George Kosch and Worldprofit release new INSTANT sharing site.

That George Kosch has been at it again!

He’s built a new site – a really cool site.


Got something you want to tell the world about?

Instantly you can……


Share any and ALL your business opportunities!

Share videos!

Share photos!

Share articles!

Generate leads!

Promote your newsletter!

Promote any and all your biz ops!

Whatever you post goes LIVE instantly as a feed on this site!

This is a brand spanking new site. We need your help to fill it up!

Be the first to promote and post your stuff!

Free to join. Add a quick profile,  then start posting!

Easy. Fun. Free.

Go now to see who has already tried this neat new service!  See what they posted – then do your own posts!

Promo-Bot is a Worldprofit service and is free for anyone to use anywhere.

To become a free Worldprofit Associate member and get access to more Worldprofit programs and services sign up at   

Join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Patrice Porter shares what she does to build her online home based business. You can too!


We’ve been interviewing our most active Worldprofit Dealers and it should come as no surprise that the ONE thing they ALL do without fail is: PROMOTION.

Below, Platinum VIP Member, PATRICE PORTER shares her "SECRETS" to building her online business.

THANK YOU PATRICE for sharing your expertise for the benefit of all Members of our Worldprofit Home Business Community.

Question: Patrice, how long have you been an online marketer, or working to build your own online business?

Answer: I’ve been working part time at internet marketing for about 4 years.

Question: Patrice, can you tell us how much time you spend promoting to build your business?

Answer: I work part time as an educational associate at the schools so days I’m working I work a couple of hours and when I’m not at the school I work about 4 hours per day on my online business

Question: Patrice, what kind of promotion do you do? Free? Paid? Both? Any recommendations about what has worked for you?

Answer: I do both. I’ve bought some upgrade in some safelist and traffic exchanges especially if I can get a lifetime upgrade. I’ve bought some Facebook ads for my Gardening Consultant online business.

Question: Patrice, which Worldprofit services do you find the most useful in building your online business?

The training we get a Worldprofit and the "nudge factor" from Dr. Lant – getting me out of my comfort zone, past my excuses and down to doing daily promotions. It’s hard to narrow it down to any one service for it’s a combination of them all.

Question: Patrice, what advise or suggestions do you have for someone very new to Worldprofit who is eager to build their online business?

Answer: Concentrate on George Kosch’s Home Business Bootcamp training then once you have the basics down train with Dr. Lant in the monitor program. He’ll take you farther then you ever thought you could go and really develop your marketing skills.

Patrice, anything else you would like to add that would help people get excited about what IS possible within Worldprofit’s earn-at-home training program?

Answer: With Worldprofit’s uniqueness, consistency, and caliber of the partners here, it is something you won’t find elsewhere on the net so jump in and partake of this wonderful opportunity to the fullest. You’ll be much better for it.

Patrice Porter
Entrepreneur from Saskatchewan, Canada

* * * * * * * *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at     

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit offers free blog for all Members. Have you got yours yet?

Worldprofit has created a Social Media Profile site (BLOG)  for our Members that allows you to connect with others as well as promote and market ALL your online interests, affiliates etc.

Networking and connecting with others in various affiliate marketing and home business programs is a vital part of your online success.

In your free Worldprofit Social BLOG you can:

-Add your photo and personalize your social website address
-Post to your wall
-List and link all your social networks
-Promote and earn money using the site
-Create your own blog
-Post to your wall or your blog by category of topic
-Promote your social website address  

Worldprofit Social is easy to use and you have unlimited use to promote any and all your programs, products, services or affiliate programs.
And when you promote your address, you can sign up ASSOCIATES and you know how important that is in making SALES.

We have recorded a brief video to show you how easy this is to do, and why you should do this to increase your marketing, and your search engine optimization thus helping you to grow your business, your leads and your list. 

–> Here’s how to access the help video and quickly set up YOUR Worldprofit Social Media profile.

In your Member area, look on the TOP LEFT CORNER. There you will see your Name and Dealer ID. Click on the link that says WP SOCIAL. Once on that page you will see how to personalize your profile, post to your wall, add categories, promote your links, start your blog and start earning by promoting your social website.

* * * * * * * * * * *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to
Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Hey, Internet marketing chump. Looks like you’ve been fooled again. You must like it!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.

