Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Friday Jan 3rd, 2014 with marketing expert George Kosch from Worldprofit Inc.

George Kosch started the LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training session promptly at 8 AM CT on Friday Jan 3rd, 2014.

First, a few introductory notes…

CONGRATULATIONS to LINDA ELZE for being the Top Seller for the month of December, in fact for the entire year 2013!  George recognized that Linda is an extremely  hard-working person who understands the power of consistent promotion to build a list and generate leads equals sales!  A tribute to Linda recognizing her achievement will be held mid January, details to be announced.

George continued by congratulating everyone who made sales this past year, whether you were on the Top Sellers list or not, you deserve a pat on the back.  It’s a tough business, and a tough economy right now, those of who who sink your teeth into the training and do your promotions will start to see increasing results. Take 3 parts hard work, 3 parts training, and 3 parts patience and you will be on your way in 2014 to consistent income.    

George extended a HUGE THANK YOU to the Monitors who volunteer their time to man Worldprofit’s Live Business Center 24 hours a day.  These fine people are helping others in our home business community, while they themselves learn about online marketing, and are building their   own online business.  The holidays are tough times to fill, to each of you came through and helped filled gaps – please know how much we appreciate you!   

For those members interested in upgrading from Silver membership to Platinum VIP membership, the offer to do so for an additional $49.95/month has been extended to Sunday Jan 5th.   If you want to know all that is included (and there is a TON) submit a Support Request form for the VIP UPGRADE DETAILS!

Memorial service for one of our own, Michael Pachuta is Wednesday Jan 8th, 2014 at 1 PM ET. We hope will join us in the Live Business Center to pay your respects.   

Topics covered during the training session

1. George demonstrated Worldprofit’s Advanced Graphics Suite Software. George Kosch has purchased the rights to a Graphics Software Suite that is now installed on all Platinum VIP Members accounts at NO COST. This software is super-easy to use and allows you to quickly create Image Covers for your Facebook Profiles, groups etc. PLUS you can create beautiful banners, headers, video overlays, graphics for your YouTube Channels, and for Google hangouts.  If you were to purchase this software on your own you would pay $197 per program – per year!  We are including ALL 3 programs at no extra cost exclusively to our Platinum VIP Members.  That’s $600 of value – you don’t pay a dime extra.
Access:  This software is ready now and all current and new Platinum VIP Members can access it on the LEFT MENU under WEBSITE MANAGEMENT. Some of you have already dug in and created some BEAUTIFUL promotion materials.

2. A number of Members have expressed interest in promoting a local retail type of business so George spend some time talking about how to promote a local business. He gave the example of a local blinds business, and what he did to help that business owner generate targeted traffic in a specific local region. He explained how promotion for a local regional business differs from promoting an online business and what you need to do to get results for a targeted market.

3. George reviewed what Free Associate members get and how the Worldprofit system works for you in so many different ways to encourage upgrades to paid Silver membership.

4. Worldprofit has now passed the mark for 2 million free Associate members!

5. Members are reminded that Silver and Platinum VIP Members get:

– SUPPORT 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
– the online home business bootcamp training – now with 85 lessons that you can do at your own pace.
– commissions of 20 – 100% and details are in your member area under the Commission section.
– the unique powerful advantage of a 24 HOUR Live Business Center that has ONE purpose to help CLOSE your sales (no where else will you find this!)

Questions are encouraged during the training session and George tried to answer as many questions as possible.  If you did not get a question answered, just submit a Support Request form and a member of our help team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you to each of you who attended the LIVE interactive bootcamp training session. The recorded version will be posted to your member area in the next 24 hours to the TRAINING section on the TOP menu.

Next LIVE training with George Kosch is Friday January 10th, 2014.

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at  Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program. 

Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Dec 27, 2013 from the online home business experts at Worldprofit

George Kosch welcomed participants to Worldprofit’s last home business training session of 2013.

George opened with remarks noting the passing of Michael Pachuta. Michael was a long time Member of Worldprofit’s home business community, he volunteered many hours as a Monitor. His unique sense of humour endeared him to so many of us. Our hearts are heavy at news of his loss, he will be missed. A special memorial to honour Michael’s life will be hosted by Dr. Jeffrey Lant and held after the holidays. Date and time to be announced. 

