Worldprofit gives Microsoft’s Bing 2 Thumbs Up!

Microsoft has released their new Search Engine it’s called Bing at

Previously the search engine was called “Live Search”. Worldprofit recently reviewed Bing and overall the results were positive. Specifically, we liked the accuracy and organization of the search returns. Bing features a number of specialized search engines which provides more true and specific returns. Bing offers category searches, and sub categories that users will find useful.

We also think users will like the image scrolling options, the shopping search, local search, travel search and health search for specialized searches. It’s too soon to see how Bing will stand up against Google, but for now Worldprofit gives two thumbs up to Bing.

Check Microsoft’s Search Engine “Bing” out at

Worldprofit Review Team

Pay Per Click for Beginners

We purchased and tested the 6 part video series called “Quality Pay Per Click for Beginners” and here is our review.

Pay Per Click is an important part of any online marketing strategy but most people shy away because they don’t understand what it is or how to do it, they think it’s too expensive, they tried it with little success and thought it a waste of money, or didn’t take the time to learn how to effectively use Pay Per Click.

In this video series called “Quality Pay Per Click for Beginners” the author does an excellent job of explaining what Pay Per Click is, how to focus on getting clicks that convert, how to select the right key words in AdWords, how to use Landing pages, and even show you an example in their video tutorial. They walk you through what you need to know, and help you see exactly how to build an effective AdWords account in Google.

The power of this product is that it is in video format so it is easy to follow, very concise, and helpful in teaching new and seasoned marketers how to get instant traffic with an effective Pay Per Click Campaign. Once purchased you can download it immediately so you aren’t waiting on the mail so you can get started right away to get your instant traffic via Pay Per Click.

This product is of extremely good value, I’ve seen it priced at $67 and up but we have a copy you can access, priced at just $27.

You can learn more about “Quality Pay Per Click (PPC) for Beginners” and to order it you can do so here.


Cost Per Action: Product Review

Something that some of you may never have heard of is called “Cost Per Action”, CPA for short.
Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement.

Direct response advertisers consider CPA the optimal way to buy online advertising, as an advertiser only pays for the ad when the desired action has occurred. An action can be a product being purchased, a form being filled, etc. (The desired action to be performed is determined by the advertiser.)

-Google runs a CPA program called DoubleClick
-Ebay offers CPA Advertising within its AdContext system and there are many other companies who are using CPA and more and more companies are getting involved.

So you are instantly skeptical because you are web savvy right? You have a right to be skeptical, but CPA is a legitimate source of income and has been in existence for years. When Google climbed on board that sealed the deal for other companies to be interested and start integrating their own CPA’s.

In a nutshell, advertisers want people to not only see their ads, they want people to take ACTION and fill in a form, complete a survey, sign up for trial software, subscribe to a newsletter and son on. By funneling people into these CPA systems through the tools and advertising services available online you can earn extra income.

Curious to learn more? We’ve reviewed a new product that explains CPA and how you can make money with this advertising system used by many major companies. The product is called “CPA OVERDRIVE: The Insider Trade Secrets to Making A Fortune with CPA Opportunities”.

Worldprofit Product Summary: We liked “CPA OVERDRIVE”. We found it to be a little too much hype in the sales copy but in the actual product itself the information is thorough, well organized, easy to follow and very directive in how to make money with CPA programs. Part of the appeal of the product is that yes you can research CPA on your own, but this product has all the precise info you need to know to start making money with CPA, saves you time, gets your started with some shortcuts and you are on your way.

Priced at $7.00 you can’t go wrong downloading this product.

To Order CPA OVERDRIVE click here.

We also found another CPA product similar in scope, and also good value priced at $7.00.
This one is called “CPA CASH: Make Cash online with CPA MARKETING”

To order CPA CASH click here.

End of Worldprofit Product Review on CPA OVERDRIVE and CPA Cash


Email Writing Secrets: Product Review

Product: Email Writing Secrets

“Email Writing Secrets” is a downloadable guide to writing effective emails that will generate a response.

What we liked about this product:

-Well organized, well written, straight forward, no fluff
-builds on time honoured and proven marketing techniques in the print world and adapts to email use
-Provides the basics of what needs to be included in email marketing to get results everything from the best subject lines to use, how to talk to the reader, offers that work, offers that don’t work, the best words to use, the best formatting to use, the kind of content that gets readers to take action.
-includes website addresses of some popular tools for email marketing
-techniques suggested are applicable for marketing any type of product or service
-emphasis of Email Writing Secrets is to help you get better results from your email marketing with concrete, easy to follow and implement strategies.