Author’s program note. I can’t stand it another minute, Poopsie. I just cannot  stand by and let you fail for even one more minute. Because today, like yesterday,  and all the days before, you are going to fail; you are not going to make a single  penny from that joke you call your online "business".

Instead by day’s end when you’ve racked up another day of chump change, you’ll  be worse off… a day wasted, a precious day you could have used to get ahead,  now in the cosmic trash can… clueless on how to get out and make the money you  say you want. Look at  yourself closely in the mirror right now… that’s one poor puppy  staring back at you…. pale, wan, hapless, helpless, pathetic, disgusting. And this is  the guy you expect to lead the victory parade? LOL! LOL! LOL!

It’s time for your Internet marketing make-over… It’s time to own up to and  grasp what you are doing (the stuff that doesn’t work) and what you must do (if you  expect to have any chance of online success at all).

Let’s get started with a cool tune that pretty well summarizes the mess you’re  in, the mess you’ll stay in if you don’t follow sensible advice and make a radical  change.

""Fooled Again (I Don’t Like It") 

Go to any search engine now.  Find the tune and set it on the highest decibels,  for you’re about to fly. Put up your collar… find those ultra cool shades you sheepishly  wore just once… wear them like the symbol of insolence and impertinence they were  meant to be … now move that arthritic body… for babeeeeee, you are about to astonish  the world;  Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers — plus one extra guy looking remarkably  like… me — are about to help you out of the sad situation you just can’t seem to shake  .  The song is "Fooled Again (I Don’t Like It"). Recorded in (1971, it was what rock  was all about… attitude… edge… in your face… don’t tread on me, maggot…  stand back world and prepare to be astonished, I’ve got the ticket to ride.

Now belt out the lyrics that pretty much summarize your entire Internet experience…

"Looks like I’ve been fooled again/ Looks like I’m the fool again/ I don’t like it,  I don’t like it."

Now hear this… you’re not just singing a tune… you’re announcing the advent of  the new regime… the regime where you’re a successful online marketer, not just  some luckless schlepper, kick-me sign always on your back side, the guy it’s  oh-so-easy to ridicule, disdain, and dismiss. You can always feel sorry for these  toads, but you can never, ever respect them. And that’s why you don’t  just need  to scream "I don’t like it". You’ve got to do something to turn the fiasco you call  Internet marketing around… and at once!

Try these suggestions on for size.

1) STOP doing what you’re doing. It doesn’t work. Can’t work. And the silliest  thing is that you ever thought it would work. The great thing about the ‘net is how  easily you can test your ideas, thoughts and suppositions to see how well they  work, indeed to see whether they work at all.  For you see, something that doesn’t  work today is not going to work tomorrow. Thus, experimentation is and must  always be the order of the day, every day. If you won’t test, you won’t succeed.

2) Get trained. In my role as an Internet success counselor at Worldprofit Inc,  have had occasion to train, work with, and nudge thousands of people worldwide  over the last 20 years.

Nudge? What that means is not just setting the objective and teaching folks how  to achieve it… but to keep each student’s nose to the grindstone, keeping them  focused, accepting absolutely no excuses, including absolutely no "special pleading"  where the candidate offers "reasons" why she didn’t do what she was pledged to do:  following each and every step, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Your nudge is an essential part of your success team, and though I say it myself, I  am the best nudge on Earth, the least easy to deceive and hide from, unrelenting,  never losing sight of the goal, more determined to see you successful than absolutely  anyone except  your mother. You’d be exceptionally lucky to work with me, and that’s  a fact.

So, I ask you. Who’s helping you set goals, brainstorm means of reaching them,  reviewing results to see what worked and what didn’t, and always ensuring you  stay on track? Yeah, I thought so. You’re not doing it, no one is helping you do it.  You’re not focused on results, no one is helping you get focused. Thus your results  are non existent, just the way they have always been. What an embarrassment!  Have you got any self-respect?

3) You have no list and are not doing the consistent, strenuous work it takes to grow  one. This one’s a real killer.

For the last over 40 years now I’ve been telling my students, beating it into their  often amazingly resistant brains that "the list is the business, the business is the  list."

How important is your list? Say there’s a fire in your office. What would you  grab first to save? Inventory? No, inventory is easily replaceable. Your computer?  No worry here. Easily replaceable again.  (You do back up, don’t you?) That picture  of your mother-in-law; you know the one that confirms her near perfect resemblance  to a rare genus of ancient lizard? (Please try to be serious.)