After a brief pause, George  proceeded with the training segments.

Topics included:

Social Media marketing
List Building
Video marketing
Video Blogs (new Worldprofit service)
Article Marketing
Tracking your Ad Results (Worldprofit’s Ad Tracker tool)
JV Zoo
Communication with CONFIRMATION

What’s New!

NEW! Facebook Group for Worldprofit. We hope you will join us, here is the link.  (login to your Facebook account first) 

Questions and comments were encouraged during the training, here is a sampling, watch the recorded version for the answers and context of comments.

– I am not getting any signups. What am I doing wrong?
– Are the items in the Worldprofit Goody Bag free for Silver and Platinum VIP Members?
– Is the Ultimate Pack free to all Members?
– Is there an average number of clicks per day needed to secure associates?
– I am a silver member and I have been advertising as your teaching tells us since I started a week ago… spending hours (6 – 10 a day) learning and advertizing and have not recruited  one person. Im using all the sites suggested and all the ads available to me. Am I doing something wrong or is this expected at first?.
– With jvzoo i tied by paypal account but could not see any sale coming from there. please help
– Should you merge your social media from your past or redo it here and abandon your old stuff
– What about the recomended products  that are recommended in the boot camp?
– i have hundreds of safelists i advertise too
– I wasn’t encorporating my aweber type account and thus not building my list
– buy swaps solos via my comissions
– Become a monitor to get a downline!!
– Good advise Mark . I called Dr. Lant Jeff one day .
– At first I was selling products until I started the bootcamp lessons. then I started promoting the landing pages. I made the beginers mistake but corrected it.
– i have joined new safelists each week and buy lifetime memberships cheap sometimes
-Restarted my bootcamp lessons to get back on track
-I’m doing my promotions
– How do You get a new dealer to see the big picture so they don’t quit after 1 month?
– The monitor at LBC becomes quite busy at times, and you cannot get to the person before they get frustrated and leave is there a way you can create an alternate 2nd identicle Live Business Center like an express lane at Walmart to answer questions for someone who doesn’t want to wait?

In closing we thank you to ALL our members around the world for your support this last year.  George Kosch presented 51 LIVE training sessions in 2013. That’s over 100 hours of interactive, step by step training that Worldprofit Members have enjoyed over the last 12 months. Thank you to all who have participated in the training either by attending, or watching the recorded sessions. We look forward to continuing to provide specialized, expert training, support and resources to our Members in 2014.

The recording of the training will be posted to the TRAINING section of the member area within 24 hours.

Worldprofit’s Home Business Video Library

The next LIVE training session, the FIRST workshop of 2014, is Friday January 3rd.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Two new tools just added to Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Membership at NO extra cost.

We’ve been working hard for you and have released 2 really awesome new services that you can access now!

1. We’ve just released two new landing pages in the landing page builder area.  As you will recall we introduced the FREE Landing Page Builder two weeks ago. Now we have added new options to the Gallery.

In your Worldprofit member area on Top menu, click on Website Management then Landing Page Builder.  You can use number 11 or 12 depending on the box design you like to create a custom background landing page. When you create the page it will load one that we have stored on dropbox. Be sure to check out the help video on that page if you have trouble. Enjoy!

2. We’ve released the Sales graphics creator software powered by ONLY your browser. 

Creating graphics is a real pain in the butt for most marketers who have no graphic design experience. Recognizing this we decided to provide Worldprofit  members with an easy tool  for  creating headlines, copy, bullets, buttons, and more.  We had to look long and hard for a product  that would meet the needs of our members. It had to be easy to use, and quick to use, what we have provided is going to make you happy. We know it.

We’ve tested this in IE and Chrome and it works great. You will find this in your Member area on TOP Menu, click on Website Management.  You can create/edit headers, and more with a few clicks.  We do plan to work on getting ebook cover creators and more so standby for all of that.

The value of your Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Membership just went up again with the addition of these to new tools. Login, check it out, let us know what you think and how you are using  them to build your online business.

