generated sign ups.
  • Your Ad Tracker (one of the MOST important tools in your member area) provides vital intel on your promotion
    Basic Ad Tracker is included in your Membership; Advanced Ad Tracker included only in the Platinum VIP Membership
  • World profit’s LIVE Business Center. Focus on promotion; those who login are greeted by our Monitors. How YOU benefit.
  • World profit’s LINK Manager. New features added to this included popular promotion tool
  • Your World Profit Membership is PACKED to the rafters with tools, software, training and support – everything you need to start and GROW your business now and for years to come. You can’t learn everything at once, go at your own pace, follow the training, need help, ask.
  • Why spending time on KEY WORDS and SEO can be a complete waste of time. George explains why and where to better focus your effort to get leads.
  • How to create your own unique STUNNING Splash / Landing Pages and use World profit’s Graphic Studio
  • Be the PROMOTER. Be the List Builder. Be the Seller!
    STOP being the BUYER, the receiver of OTHER people’s ads/offers/mailings – and building of THEIR business not yours.


We just added 25 more sites!
Silver and Platinum VIP members get access to ALL 250+ sites to get free advertising using the provided PROMO CODE.
The PROMO CODES are exclusive to Worldprofit Members, use to get TONS and TONS of free advertising for all your affiliate programs.
Promo Codes are like coupons that allows you to get hundreds and hundreds of dollars in free advertising.
By joining these Safelists yourself anyone you Sponsor goes under you, terrific downline builder!
Worldprofit’s PROMO CODE Center is the largest resource on the web for affiliate marketers looking for targeted no cost advertising.

MORE PLR Products Added!
Silver and Platinum VIP Members you get access to Worldprofit’s PRL Product Vault, we add more each week.
You can easily integrate these products into your Landing Pages using the LANDING PAGE Builder to generate leads.
Current total 371.
Access: Login, on the RIGHT Advanced Menu, click on PLR PRODUCT VAULT.

September is Member Appreciation Month.
Special Offers on all month long to show our appreciation to our members worldwide.

Platinum VIP Membership: Benefits
Ready to get more serious about your online business?
Upgrade from Silver membership to Platinum VIP Membership and…
earn DOUBLE the commission, get our Autoresponder, Graphics Studio, Mega Monthly Traffic injection, advanced training courses and more. Submit a Support Ticket to request pricing and full details.


Start your training:
Left Menu under your badge and profile, click on START HERE.
Lesson 3 is KEY to your success and reveals how to activate your purchase BONUSES – don’t miss out on this – extremely valuable!
Please follow the instructions on Lesson 3 to get your bonuses and know how to access and what to do with them.
If you don’t follow the instructions and try to skip ahead you will get frustrated.
Take the time, it is worth it and will save you time and be profitable for you as your business grows.

Looking for trusted advertising for your Affiliate Programs?
See all your paid advertising options at
Advertising starting at $17 with full data tracking and verification included
Want us to put an advertising bundle together for you? Tell us your budget and we will send you a package price to save you some money.

Join World Profit’s social site – create your own profile, add a picture, create a niche group, add your affiliate links, post your blog, share video links. Great place to get free promotion for your business interests on non-profit organizations to network with others in the affiliate marketing world, get backlinks to your site, great for SEO and more. This is a valuable and under-utilized free service.

Watch the recording of the SEPT 25, 2020 RECORDING from World Profit’s Bootcamp Training in your Member area (training tab)

Your next LIVE interactive training session is FRIDAY OCT 2, 2020. 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

Worldprofit’s system is a comprehensive all inclusive business training and marketing platform. Learn at your own pace by following the online lessons geared to helping you learn about online marketing and how to use your Worldprofit member resources. Treat your Worldprofit business like that, a business. Be professional. be prepared to learn, put the time and effort into starting and growing it over time.
Use Worldprofit tools, software, advertising and training to grow any and all your online affiliate programs, to promote Worldprofit services, or those of our recommended vendors.

Worldprofit’s weekly training sessions are informal and all Member questions encouraged. If you need a demonstration or a service or software explained in more detail, simply ask. The skills you learn in the training can be applied to marketing your own affiliate programs and / or promoting Worldprofit services to earn sales commission. The training, our support is all devoted to helping YOU start and GROW your own online business now and for many years to come. Worldprofit provides the foundation for your business, the tools, the building blocks for growth – plus – the training and support you need.