The correct answer, of course, is your list. It is essential, irreplaceable, unique.  It’s loss would be catastrophic, a body blow from which you might never recover.  And that is why "the list is the business, the business is the list." The $64,000  question just this: What did you do today to build your list and turn it into the huge  money-making tool you require to make the big bucks you say you want and haven’t  got a clue how to get. Self-deception, self-deceit, self-delusion. This is what you’re  specializing in and your thread-bare results give ample testament about just how  successful you’ve been… and will always be. That better make you happy, because  that, lamb chop, is what you’re going  to get.

4) How are your copywriting skills? Can you write the words that dance and  thrill, the words that make people from Alabama to Beijing jump up and shout,  causing even the deadest heart to beat faster, faster, faster still? You’d better  be, because otherwise you’re in for a lifetime of significance expense, since  top copywriters command top dollars… the dollars that come straight out of your  pocket; so sad for you but absolutely necessary if you expect to have ad copy  that pulls the more lucrative response.

Of course knowing you, you’ll try to conjure the magic words yourself; anything  to save a penny. But that, as you’ll quickly learn, just won’t cut it… words without  the wizard’s legerdemain, without the magic, produce dismal results… and that  just won’t do unless you like endless outflow and driblets of income, few and  far between. This is your certain fate when you turn down demonstrated experts  and attempt to do their crucial job yourself. Sucker.

5)  Trying to build a money-making business off of "free"? Are you one of the  hundreds of millions of would-be entrepreneurs online this very moment who is  making — and every single day, too — the critical, fatal error of trying to make  money off "free stuff" to be found online? If so, listen up. That is IMPOSSIBLE,  can’t be done, and only wastes your time and energy. Did you hear me? The  extent to which you want Internet success without reasonable investment is  the extent to which you will fail, absolutely, positively, guaranteed.

Now for the real craziness. Day after futile day would-be entrepreneurs and  Internet marketers enter the Live Business Center at They  are told, clearly, honestly, politely, thoroughly what they need for success…  and go right out  to do the EXACT reverse, ensuring failure, DOA. The Internet  has empowered these sad creatures, each a candidate for spam, rip-off, certain  loss and every variety of bamboozlement.

Why does this happen to so many so often with such miserable results?  Because the typical ‘net entrepreneur is the very model of sloth, laziness,  avarice. They want wealth without effort; magnificent results without knowing  how to get them; falling victim over and over again to those who find victimizing  these foolish people a piece of cake; integrity, honesty and old fashioned  business standards and acumen the first to perish in such a pernicious  environment; once gone, gone forever.

Must it be this way? Certainly not. Failure as much as success is a choice.  Now it’s time for you to make the right decision at last.

Visit me, Dr. Jeffrey Lant in the Live Business Center at where we work together  in a giant worldwide team so that you have expert assistance 24/7/365 advising,  counseling, guiding, reassuring, all accomplished in an environment of  professionalism and good fellowship. This is the proven way to substantial  financial wealth, a unique place online for people who have not hitherto seen  such benefits, much less so fast or certain. It’s good, isn’t it, to "see you think so  much of me"? What’s more, unlike Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, you’ll never  be fooled again, and you’ll surely like that!

About the Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of a dozen printed publications, several ebooks and over one thousand online articles on a variety of topics including internet marketing.

Get your free Worldprofit Associate Membership at and get help with your online marketing. Free traffic gifts for new registrants.

Network with others involved with affiliate marketing at when you join free you can expose your website address / opportunity to our 1 million plus members!

Need traffic for your affiliate program ? Blast your site to 700,000 search engines, directories and more with

Free Advertising for promoting any and all your affiliate programs and make money online opportunities

We know the little guy and gal are always looking for free or very low cost places to post your affiliate links, and online business opportunities.  We know, that you know, the more places you promote the better your return.

We’ve compiled a list of free places to advertise any and all your affiliate links and programs. Cost is free and most include free ad credits when you join. If you like the advertising site, you have the OPTION (NOT REQUIRED) to purchase very low cost target ads called solo ads.

Our recommended free advertising sources for promoting your affiliate programs – no matter what you are promoting… joint ventures, affiliate links, work at home, network marketing, or earn online opportunities – these are great FREE advertising resources!

