Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Willie Bert. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Willie Bert. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! I have been looking at World Profit for a long time (years). My first impression was that it was too expensive to participate. Fast forward many years and hundreds of dollars later. I received an reminder email that I was still an associate of WP. To my surprise, I realized how much time and money I wasted. Worldprofit provides an excellent return on investment. If you were to purchase every tool Worldprofit provides, the cost would be inhibitive to most affiliates. There is no better value available on the internet at this time, nor do I think there ever will be. I have been into affiliate marketing for more years than I care to admit. I just couldn’t figure out how to put all the pieces together. List building was the least of my problems. I have built and lost countless lists over the years, for one reason or another. My problem was all the steps needed to monetize and make sales. Worldprofit put me on the right path. I can see a bright future for myself and anyone serious enough to commit to their business. I just wish I had started when I first signed up.

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Bobbi Nichols. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Bobbi Nichols. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! I have been with Worldprofit a few years. I love it! The people are amazing and treat you like family, the support is second to none. I have their Platinum program and do not plan to let it expire. I get alot of value from all the resources that are available to me in my membership. They never let me down when I have questions. The training is amazing, no place else do you get this great support service. If you are looking to start a Home Business online, this is the place to start. They have all the tools you will every need and it’s all under one roof. Easy access to everything. I have been taught a lot of marketing courses, but Worldprofits teaching and training is so much better than any I have received any place else. I can also use my Worldprofit biz to grow my affiliate memberships at other sites.

If you were to ask me, if I would recommend Worldprofit… well, no question about it, I LOVE Worldprofit and all the people there.. I especially being a monitor in their Live Business Center. Yes, I said Live… and it is the only one of it’s kind. You can type in your question and real person answers you through live video chat. It’s amazing. You must try it! You get alot of membership benefits that are for life and if you live the platform, you still get to keep those memberships, tell me where else can you get that? Check it out SOON! 26 years in biz and still growing strong.

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Dave Hayes. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Dave Hayes. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! This is now my 4th year with Worldprofit and it has everything you could possibly want to build an online business. I have been affiliated with many programmes in my 20 years online and since 2009 a Full time Online Marketing Consultant.

I can honestly say hand on heart, that every opportunity that comes into your inbox, you will find within Worldprofit, but with one big difference, as a Silver member you get your very own business, with a step by step Bootcamp to follow, which if you do, then you will have success, in terms of commission and commissions from the opportunities that are within the member area.

The support is second to none and I recently transferred my self hosted blog over to the companies hosting platform, which was seamless, zero downtime and expert help and guidance from the owner.

The only way you will fail with Worldprofit, is if you don’t follow the Bootcamp, which is self-paced training, combined with a weekly live training session.

Absolutely every tool. you need for success online, you will find inside.

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Michael Harris. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Michael Harris. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! Truth Must Be Told

I have been a Member of Worldprofit now over 13 years and this is a testimony I have been waiting to write and couldn’t write until the time was right. With what we all went through in 2020, we must take major action NOW if we want to do better this year. I know we all have heard and made the statement this year will be better than the last, but unless you realize that "to have something you never had before you must do something you never did before". And that one simple thing you/we must do is commit. Not to the world, not just to our families, but to ourselves. We do things for family, but to accomplish this financial goal we need, want, and deserve, we must commit to ourselves. And how do we do that? Easy. Follow good sound advice others who have accomplished what we desire have done. And that is where 3 very special Worldprofit members come in. I will try to keep this very short, but this is where the most exciting and Important information lies.

3 things happened that changed my mind and life’s direction. 1- I saw what I knew I needed in an advertisement online and I answered it. Notice didn’t say what I wanted but what I needed. If you are going to be successful in any business you must keep to the truth. The ad simply said that "if I needed all the tools to be successful online there was only one company that would provide everything in one location". This ad came from Howard Martel and at the end of the ad there was a phone number. I called and after Howard talked to me for almost 1 hour I was in. Not strictly because of the content of the ad. But because of Howard’s conversation with me. He cared enough about me to take the time to talk about life inside the WP operation. That was the beginning.

2- I called in and the 1st voice I heard was the voice of truth. I won’t call his name because whenever I mention his name it takes me hours to stop talking. But what he promised me above all else was that if I worked this business like a business, and put in the time, I would reach a point where the business would run itself. Ok, I knew this could be true because of my brick and mortal businesses run this way.

3- I took action and signed up right there. This was a business decision and it was nothin new. You must realize we make these type of decisions everyday. True life and death decisions, and this decision was based on one thing and one person. ME. If I did as Mike P. told me, nothing could stop my success but me.

Then after I saw all this I met a fella from Canada who impressed me with his simple and direct ways, Brian Armstrong. Brian simply told me if I wanted what I heard, stop lying to myself and do the work. I am the blame for my own success and failure. All George, Sandy, and Worldprofit could do was keep their company promises and provide everything they knew I needed to be successful and that they have done. Thank YOU!!!!

Now over 14 years later, just when I needed them the most, the promised fruit has born itself over the past 3 most difficult years of my life.