The review of George Kosch’s LIVE home business bootcamp is now posted to your member area or you can view at or 


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit Customer Review

THANK YOU goes out to Akan-Imo Ekwere for taking a moment to send his thoughts about Worldprofit’s Earn at Home Program.  Your feedback is helpful, appreciated and we enjoy hearing from our Members. 

Here’s what Akan had to say…  

"This whole setup and by that I mean is incredibly mindblowing, a little short of what one can call a miracle! I am an Electrical/Electronics Engineer and a Network Associate of renowned Cisco Systems for many years and a veteran of some sort in the World Wide Web but new to Worldprofit and I have never come across a system so ‘complete’ in what they say they do and actually do! Their self-service 24/7 is so great that I have absolute trust in them knowing that my association and business relationships are in safe hands.

Of course, I came here to make money and in my short membership time with them, they have proven to me I am in the right place because my Paypal notification just confirmed that! I hope to upgrade my membership status ASAP and make more money!

Thanks to you guys Worldprofit, keep up the good work because I will be referring friends and family here."

Akan-Imo Ekwere


Reminder that FRIDAY NOVEMBER 22nd , 2013 is LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch.

We hope to see you there at 8 AM CT so we can get you on track for earning extra income for the holidays. Don’t worry if that time does not work for you, the sessions are ALWAYS recorded for the convenience of our Members around the world.


Looking for content featured in our Bootcamp Newsletters?

We post interesting articles, interviews with our Dealers, bootcamp reviews, marketing tips and more at:

New lessons added to the online Bootcamp Training program.

You now have 82 lesson plans you can do at your own pace.
You can see the Bootcamp Lesson Summary in your Member area, on left menu under HOME BUSINESS BOOTCAMP click on "BOOTCAMP LESSON SUMMARY"
You can use the tool included there to make an Ebook for yourself.

WARNING! Don’t get caught up in the learning, and forget about the DOING!
DOING the promotion is how you make sales. Learn daily but PROMOTE DAILY to build your leads, your list and your INCOME.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at
Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Review: Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Friday Nov 15th, 2013

George Kosch started the training today stating it was his favourite day of the month. Why? It’s commission day at Worldprofit and the SEND button was pressed this morning to send commissions out to our hard working Dealers.

George then dug right into the meat of today’s training.  

Discussion Topics

-What the Top Sellers do to make consistent sales
-List Building tactics
-Low cost advertising options
-Suggestions on what do do if your advertising budget is limited
-Importance of using Worldprofit’s Support Services

Websites Referenced/Recommended (Home Business Video Library) (Worldprofit Blog)

Training Demonstrations today:

-Worldprofit’s  Affiliate Center (include in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership) (recommended)
-Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder (include in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership)

What’s in Development

1 )  Worldprofit Reminder Service
This new service will permit Members to easily create To Do Lists, schedule tasks, and add reminder alerts on a calendar.
We will also be able to add in Checklists for Members to access to keep you on task for what you need to be concentrating on to stay on track for sales.  Release date not yet set. No cost for Silver or Platinum VIP Members.

2)  New promotional videos about specific Worldprofit products and services. Release date not yet set.

Thank you to each of you who attended Worldprofit’s LIVE Home Business Bootcamp. Your questions and comments are important in our home business community and our continued efforts to provide training that is most relevant and useful to our Members.

The recording of George Kosch’s bootcamp training will be posted within 24 hours to your Worldprofit Member area.

Worldprofit’s next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp training is Friday Nov 22nd, 2013 at 8 AM CT.

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.


We’ve been interviewing our most active Dealers and it should come as no surprise that the ONE thing they ALL do without fail is: PROMOTION.

Below, Platinum VIP Member, Johan Willems reveals his "SECRETS" to building his online business. (THANK YOU JOHAN for sharing your expertise).

If YOU want to be one of the TOP SELLERS, plan on attending the LIVE TRAINING with George KOSCH Friday Nov 8th at 8 AM CT (or watch recorded version).
The purpose of this WEEKLY training is TEACH YOU how to make money online from reputable proven sources.

PLUS! in Friday’s session George Kosch  will be demonstrating the new Landing Page Builder which will be available EXCLUSIVELY to Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members at NO COST

Why are we offering this new software at NO COST to our Members? 
It’s our prime directive at Worldprofit to continually develop and support our Members with unique and valuable tools they need to make consistent income from home.   