OH !  Here’s one more. It’s an SEO Optimizer and you can promote your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories, link directories and more. It’s a free 7 day trial – put your URL into the system and start blasting.  If you like it you can purchase a membership, if you don’t like it just quit, you will still get the value of the free advertising you got during the free trial. Worth doing!   

* * * * * * * * * * * * – Home Business Training and Earn-At-Home Systems. Now entering our 20th year in business! Thank you for helping to make Worldprofit the #1 choice for online earn at home training.

Worldprofit offers marketing resources for any and all your affiliate marketing programs and home business opportunities

A number of Worldprofit Members are promoting multiple opportunities/affiliates as well as the Worldprofit products and services.

Your member area has a ton of resources you may not even be aware of, so pay close attention so you don’t miss out any of the valuable inclusions in your Membership.

ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC section ( you might want to PRINT THIS )

On the left menu under ADVERTISING/ TRAFFIC look for the following links and resources:

-20+ Income Streams (Recommended free Safelists and Traffic Exchanges)
-Traffic Injections (you get monthly traffic injections as a Silver or Platinum VIP Member!)

-Great Ad Sources (recommended low cost paid advertising options)

-Ad Examples (landing pages) you can use to sign up Associates and build your list

-Ad Pop Ups (increase your sign ups)

-Free Ads Section

-FastTrack Visitors  (no time to place your own ads? Join our paid ad-co-op)

-Solo Ads (Membership has its privileges, send out free SOLO ADS for whatever you are promoting)

-Recommended paid sites and resources for advertising and list building.
We have compiled a list of recommended vendors and trusted sources for paid advertising.

-List Builder Landing Pages (free for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members)
These landing pages give away PLR eBooks on a variety of subjects to build your list fast. Under Ad Examples above be sure to enter your aWeber, getResponse lists, and of course you know your newsletter system with your Silver/Platinum VIP membership is built in already. These landing pages ALSO bring in fresh Associates to help build your Worldprofit business. Enjoy!!

* * * * * * * * 

Worldprofit Marketplace

On the left menu in your member area, look under WORLDPROFIT MARKETPLACE

-post any and all your programs products, services, affiliate referral links etc. 

* * * * * * * * 

Worldprofit Social

Have you set up your blog/site at Worldprofit Social? Promote any and all your affiliate programs there!
In your Member area on LEFT menu at the top where you see your name, click on WP SOCIAL to set up your blog site and expose the world to your biz ops.
Great to do this on a regular basis to keep the serach engines coming back to index  your site due to the fresh new content you are adding.

Newsletter Service

Got something you want to promote? Send out a newsletter!

– On left menu, look under NEWSLETTER. Use our copy, or use your own custom copy and press send.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Ebook Rebrander

EASILY build an ebook to generate leads with one click, look under ARTICLE/EBOOK Marketing. Watch the video so you see how powerful this is.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Prospect Manager

Send out a promotion to all your prospects in your Prospect Manager!

– On left menu, look under PROSPECT MANAGER. send out an offer or promotion to everyone in your Prospect Manager using your PROSPECT EMAILER.

* * * * * * * * * *

Solo Email Blaster

Use our SOLO EMAIL BLASTER and send out to 30,000 people on our member list – up to 150,000 emails per month!

-On left menu in your Member area, select SOLO BLASTER to 30,000 link then click on emailBlaster program 

* * * * * * * * * *

Promo Codes

On a tight budget? In addition to the free and low cost options suggested above, you can also use the PROMO CODES.
-We’ve made deals with other vendors who allow our members to use a special promo code to receive free advertising! Sweet!
-On the top menu, on the TOP LINE of that menu, select PROMO CODES.

* * * * * * * *


Short on time but BIG on ambition? Try our Promo-Bots! A free member service that speeds up your promotion using imacros.
-Find them on the TOP MENU click on PROMO-BOTS

* * * * * * * * * *  

List Building is CRITICAL for making money online!

The Magic list builder is one of our most popular resources.
-Look for it under the MONEY MAKERS section.

* * * * ** *


Interested in SEO, we’ve got a whole bag of goodies for you.

– SEO KIT, look for it on TOP MENU and select SEO KIT. You get tons of products, and a video training series just about SEO. Comprehensive and included at no extra cost in your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.

and – free 7 Day trial for Worldprofit members.
-find it on the left menu under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then select What Worldprofit buys. Do the free trial and blast ANY URL out to over 700,00 sites!