Product Summary: At $17 we find “Email Writing Secrets” to be excellent value. Very helpful tool for anyone new to marketing online, and a good refresher of the basic marketing principles for those who’ve been around a while.

If you would like to order Email Writing Secrets click here.

This concludes the Worldprofit Product Review of “Email Writing Secrets”

The Review Team at


Tweet Virus: Product Review

“Tweet Virus” is a guide to using Twitter and a step-by-step guide to getting 1200 Followers in 10 days.

I will admit, until about 6 months ago I couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about Twitter. It seemed like a huge waste of time to me, and something that people under 20 did who were bored and had too much time on their hands. I’ve since changed my opinion. I think Twitter has evolved into a useful business application for promoting products, services, branding and stayin in contact with customers and prospects.

We bought and downloaded the “Tweet Virus product and put it to the test.

Here’s what we liked about Tweet Virus:

-Extremely easy to read and to follow.

-Very informative and explanatory to someone who has no idea what Twitter is or how to use it.

-Goes from basics to the meat of the matter, the “Virus” code that the author recommends. No it’s not a malicious virus, it’s completely legit and quite clever – used for increasing the number of followers you have. The idea being the more followers you have on Twitter, the more popular you appear to be and the more people you have to communicate with (or market to 😉

-The Tweet Virus the author recommends did not produce 1200 followers for us in 10 days but we did increase our followers by about 800 – we were happy with that – and continue to use the author’s suggestions and this number is still growing afer 2 weeks.

-Twitter is a good way to get free instant traffic to your site, or to a product or service you are promoting. Build your followers, increase your marketing reach, increase your sales. Twitter does have a role to play for online marketers and with Google interested in a possible purchase you can be sure Twitter WILL be in the marketers tool kit for years to come.

Product Summary: At $27 we find Tweet Virus to be good value for the money, we found it useful, liked the product and the suggestions. Recommended for newbies to Twitter and people interested in having a free marketing tool.

If you would like to order Tweet Virus click here.

This completes the Worldprofit Product Review of “Tweet Virus”


Mastering Roboform: Product Review

A Video Tutorial Guide called “Mastering Roboform” was released this month. Roboform is a handy software tool for managing passwords, filling out forms and essentially organizing your online life. For those not familiar with Roboform it is a brilliant software program that allows you to easily save passwords, save data for forms, set passwords for multiple account sign ins and set security on your passwords too. This product review is not about Roboform itself – that program ROCKS – this review is about a new step-by-step guide that was released called “Mastering Roboform.” The guide includes video tutorials to help you make the most of Roboform. We’ve been using RoboForm for years – love it- we also liked this video guide to show others how to use Roboform effectively.

Important Note: You will want to get both Roboform and “Mastering Roboform” if you:

-complete online surveys or contests
-you have Member accounts at Social Networking Sites, Blogs, Or Member sites
-you work a home based business and engage in alot of online promotion.
-you use safelists and traffic exchanges
-want to save time – a huge amount of time
-save your sanity be remembering your passwords but have peace of mind with the security

Advantages offered by “Mastering Roboform:”

-The video tutorials are a nice touch and effective learning tool to get the knowledge you need to utilize all the applications available with RoboForm – and there are a lot!

-Once you have completed the tutorials I do think you increase your knowledge base and mastered the many applications available with RoboForm.

-Easy to use! You learn how to get the most out of RoboForm to easily fill in forms with just a click of your mouse – yes it really is that easy.

-Learn the simplest way to fill in forms over and over again, all with just a click of a mouse

-You learn shortcuts to create and store countless passwords and URLS (website addresses) so never lose track of a useful site again – this is enormously helpful.

-Learn how to save huge amounts of time submitting information to web surveys, article directories and online classified websites

Product Review Summary: At $27. “Mastering Robform” is good value so you can get the most out of using Roboform. Scores 3 out of 5.

Order Mastering Roboform here.

Order Roboform at

This completes the Worldprofit Product Review of “Mastering Roboform”


Product Reviews: The Beginning

We are a home based business and have been using the Internet to generate a full time income since the early 90’s. We’ve found tools, products and strategies that work and many that are a complete waste of time and money. We want to save you time and money by reviewing products, gadgets and ebooks on this site so you learn from our experience. We will give you the straight goods on what we think so you can make the best decision before you buy some of these products that are marketed so extensively.