Product Review: Viral Submitter

We admit it, we are biased on this product review but it’s because we highly recommend this product!

Our good friend Jeff “Herschy” Schwerdt just released his new Viral Submitter
software and he’s just flat out giving a free copy.

Since the software is free we aren’t going to do a very detailed review. Get the free copy and you decide. We think it’s powerful and recommend it, but it will cost you nothing to have a look and see what you think.

This is a submission tool everyone should have in their marketing arsenal. We are always helping our customers and friends fine effective tools, so are happy to share this one. We like it, saw great results, check it out for yourself

The Developer, Jeff Schwerdt has mastered the art of lead generation, driving hundreds of thousands of highly targeted leads and is giving you a powerfully simple
tool to do the same. Lead generation is one of the hardest things for new online business, so this tool can’t come soon enough to keep people from getting frustrated.

I’m not sure how long the link will be live for so go here now:


The Home Business Experts Product Review Team