Here’s the interview with Johan Willems 

Question:    Johan, how long have you been an online marketer, or working to build your own online business?

Answer: Actually I started when i joined Worldprofit, about 18 months ago. I was just looking for a way to get traffic,
but I got so much more. Before that, I studied the matter very closely. But I was studying the wrong material, all those ‘get rich quick schemes’
that ended up in my spam folder, which was my favorite ’email literature’ at that time. I had been a Unix System Administrator for quite
some years and thought I knew it all. But the fact was: I knew nothing – especially on the matter of Internet Marketing.
I was still ignorant enough to believe that one website with a couple of clickbank affiliate products would be profitable.

Question: Johan, can you tell us how much time you spend promoting to build your business?

Answer: As much as I possibly can. The first reason for me to get involved with IM is my wife.
She has a disease that can’t be cured. She has her ups and downs, but she’d rather have me taking care of her than some nurse she hardly knows.
So I divide my time between household and taking care of my wife, and I spend the rest of my time at my online business.
I love working at night, without any distractions. And since i live in Europe, it’s the perfect way to adjust myself to the different timezones we’re in.

Question: Johan, what kind of promotion do you do? Free? Paid? Both?

Answer: I do both. I am investing more now in paid traffic, which is not a bad thing at all. After all I’m building my list. But it’s perfectly possible to invest,
making a good profit, and injecting half of what I earn back into my business.

Question: Johan, which Worldprofit services do you find the most useful in building your online business?

Answer: That’s a difficult question, because our Worldprofit backoffice is really stuffed with nothing but good, solid tools. Everything you need is right there:
the bootcamp training sessions, the prebuilt landingpages, cloaking/masking tools, incentives, automation tools.. But what really struck me from the beginning
was that a live person started talking to me when i first entered the Live Business Center. I also have great respect for the Worldprofit support team.
I also learned a lot from the other members, everyone is really being supportive.

Question:  Johan, what advise or suggestions do you have for someone very new to Worldprofit who is eager to build their online business?

Answer: Never give up. It’s like playing chess – thinking 3 steps ahead. You really have to think about your business on a long term basis.
I gave up once, but I came back.. because I realized the following: if you’re not capable of building a successful business with the help and training of Worldprofit,
you’re not going to make it in ANY business!! And of course: follow the bootcamp to the letter, and apply what you have learned.
I want to thank Sandi Hunter, working the accounts department in the background, but always open for questions, her responses always being friendly but straightforward.
You can actually FEEL that she’s supporting us. I’d like to thank George Kosch, for all the tools and training he’s providing us.
He’s a genius, AND one of the few "Guru’s" out there who is not afraid of sharing all his knowledge. And last but not least I want to thank Dr Lant, for being so direct,
honest, always mentoring us Monitors, making us feel more and more self confident. For sticking his neck out when he’s writing another daring article on matters many
authors wouldn’t even dare to touch. I regard him as one of my best friends.
I don’t know what the heck I would be doing online without the help of Worldprofit, but I know one thing for sure: I’m far better of now than I was 18 months ago!

Johan Willems

Thank you Johan Willems for taking the time to share your insight with our Members. You are a valued member of our team and your commitment to our Monitor Network helps all members of Worldprofit’s home business community.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Howard Martell shares his secrets for building a successful online home business.

We’ve asked some of our most active Worldprofit Dealers to share what they are doing to build their online business for the benefit of our NEW Members interested in doing the same.

So we asked long time, loyal Worldprofit Dealer, and Monitor, Howard Martell to share some of his habits and actions that have contributed to his success.
Howard is a DOER. He’s not afraid of doing hard work, he’s goal oriented, and in the true Worldprofit community spirit, he’s always eager to help others.

Thank you very much to Howard Martell for taking the time to reveal his "secrets" and offer some of our new members some actual  "in the trenches" experience.

Question:   Howard, how long have you been an online marketer, or working to build your own online business?

Answer:  16 Years plus online mostly part time, but since retired from my first career in the military doing it full time since August 2012.

Question:   Howard, can you tell us how much time you spend promoting to build your business?