About George Kosch. your Bootcamp Instructor, CEO, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch is a former Captain (Jet Pilot) in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he took early retirement 25 years ago to create Worldprofit Inc., in 1994 along with co-founder Sandi Hunter. Every Friday, Worldprofit provides members with LIVE interactive training to teach you about affiliate marketing, to help you access and use the tremendous number of resources in your membership, all designed with 1 purpose – to help you grow your own successful online business. Who better to teach you then the actual architect of Worldprofit’s software, training and marketing system, George Kosch himself.

Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training. Your questions, enthusiasm are much appreciated. It’s rewarding to see so many of you using our services to grow your own successful online business. Keep up the great work folks. Not everyone has the courage and determination to work for themselves, you will get there. Attending (or watching) the weekly training is a good step for staying on track focused on what will get results.

Need Help?
Yes the money is in the list BUT your success is in the SUPPORT and TRAINING you get from Worldprofit 365 Days a Year.

Submit a Support Ticket to get help.
You can also use the SEARCH feature on the right side of your member area to search by KEY WORD for documentation, lessons and videos related to specific topics, software or member resources related to affiliate marketing.

A few comments from training participants

Ed: I used to think that safelists did not convert well since everyone is their promoting their own offers
yvonne: are the grapichs also for silver
Bobbi Jo: Can you go over the autoresponder
Sandi Hunter: Yvonne, the Graphics Studio can be purchased by Silver members, or Platinum VIP Members get it at no cost
Steven: The Sept 18th webinar is golden, I really enjoyed it
yvonne: is it possibile to have it monthly the platinum vip membership
Dave: fantastic upgrade platinum, plz i took the plunge. well worth it
Karen: How long do have to promote certain ads before you see conversions?
Sandi Hunter: Training and support is priceless, very hard and frustrating to do it on your own. World Profit’s system is all inclusive, comprehensive
Steven:: Geico doesn’t run 1 ad, then sit back and wait for new customers
Mary: Thanks George & Sandi
Bobbi Jo: Can you run through the Autoresponder?
Steven: Thanks George and Sandi, you rawwwk!!
Ed: I wished I joined Worldprofit years ago
Ed: I knew about world profit years ago but I had different mindset about safelist adversting back then
Sandi Hunter: Thank you to each of you for coming to the training and for taking charge of your future by digging into the training to build your own online business. If you need help after this training submit a support ticket to get further help, see you next Friday.

Not yet a member of Worldprofit?
You are missing out on vital information and training to help you grow your own online business.
Get a free Associate Membership at

Review of World Profit Home Business and Affiliate Marketing Training for Aug 21, 2020

Did you miss the LIVE training Friday Aug 21st? No worries here’s a recap and link to view recording.

Bootcamp Training Day is every Friday morning at Worldprofit. Worldprofit’s Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch, the architect of Worldprofit’s business platform, and the CEO and Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc., provides the training, takes your questions, does demonstrations to enrich your learning and understanding. The training session started at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.
No hype just help is what to expect in these training sessions.

Bootcamp Training Topics:

  • NEW MEMBERS: Welcome one and all. Here’s what to do next.
  • Lesson 3: Why this lesson is so important to your success and how to get your included Bonuses!
  • Worldprofit’s Cool Tools – recommended resources and software
  • How to use Worldprofit services, software, training and resources to promote your OWN Affiliate links.
  • Worldprofit’s marketing system is universal and applicable to growing your other affiliate programs
  • DEMO: How to customize your Worldprofit hosted website using your included Website Management System
  • DEMO: Worldprofit’s Autoresponder. Build by our team, supported by our team. Easy to use for newbies and powerful for the more experienced marketer
  • How to integrate Worldprofit’s Autoresponder easily to the Landing Pages
  • How to get your own domain based, personalized email. Professional. No cost at Worldprofit included in your website hosting
  • DEMO Worldprofit’s LINK Manager -INCLUDED in both Silver and Platinum VIP Memberships
    NEW! We have just added 5 more Category features to the LINK MANAGER.
  • DEMO: Worldprofit’s Bog Management System and Lazy Blogger System
  • Did you know? Included in your Membership is an Image and PDF Storage library. When you create Ebooks, images, headers, logos, banners etc you can save them at no cost in Worldprofit’s Image Library for easy instant access.
  • DEMO: Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder. Use the landing pages Worldprofit has created for you – OR – create your own unique customized landing pages to promote your own affiliate programs, offer Ebook giveaways to generate leads and so forth. Easily integrate autoresponder and optin forms etc. All included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Memberships.
  • Discussion: "How I made my last sale". What generates sales? How Worldprofit’s system works for you Follow the training so you know how to use and benefit from the resources in your membership. George revealed a list of sites / sources that generated the most recent sales.