Live long enough and sickness and hard times will eventually come. At the end of 2018 my downward flow started and progressively got worst. So bad to the point that I had to make business decisions about what I needed to cut and what I needed to keep. I cut over 10 income flows that were working but "1" stood way higher than all the others.

My Worldprofit was making money every month. I never share what I make because when others see it, if they don’t make the same thing they holler Scam. When they in reality have not worked as hard as I had, and had not believed in themselves and the product.

Why is this so important, because at the end of 2017 I could no longer promote anything except my tax business. That’s all the energy I could muster. But guess what? Worldprofit continued to make me money month after month with no promotion from me. My commissions here were paying my Platinum membership and everything else I was doing on line. Just so you will understand, in Dec. 2018 my commissions were $428.00, it kept Christmas. In Dec. 2019 my commissions were $728.00. In 2020, after 3 years of no promotion my commission was over $1400.00. How can this be. Every promise made to me was true. Even the part where I promised to put in the time. All the previous years and hard promotion now I understood what George and Sandy, Mike, Howard, and Brian were telling me. Just do the work and believe, everything will come into being. You just do the work.

I know this is long but I had to say it. I had to give dew to what had occurred. I thank God for everything and over the years I have always thanked God for Worldprofit, it’s leaders and members. Far too many to mention. But I close with this: If you are serious about business and making money, you really have no choice but to join Worldprofit. They do it all.

Mike Harris 2021 Happiest Worldprofit Member A Thankful CEC (Worldprofit Certified E-Business Consultant)

PS: I am writing a long version of this email in e-book form that fills in all the spaces over the years. Why is this important? Because it will explain why and how some are successful here and others are not. It will answer why George and Sandy make decisions on the content here and why every piece of that content is precious. But after the e-book is written, George and sandy must approve it. If not I will never release it. God Bless and Thank You for listening.

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Jerry Watson. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Jerry Watson. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! Merry Christmas this is Jerry in 90? I was building my first PC and saw WP and think I signed up. Flash forward and a couple of strokes later Only If LOL. You and your staff are great thank you for a system that makes it where I can work thank you and Never forget God loves you and so do I Merry Christmas Jerry Watson Member ID: 49186

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Phil Corneau. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Phil Corneau. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! e-Marketers,

I’m Phil Corneau, father of 3, 1 boy, 2 girls. Mechanic at a bowling center(Sept.-May) Landscaper at my account (May-October)

Since 2004, I tried hard to discover what works and What doesn’t. On and off because of too much money WASTED.

One that worked well for 8 months was a E-Book site to resell. That was good because I happened to be in the first 10 to join.

Now, I luckily discover World

The backoffice is a pure NEWBIE FRIENDLY and permits anyone to connect In a powerful fashion to the eager e-Marketers looking for:

– Splash page EASY creation – Linkage to major SAFELISTS – Lots of FREE GOODIES – FAIR (OPTIONAL) Upgrade price THAT MAKES YOU V.I.P. Lifetime to the most important safelists. – Many blasters available – Audio and Video FREE TRAINING to install your goods in a PROPER WAY! – And lots and lots more.

Believe me folks! If Phil Corneau can do this, then ANYONE CAN!!!

All the very best to you all! Let’s put UGLY 2020 behind us and Rejuvenate in 2021!

Phil Corneau PROUD WorldProfit Silver Member

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Pat Adams. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

I’m very grateful that I became a member of the WorldProfit program and I’m looking forwards in inviting as many people to WorldProfit as possible. WorldProfit has a lot of services that would help your business to grow and succeed and as I get closer to my anniversary with WorldProfit on Feb, I’m hoping to stay with WorldProfit for a longer period of time.

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Jim Finch. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Jim Finch. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! I’m so grateful to have come across World Profit I can’t even imagine not being a member here. I am a member of other affiliated sites some that have been around over 20 years and none of them comes close to World profit. Thank you again for the new products to make our promoting efforts much easier and time savings.

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Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Rich Moyer. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Rich Moyer. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! I want to reiterate my appreciation for the unbelievable support response you get from George and Sandi – I’ve never found anything like it ANYWHERE ELSE.

I submitted a Support Ticket where I requested "CSV export capability" to "Ad Examples ! New Associate Sources" so I could run some analysis. I was manually doing copy/paste of data from all 20 screens into a spreadsheet, where I created a pivot table to do the analysis.

George modified the program to deliver an Export button in just 24 HOURS.

In most Support shops, you deal primarily with script-readers who do not have the technical expertise to SOLVE your problem. It takes them HOURS just to acknowledge the receipt of a support ticket and escalate it to a next-tier technical resource. Then possibly days/weeks/or more to get a programmer to actually DO something with a such a request, even for simple things.

At WorldProfit, you are dealing directly with the TECHNICAL WIZARD, SUPPORT GURU, INSTRUCTOR, and PROGRAMMER who created all this wonderful technology. He continues to add new functionality and VALUE ADDED improvements FOR THE BENEFIT OF MEMBERS, most times INCLUDED in their membership or for an incredibly REASONABLE cost.

Bottom line: – George DELIVERED a solution in less time than it takes most support teams to simply acknowledge receipt of a ticket. – What took me 15 minutes to do manual copy/paste and normalize the data, now is done in seconds

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