Answer:   I promote when I first wake up and throughout the day before doing anything else.

Question:   Howard, what kind of promotion do you do? Free? Paid? Both?

Answer: I have bought paid lifetime membership in Safelists, Traffic exchanges, IBOTOOLBOX, and Safeswaps. This mainly comes from the commissions earned in Worldprofit and my other sites.

Question:  Howard, which Worldprofit services do you find the most useful in building your online business?

Answer: This is hard question.  I love the training with George, and also the hands-on approach Dr.  Lant takes with us Senior Monitors when it comes to building our business. I also benefit from the article directory which I use for press releases and my blogs.

Question:  Howard, what advise or suggestions do you have for someone very new to Worldprofit who is eager to build their online business?

Answer: Don’t quit! Ask lots of questions via the support and bootcamp sessions. Remember George Kosch is your ultimate sponsor. Set written goals for yourself and then commit to do doing the work to achieve your goals.

Question: Howard is there anything else you would like to add that will help people understand what IS possible within Worldprofit’s earn-at-home training program?

Answer:   I learned along time ago in the Military that hard work pays off and am now starting to realize my potential online and the consistent income and friendship this creates. If anything, I  would encourage people to be leaders and share there personnel testimony on how Worldprofit has blessed them and their families.   This opportunity has allowed me to grow my business by using a simple KISS concept: Copy Paste Click=Profits. No list – no success!!!

Howard Martell
President HomeProfitCoach

Worldprofit Customer Review

Thank you to new Silver Member, Param Deep Kaur Bajwa for sending in your kind comments about Worldprofit’s earn at home program, we are delighted that you found us! Welcome to Worldprofit’s Home business community. We are at your service 7 days a week, 365 Days a Year to help you build your online business.


Wow! I just started an hour ago and you already gave me a website that I can promote on CraigsList, etc. I’ve been messing around with Empower Network for 1.5 months.

Gosh! I wish I had found your site before I spent almost 1K making nothing with Empower. But, golly, this is better. Intimidating at first but after a couple of tutorials (and they are not endless like some other tutorials that I’ve been privy to). 


(Param Deep Kaur Bajwa)

* * * * * * * * *

Member Update!

We have just added new lessons to the Bootcamp Lesson Plans. You now have 80 lessons to complete at your own pace to learn about online marketing and how to benefit from the tools and resources included in your Membership.  You can see ALL of the lesson plan titles by topic within your Member area on left menu under Home Business Bootcamp.  BUT……. avoid the temptation to jump ahead. You came to Worldprofit to learn how to earn online and this means you MUST do the promotion to make sales.  You won’t make money reading the lessons. You make money by learning then DOING what George Kosch teaches you in the bootcamp.  If you are unclear how to do this, then submit a Support Ticket and request help so we can get you on the right track.

* * * * * * * * * *

Silver Members, if you’ve been thinking about upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership NOW is the time to do it!

With this Special LIMITED TIME UPGRADE OFFER you receive $900+ in FREE Services AND qualify for HIGHER commissions.

Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means you earn a HIGHER rate of commissions!
Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means MORE software, resources and training tools to build your business!
Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means you get over $900 in FREE Services with this limited time offer!
Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means you get more advertising – for promoting ANY PROGRAM you like!

Here are the details.  Jump on this Limited Time Offer now.

Platinum package owners receive 30% commission on the sale of Silver and Platinum packages!
Of course you still also qualify for the standard 80%  commission on the Reseller Products and 100% of the ClickBank and Money Maker Products that you sell.   Consult the Commission chart in your member area for complete details on this as well as New Volume Sales Bonuses we pay out up to $1,000.

Upgrade your Worldprofit Silver Membership to Platinum VIP Membership, pay monthly, and look at the extra BONUSES you will enjoy!