MONITORS: What a fantastic team!
You have the appreciation of our entire membership for the time you volunteer!

Thank you for the hours you volunteer serving Worldprofit’s home business community.

Silver and Platinum VIP members get access to ALL 230+ sites to get free advertising using the provided PROMO CODE.
The PROMO CODES are exclusive to Worldprofit Members, use to get TONS and TONS of free advertising for all your affiliate programs.
Promo Codes are like coupons that allows yuo to get hundreds and hundreds of dollars in free advertising.T
This is an under-used valuable free service, go there, claim your free Ad Credits and get busy promoting.
By joining these Safelists yourself anyone you Sponsor goes under you, terrific downline builder!

NEW! Products added in August to the Worldprofit PLR Product Vault.
At your fingertips you now have access to 351 Products.
Newest products added appear at the TOP of the page.
Use these PLR products at no cost to learn about a variety of topics or use them for your own Lead Funnels.
Watch the HELP Video. The PLR Product Vault is included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.

Worldprofit’s marketing system works. Here’s proof you can verify yourself.
Ask yourself how did YOU get here? Your Sponsor followed our training, took action to DO what we teach, and YOU are now a Member.
25 years of experience along with ongoing developments and testing of this system proves it works.

Platinum VIP Membership: Benefits
Ready to get more serious about your online business?
Upgrade from Silver membership to Platinum VIP Membership, earn higher commission, get our Autoresponder, Graphics Studio, Mega Monthly Traffic injection, advanced training courses and more. Submit a Support Ticket to request pricing and full details.

Worldprofit’s system is a comprehensive all inclusive business training and marketing platform. Learn at your own pace by following the online lessons geared to helping you learn about online marketing and how to use your Worldprofit member resources. Treat your Worldprofit business like that, a business. Be professional. be prepared to learn, put the time and effort into starting and growing it over time.
Use Worldprofit tools, software, advertising and training to grow any and all your online affiliate programs, to promote Worldprofit services, or those of our recommended vendors.

Worldprofit’s 26th Birthday Offer on now – time’s running out – Birthday Offers in effect Aug 1 thru midnight Aug 31, 2020.

ubmit a Support ticket, let us know which offer you are interested, we will send you a quote.


Start your training:
If you have not yet started the online training, you will find the Bootcamp Lesson Summary on the LEFT MENU under BOOTCAMP TRAINING.
Lesson 3 is KEY to your success and reveals how to activate your purchase BONUSES – don’t miss out on this – extremely valuable!

Looking for trusted advertising for your Affiliate Programs?
Want us to put an advertising bundle together for you? Tell us your budget and we will send you a package price to save you some money.

Join World Profit’s social site – create your own profile, add a picture, create a niche group, add your affiliate links, post your blog, share video links. Great place to get free promotion for your business interests on non-profit organizations to network with others in the affiliate marketing world, get backlinks to your site, great for SEO and more. This is a valuable and under-utilized free service.

next LIVE interactive training session is FRIDAY AUG 28, 2020. 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

Worldprofit’s weekly training sessions are informal and all Member questions encouraged. If you need a demonstration or a service or software explained in more detail, simply ask. The skills you learn in the training can be applied to marketing your own affiliate programs and / or promoting Worldprofit services to earn sales commission. The training, our support is all devoted to helping YOU start and GROW your own online business now and for many years to come. Worldprofit provides the foundation for your business, the tools, the building blocks for growth – plus – the training and support you need.

About George Kosch your Bootcamp Instructor, CEO, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch is a former Captain (Jet Pilot) in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he took early retirement 25 years ago to create Worldprofit Inc., in 1994 along with co-founder Sandi Hunter. Every Friday, Worldprofit provides members with LIVE interactive training to teach you about affiliate marketing, to help you access and use the tremendous number of resources in your membership, all designed with 1 purpose – to help you grow your own successful online business. Who better to teach you then the actual architect of Worldprofit’s software, training and marketing system, George Kosch himself.

Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training. Your questions, enthusiasm are much appreciated. It’s rewarding to see so many of you using our services to grow your own successful online business. Keep up the great work folks. Not everyone has the courage and determination to work for themselves, you will get there. Attending (or watching) the weekly training is a good step for staying on track focused on what will get results.

Need Help?
Yes the money is in the list BUT your success is in the SUPPORT and TRAINING you get from Worldprofit 365 Days a Year.

Submit a Support Ticket to get help.
You can also use the SEARCH feature on the right side of your member area to search for documentation, lessons and videos related to specific topics, software or member resources related to affiliate marketing.

—-> Not yet a World Profit member?

Get a free Associate Membership at

If not a Member you’re missing out on valuable services and training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. World Profit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for 25 years now World Profit continues to be the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust World Profit for online training and support.

Review of World Profit Aug 7, 2020

Review of World Profit’s Bootcamp Training session presented Friday Aug 7 by George Kosch

It’s Bootcamp Training Day at World profit every Friday morning World profit’s Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch, the architect of World profit’s business platform, and the CEO and Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc., got the training session started at 9 AM ET.

Bootcamp Training Topics for all World Profit Silver and Platinum VIP Members:

  • NEW MEMBERS: Just getting started? What to do.
  • Stuck? What do to next to get un-stuck
  • Making sales? How to make more!
  • Lesson 3: Why this lesson is so important to your success
  • How to get your included purchase Bonuses
  • Why oh why – do some Members NEVER start the training. Don’t let this be you!
  • Worldprofit’s online business platform, how you benefit as a Member.
  • Worldprofit Monitors and the 24 Hour Worldprofit LIVE Business Center. How you benefit
  • How to use Worldprofit services, software, training and resources to promote your OWN Affiliate links.
  • Worldprofit’s marketing system is universal and applicable to growing your other affiliate programs
  • Worldprofit’s Multi Streams of Income System
  • How to generate leads to ANY business using Ad Examples (landing page 13)
  • How to use the Magic Site Grabber (landing page 28)
  • How to create, give away EBOOKS to generate leads for your Affiliate programs
  • How to integrate Worldprofit’s Autoresponder easily to the Landing Pages
  • How to give away PLR products to get sign ups, use landing pages 13, 35, 36
  • How to access the Basic Ad Tracker (all Members) how to use the ADVANCED Ad Tracker (Platinum VIP Members)
  • DEMO Worldprofit’s Traffic Multiplier

Your 3 keys to success:

  1. Advance to Lesson 3.
  2. Watch the Videos.
  3. Do what it says in the Video.

Your Homework Assignment:
Master the basis of promotion covered in Lesson 3 and apply this to ANY of your online programs to generate leads, traffic and list build. That’s what leads to sales. Promotion, promotion, promotion! Everything you need is in your Member area. Learn a little every day about how to grow your business.

World Profit Member Update

NEW: Reset feature now added for all Advertising Rotators. If you wish to track stats for a NEW campaign then just reset your Clicks/Views.
Applicable to Diamond Rotator, Gold Banner Rotator, Sapphire Solos and the Affiliate Link Blaster.
Hint: It’s a good idea to update your ads on a regular basis to ensure your links are functioning, tweak your ad Title, change your ad etc.

Congratulations to Linda Elze. Top Seller for Month of July, 2020.
To everyone who made sales, BRAVO! Your focus on consistent promotion is paying off.

MONITORS: Applause for each of you!
Thank you for the hours you volunteer serving Worldprofit’s home business community.
Members, if a Monitor has closed a sale for you – how about sending them a THANK YOU note.

World profit’s PROMO CODE CENTER
Silver and Platinum VIP members get access to ALL 230+ sites to get free advertising using the provided PROMO CODE.
The PROMO CODES are exclusive to Worldprofit Members, use to get TONS and TONS of free advertising for all your affiliate programs.
Promo Codes are like coupons that allows you to get hundreds and hundreds of dollars in free advertising.T
This is an under-used valuable free service, go there, claim your free Ad Credits and get busy promoting.
By joining these Safelists yourself anyone you Sponsor goes under you, terrific downline builder!

NEW! Products added July 30th to the Worldprofit PLR Product Vault.
At your fingertips you now have access to 341 Products.
Newest products added appear at the TOP of the page.
Use these PLR products at no cost to learn about a variety of topics or use them for your own Lead Funnels.
Watch the HELP Video. The PLR Product Vault is included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
Take some time in your day to LEARN and your business will thrive in the long term.