* * * * * * * * * * *

Ok, you know what? We are going to stop there. Here’s why. There are still more we haven’t covered here !  We are constantly adding more product, and resources to help you build your online home business and keep HIGH the incredible value of your membership. You actually get hundreds of dollars of free software, advertising, resources and training in your membership. You may not even be aware of ALL that you get. So change that now. The best way to understand and grasp the value of your membership is to spend some time and check out all the links and sections. Then plan on attending the LIVE home business bootcamp training every Friday with George Kosch. George can answer your questions, and will demonstrate various products, services, and skills.   You won’t get this kind of intense, hands on,  experienced training ANYWHERE else so take advantage of this. The dates and times for the training are posted in the MESSAGE CENTER in your member area and also emailed to you in the BOOTCAMP NEWSLETTER. – Home Business Training and Earn-At-Home Systems. Now entering our 20th year in business! Thank you for helping to make Worldprofit the #1 choice for online earn at home training. Not a member? Get a free Worldprofit Associate Membership at

Review: The Home Business Experts at Worldprofit, present Home Business Bootcamp Training with Instructor and Marketing Expert, George Kosch.

Date of Home Business Bootcamp  Training: Friday May 10th, 2013.  10 AM CT.

Instructor: George Kosch, marketer with twenty years of online experience.  

Thank you to those Worldprofit Members who attended the LIVE training with George Kosch.  So many of you are eager to learn how to earn online and watch as Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch provides on screen demonstrations of what you need to do build your online business.

Topics covered during today’s training:

What you should do if you are a new Member
Silver Membership versus Platinum VIP Membership – benefits
The Worldprofit System – how it works – how you benefit
Marketing Essentials
Promoting ANY online business
Solo Ads
Safe Swaps
Email Marketing
List Building
Traffic Exchanges
Free advertising options
Recommended paid advertising options 
Affiliate Marketing
Traffic Generation
Search Engine Optimization
Common Frustrations
Suggestions for getting on track
Learning from your mistakes
Accessing the video and online training

Throughout the program, George invited and answered as many questions as possible.

Today’s session of the LIVE Home Business Bootcamp was recorded for the convenience of those not able to attend and will be posted to your Worldprofit Member area within 24 hours.
look for it in the TRAINING SECTION located on the TOP Menu.  More videos on a variety of online marketing topics are also located in our Worldprofit Video Library.  

NEXT LIVE TRAINING SESSION: Friday May 17th, 2013 at 10 AM CT.

Thank you to all who attended the training today. If you have questions about the tools and resources included in your Worldprofit Membership refer to the lesson plans and learn at your own pace. Need additional help, submit a Support From, we are here 7 days a a week to help you.

Not a Member or Worldprofit? Get a free Associate Membership at

4 Important Updates on Services that Benefit Worldprofit Members

1. Have you got your free 7 Day Trial of the SEO Optimizer Pro? Why not give it a try and submit your site (any site) too 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Classifieds and more. Details below.


2. FRIDAY March 22nd at 10 AM CT is LIVE HOME BUSINESS BOOTCAMP TRAINING with marketing expert, George Kosch.
If you are new to Worldprofit, we urge you to attend (it’s free), if you have been with us a while, come find out what’s new and get a refresher on what you need to do to make sales. George will be demonstrating the LAZY SECRET Blogging System, and also the SEO Optimizer Pro. Access is within your Member area.


3.  We’ve just added TWO new products to the Money Makers section of your Worldprofit Member area called POST SOCIALIZER and also SOURCE CODE GOLDMINE. Remember when you sell any of the products in the Money makers section you keep 100% commission (you`ve got 55 hot products to promote).


4. George has now completed the new LAZY BLOGGER System that he demonstrated in last week`s training session.   You can use it now!  Find it in your Member area, on LEFT MENU, look for ARTICLE EBOOK MARKETING section, then select LAZY BLOGGER SYSTEM. There is a brief video there to help you.  

* * * * * * * * *

As mentioned above, here are the details on the SEO OPTIMIZER PRO to get you pumped for what you are going to see demonstrated in the Friday Bootcamp session.

The SEO Optimizer Pro, a service you need to know about if you want more traffic.