– 20 Design Credits so you can change your website template 20 times to the other choices from the gallery
– 10,000 Banner exposures for use with your Banner Exchange (includes free banners for your use)
– Sales Center Software (post your own opportunities in the member are for your Associates to see and know when they have viewed the pages)
– Instant Seminar System software (hold your own seminars online in your seminar room)
– Instant Meeting Center software (meet with your prospects or dealers online in your own Meeting Center)
– Instant Video Recording Studio (record videos and email them out to prospects, or add the video to your website)
– Instant Audio Recording Studio (record your own audio messages and email them out, or add to your website)
-The Autoresponder Business Builder with 12 turn key businesses included  (retails for $499 – you get it free!)  
– LIVE Face Chat application so you can interact instantly with visitors to your site
-NEW!  The new MEGA Advertising Traffic Injection Package – each month we INJECT your VIP Membership with valuable Ad Credits you can use to promote ANYTHING you like! 
PLUS! You get the Private Label Resellers Store (PLR) at no cost!  This is a value of $199.95
Your PLR Store comes stocked with 215 ready to sell digital products including shopping cart and updates. You keep 100% of the sales. 
NOTE: Only Platinum VIP Members get the PLR store at ZERO cost! Silver members pay $199.95 per year!

PLUS! As a Platinum VIP Member you get a MONTHLY TRAFFIC INJECTION – use these ad credits at these high profile sites to promote ANY and ALL your other Affiliate programs. Specifically you get:

-5,000 Visitors, 5000 banner views, 5,000 text ad views at
-20,000 ad credits at
-20,000 Ad credits at
-20,000 ad credits, 2 SOLO ADS at
-20,000 ad credits, 2 SOLO ADS at

—>  To get your personalized upgrade quote, submit an Accounts Support form from the left menu. Tell us you want a quote to upgrade to Platinum VIP Membership .    We will get back to you ASAP with this special offer pricing.


* * * * * *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Customer Review of Worldprofit’s Earn at home training program

Today, we received a testimonial from Michael Harris, one of our elite Monitors and loyal Silver members. We send out a heartfelt thank you to Michael for taking the time to send in these thoughtful and much appreciated words. Here’s what Michael had to say…

" Hey all, I just had to take the time to submit a testimonial because I would be doing a great injustice to Worldprofit if I didn’t. I am just like so many others who found Worldprofit just in the nick of time or so it seems. I had been trying so hard online with no success. I have been a business builder for years so I had an great knowledge of what it takes to build a successful business. I understood it took time and dedication along with patience. I am the Overseer of our Church and we have many great programs to help as many people as we can. What caused me to begin an online business was that funding our volunteer services has an astronomical cost because we are not government funded. We feed 1000’s of people a year and with the economy in the shape it is, I had to find more funding sources to continue in our endeavors. Internet marketing was the next logical choice. And we have helped so many people in the past to succeed themselves I just knew there would be help when I needed it. Needless to say that the help wasn’t there and the support I knew would be there was not. Even in the churches we helped over the years, no support came. Now support to me is not totally financial but also providing information and resources as well. So many who were successful turned their back and others who knew what we were going through and could help, didn’t. So here I was seemingly so alone on this new endeavor understanding how to build a business but not understanding how to build an internet business and all the things I needed to be successful. Then enters Worldprofit.