Worldprofit’s marketing system works. Here’s proof you can verify yourself.
Ask yourself how did YOU get here? Your Sponsor followed our training, took action to DO what we teach, and YOU are now a Member.
25 years of experience along with ongoing developments and testing of this system proves it works.

Platinum VIP Membership: Benefits
Ready to get more serious about your online business?
Upgrade from Silver membership to Platinum VIP Membership, earn DOUBLE the commission, get our Autoresponder, Graphics Studio, Mega Monthly Traffic injection, advanced training courses and more. Submit a Support Ticket to request pricing and full details.

Worldprofit’s system is a comprehensive all inclusive business training and marketing platform. Learn at your own pace by following the online lessons geared to helping you learn about online marketing and how to use your Worldprofit member resources. Treat your Worldprofit business like that, a business. Be professional. be prepared to learn, put the time and effort into starting and growing it over time.
Use Worldprofit tools, software, advertising and training to grow any and all your online affiliate programs, to promote Worldprofit services, or those of our recommended vendors.

Worldprofit’s 26th Birthday Offer on now!

  • Save as much as 60% by converting from a monthly membership to a prepaid 1 YEAR Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.
  • Upgrade your Silver Membership to Platinum VIP Membership and score some valuable bonuses.
  • RENEW your prepaid Silver or Platinum VIP Membership now to SAVE BIG and claim a Loyal Member BONUS Package.

Submit a Support ticket, to request your personalized Birthday Offer.
The longer you’ve been a Loyal Member the better your offer. Some conditions apply so inquire for details.
Monitors – you get the BEST offer of all with our sincere heartfelt appreciation for your volunteerism.


Start your training:
If you have not yet started the online training, you will find the Bootcamp Lesson Summary on the LEFT MENU under BOOTCAMP TRAINING.
Lesson 3 is KEY to your success and reveals how to activate your purchase BONUSES – don’t miss out on this – extremely valuable!

Looking for trusted advertising for your Affiliate Programs?
See all your advertising options at
(you must be logged into your Member area for the link to work)
Want us to put an advertising bundle together for you? Tell us your budget and we will send you a package price to save you some money.

Join World Profit’s social site – create your own profile, add a picture, create a niche group, add your affiliate links, post your blog, share video links. Great place to get free promotion for your business interests on non-profit organizations to network with others in the affiliate marketing world, get backlinks to your site, great for SEO and more. This is a valuable and under-utilized free service.

Watch the Aug 7, 2020 RECORDING from World Profit’s Bootcamp Training in your member area, training section.

Your next LIVE interactive training session is FRIDAY AUG 14, 2020. 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

Worldprofit’s weekly training sessions are informal and all Member questions encouraged. If you need a demonstration or a service or software explained in more detail, simply ask. The skills you learn in the training can be applied to marketing your own affiliate programs and / or promoting Worldprofit services to earn sales commission. The training, our support is all devoted to helping YOU start and GROW your own online business now and for many years to come. Worldprofit provides the foundation for your business, the tools, the building blocks for growth – plus – the training and support you need.

About George Kosch. your Bootcamp Instructor, CEO, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch is a former Captain (Jet Pilot) in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he took early retirement 25 years ago to create Worldprofit Inc., in 1994 along with co-founder Sandi Hunter. Every Friday, Worldprofit provides members with LIVE interactive training to teach you about affiliate marketing, to help you access and use the tremendous number of resources in your membership, all designed with 1 purpose – to help you grow your own successful online business. Who better to teach you then the actual architect of Worldprofit’s software, training and marketing system, George Kosch himself.

Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training. Your questions, enthusiasm are much appreciated. It’s rewarding to see so many of you using our services to grow your own successful online business. Keep up the great work folks. Not everyone has the courage and determination to work for themselves, you will get there. Attending (or watching) the weekly training is a good step for staying on track focused on what will get results.

Need Help?
Yes the money is in the list BUT your success is in the SUPPORT and TRAINING you get from Worldprofit 365 Days a Year.

Submit a Support Ticket to get help.
You can also use the SEARCH feature on the right side of your member area to search for documentation, lessons and videos related to specific topics, software or member resources related to affiliate marketing.

—-> Not yet a World Profit member?

Get a free Associate Membership at

If not a Member you’re missing out on valuable services and training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. World Profit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for 25 years now World Profit continues to be the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust World Profit for online training and support.