As a Silver or Platinum VIP Member here’s what you need to know about this service.

1. You can try the SEO Optimizer Pro free for a 7 day trial. The service allows you to EASILY and QUICKLY promote your website to over 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, and Classified Sites. It’s 100% automated and has one purpose – to generate traffic for your site. Using the service helps potential customers find your site and what you offer. Manual submission to a large number of sites is very time consuming. By using SEO OPTIMIZER PRO this task is automated and takes you minutes to complete.  There is NO software to download, and the easy to use WIZARD will help you get your site(s) submitted easily in minutes.

2. If you like the service and want to upgrade, Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members enjoy an exclusive discount to use the service. Search engines usually re-index their sites every 4 – 8 weeks so it’s important to resubmit your site on the same schedule. Using the SEO Optimizer Pro makes resubmission automated and ultra-fast as all your data is saved for you. The paid options of the service allow you to pick a resubmission schedule that fits your needs and budget.   If you have more than one domain you want to submit, that’s ok, you can submit ANY number of domains – there is no limit.

3. When you as a Silver or Platinum VIP Member, promote the SEO Optimizer Pro and someone you refer upgrades to the paid version – you get commission!  So when you sign up free Associates for Worldprofit you are exposing them to the SEO Optimizer Pro too – they upgrade – you get paid.

Ready to start your free 7 day Trial of the SEO Optimizer Pro?

Here’s what to so:

1. In your Worldprofit Dealer Member area, look on the TOP MENU for the COOL TOOLS section (it’s in the second row of the navigation bar).
Follow the directions posted there. Easy, Quick.

What we hope you take from this….

First, the SEO Optimizer PRO is a super-easy to use service that allows you to automatically promote your site in minutes to generate traffic.
Secondly, you earn COMMISSIONS when one of your Associates tries the service then upgrades to a paid membership. 
Third, if you yourself as a Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP member decide to upgrade to a paid Membership at SEO Optimizer PRO, you enjoy an exclusive discounted rate. 
Come to the LIVE training on Friday to see a LIVE demo on how you benefit from this new Worldprofit service.

If you are not yet a Worldprofit Member, get a free Worldprofit Associate Membership at

Product Review: Google Snatch. Get on Google free! Suck Google Traffic From Your Competitors, here’s how with the FREE Click Formula

We came across a product from an underground marketer who quietly rakes in hundreds and thousands of dollars every month. The best part we discovered is that he doesn’t even spend a single cent on advertising to get hungry and eager people to spend and buy from him.

You see, over the past few months he’s been perfecting what he calls the ‘Free Click Formula’ method of generating free clicks from every search engine. Driving huge amounts of traffic that converts like crazy – WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE RED CENT for it… esssentially get on Google free!

And he showed us some massive proof that it works in any market or niche. See the proof here.

If you’re sick to the stomach paying for pay per click ads, making sales then handing back a huge proportion of your commission or sale checks to Google then this is something you will gladly enjoy hands down.

Indeed there have been times where we try and try and never hit the bank with real BIG checks, but now this is something that will change your outlook on making money online forever!
If you’re on the edge of your seat splashing money away on advertising that ‘sometimes’ convert, then this could be the answer you’re searching for.


If you want to know if these techniques work in any market, let me prove it to you!
As you know keywords are the MOST essential ingredient to any market or niche. He told us to go to Google and type this ‘keyword’ then that ‘keyword’ and look at the results. Now you’re probably expecting me to tell you that he was dominating the page left, right and center…
Well … he was! But what really got me worked up was, it wasn’t a small niche. It was a market that is excessively competitive and the BIG corporations are spending anything up to $50 each on pay per click.

The niche market was the enormous legal industry. You can imagine what these lawyers, insurance companies, car hire and medical agencies are making a year and you can imagine what they can possibly spend to get that traffic. This niche gets hundred and thousand searches a day.
Yet here was Latif, literally sucking traffic out of Google like a black hole for F.REE.
The Google Snatch method literally SWIPES major listings from the big boys (think eBay and Amazon) and he will reveal the exact same formula to you.
==> Go here

Google Snatch is fresh from the board room and you can have the opportunity to copy and paste the EXACT formula he uses still to this day.

Grab your copy now before you competitors find out:

We loved this technique, and highly recommend it. Go to the site and you will see for yourself.