When I first came in I was skeptical even though I saw all the things I knew I needed included in the membership. The first person I met was Michael P the monitor on duty. Even though I had doubts he was able help me understand this is where I needed to be. Next came Howard Martel my Sponsor. I decided to call him one day and I just couldn’t believe he talked to me for almost an hour. Not just about Worldprofit but about my concerns and what I was doing. Then I heard the voice of Wallace Johnson, our resident Astronaut, his commanding voice and directive speech reassured me that this was a good place to be. Then came George Kosch our Custom Creator,who made learning a new concept so easy. Then I met the man, Dr. Lant. I decided to try become a monitor and day after day of Dr Lant scolding and molding me really made me think I had made a dreadful decision. But one day I had the opportunity to watch Dr Lant with a young man who had a physical disability and how he so carefully handled him. I saw another side of Dr. Lant and I knew he was as sincere as sincere could get. You see he knows what it takes to be successful and he wants us to know it so bad that he will not hold back. I was amazed that this man, who had so many other things and so many other people he could have worked with, decided to take the time to help me get on the road to becoming what he knows I can be. Wow, if more people cared the way he does, I believe the world would be a better place. During my first days alone as a monitor when I would have those struggling moments as all new monitors do, a young lady would always come up or send me an encouraging word, and even help me not make the ultimate mistake of crashing the ship as I like to call it. Ms. Linda Elze, I call her my guardian angel, because she was always there when I needed someone the most. It is always reassuring even today when I see her name while I do my duties. Lisa, Mohammed, William, the list goes on and on. Sandi Hunter wrote me the most encouraging letter when I made my biggest sale and then lost it within the next hour because of a bad credit card. What I am trying to help you see is that I thought I had only bought into a great business, but to my humbling surprise, what I actually got was a family of caring people. An element in my life that I had been missing for so long. A support system system and a team who actually believes in helping one another become successful. It is sad that I couldn’t find this kind of support from my friends inside and outside the church world, but I didn’t. But I know that God works in mysterious ways. And I know it was His will that I ended up here. I finally feel at home and not alone. I can only continue to give thanks the big 3, Dr. Lant, Sandi Hunter, and George Kosch for what they have created here and for their continued work to help so many others like myself. If any of you are looking for a place or a company to be apart of, a team and a community of like minded people, this is the place to be. I pray the I will be here for years to come but none of us know what the future holds. But whether I am here for another day, week, or years to come, it doesn’t matter. Because now I know that it is possible to really be a part of a community of caring people who only want the best for you and don’t mind pressing you into where you need to be. Dr Lant, Worldprofit has helped me to become a better person. And I believe this is what God requires. God Bless You All."

Michael Harris, Virginia, USA.

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Create your own eBook Covers, Headers, Banners and more! No need for a designer– super easy! Here’s how!

Worldprofit’s home business bootcamp instructor, George Kosch has been looking for some time for a super-easy to use graphics design program for his own use as well as that of our Members.

Anyone who has seen the price of Adobe Photoshop has likely fallen over at the high cost not to mention the STEEP learning curve and time required to learn how to even start using it. It’s just too much power and cost for the needs of the home business or affiliate marketer. 

So when George found this new product (3 of them actually) he was THRILLED and couldn’t wait to share with our Members. A lot of you have had the same issue either learning how to do the design or having to pay someone else LOTS to do it for you.

So after buying, trying and LOVING these new graphics program here’s what George Kosch has to say and here’s how Members benefit!

These are ULTRA-Easy programs to create your own…..

Instant Ebook Covers

Instant Banner Maker

Instant Header Maker

 Now, even Non techies can make professional, EYE-POPPING LOGOS, BANNERS and HEADERS and Ebook covers

– NO SOFTWARE to download or learn!

– Super Easy to use

– Super Inexpensive!

-Worldprofit Members you can purchase the product(s) for your own use, OR you can simply sell it to earn 50% commission direct to your PayPal account.
You do NOT have to buy the products to sell them!

So, now you have another source of income, something else to sell, super products that are recommended, of good value and in demand.

PSST! (I sure hope you were listening to George Kosch during the weekly home business bootcamp training when he told you the importance of list building, and having at your finger tips lots of quality products that you can sell. These products and many many more are in your Member area!)

Remember, George Kosch hand-picks what he recommends to Worldprofit Members providing you with reputable, proven tools, resources, and products to help you build your online business.

–> So here’s what you need to do now to see the DEMO VIDEOS George has created for each of these products.

In your Worldprofit Member area, on the TOP MENU, click on COOL TOOLS.

Once in that section you will see the links and the VIDEO DEMOS for:

Instant Ebook Covers
Instant Banner Maker
Instant Header Maker

Oh and one more thing… if you don’t have your own ebook content, don’t forget you have free access to over 2500 articles in the Worldprofit ARTICLE Directory AND you get the free Ebook creator software too.  It’s all in your Worldprofit Member area. So get busy!

George Kosch will be discussing this new tool in the LIVE Friday Bootcamp Training, hope to see you there, or that you will watch the recorded version.   

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This summer, Worldprofit turns 19!  Started on a kitchen table in 1994, Worldprofit has grown to be the #1 popular choice for online home business training. Over 1 million members worldwide enjoy the training, resources, and services geared to people who want to learn how to earn at home. Get your free Worldprofit Associate membership at

Want to social network with others involved in home business, online earning programs, and affiliate marketing? Get social and start connecting at