Review: Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch, Jan 10, 2014. Presented by the home business experts at Worldprofit.

A warm welcome to all Members to the training session.

Today’s training was SUPER-CHARGED! 

George was pumped about the new services he’s been developing and participants were enthusiastic about getting on the right track to making money in 2014.

In today’s program:

New members are encouraged to dig into the training. Start with the videos for BEGINNERS located in the training section. Start on lesson 1 and DO what you are being taught. Sadly we are seeing two common errors that new members make.  The first error is NOT reading the emails we send with specific instructions. The second mistake is to race through the lessons and not DO what we teach you to do. If you don’t DO the program you DON’T get results.

What is it we are trying to teach you to do? Promote and List build. These are the TWO KEYS to earning online – in ANY business.

Those are the two things you must do consistently to earn money in Worldprofit’s earn at home program but also to earn money IN ANY ONLINE BUSINESS.

Newbies come to Worldprofit with different experiences, attitudes and skill sets. People learn at different stages in various modalities. What we teach you can be understood by anyone if you take your time and read what we send to  you. Follow our directions and consistently DO what we teach you.  We are going to repeat this as it is very important. If you learn to apply what we teach you here at Worldprofit, you can apply the marketing skills we teach you to ANY online business. It’s not enough to read, and learn, you must DO the promotion to get the results.

To build a successful online business you must take this seriously and apply yourself, take responsibility for your own success. Make a commitment to yourself to learn, allow yourself time, then DO this – it works! Make this coming year your BEST year for making money online.

So here is your homework…

1. Start reading the emails we send to you. Print out your LOGIN details and your DEALER ID.
-Review the Prospect Manager Report we send to you with your list of Associates.
-Read the tips, and updates included in the Bootcamp Newsletter, make yourself some detailed notes.
-Check the Message Center in your Member area (above the Live Business Center) for updates, service updates, etc.

2. Dig into the training, start at lesson 1 and progress at your own pace
Don’t just parse, actually read the material and watch the videos.  Don’t skip. Don’t cheat. Watch the videos!
DO the tasks for each lesson and work toward achieving the goals.
Set yourself goals for how many Associates you will sign up today, for how many new subscribers you will get on your list(s).
Write down and post your goals along with where you will post the ads, and how often.

3. Adjust your attitude to be realistic. It is going to take time and consistent work to build your online business, there are no shortcuts to success. It takes time and hard work to be successful at ANYTHING in life, this applies to building your profitable online business too.

4. Write the following down and STICK on your computer, your fridge, your bathroom mirror – but POST it!

My Goal: BUIILD MY LIST! (Enter a number that is your goal).

To make money online you  MUST promote consistently to generate leads and build your email marketing list. 
No leads = no sales. No list building = no sales.

Remember, Worldprofit is here to help you 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you need help, get stuck, or lose track submit a Support Request form. Don’t suffer or fret on your own, we are a home business community and we support and help our members. You have to take the action to access that help and the resources available to you.

New developments    – New site allows INSTANT posting of Text, Images, Videos and more. Great for branding, exposure and promotion of articles, books, products, services. Free.

New Graphics Packages (two of them!) now available to ALL Silver and Platinum VIP Members at no cost.
Access in your Member area under LEFT MENU in the WEBSITE MANAGEMENT section,

Secret Lazy Blogger – this service is already in place for all members at no cost, but we are working on some updates which George demonstrated today. With the updates Members will soon be able to promote to MULIPLE BLOGS with one click. Huge time saver for those of you with more than one blog.  Improvements underway also include automatic updates to your site map and your RSS feed.  – new site in development where members can post services, products they offer for a service fee. This is another source of income for members who have specialized skills or services available for sale. Watch for announcements for official release in coming weeks.  Examples of what you can promote to earn from are: advertising, swaps, graphic design, ebook creation, writing services, promotion, etc.

Discussion / Questions and Answers

George answered several questions submitted by Members, including considerable discussion about the benefits of blogging, WordPress, JetPack and more.
Also some discussion about JVZoo.

Worldprofit Member services referenced in today’s training session.

Article Directory (2500+ articles with free use for Worldprofit Members)
Home Business training lessons
Home Business Video Library ( )
Worldprofit Training Section
Website Management
Secret Lazy Blogger
Worldprofit Video Blogs
Worldprofit PreBuilt Blogs
Worldprofit Facebook Group

Other Services referenced

Robo Form
JV Zoo
Warrior Forum
Get Response

Some comments / questions from participants

Desiree: This new blogging system looks great! I can’t wait to be able to use it. Thank you George!

Centra: We needed this system months ago. Thanks George!!! Amazing!!!

David: You mention not to wonder around, but with all this new awesome information it’s really difficult not too.

David: My roboform doesn’t want to work with chrome

Garrett: good tip

howie: will we be having some more updated lead capture pages coming in the near future

John: How do you get your picture put on your web site? (Design 62 -> Website Management -> Site settings. SAVE. )

Peter: John left top corner on you dashboard you upload the picture under profile then it goes automatical on

David: I’ve always had a problem trying to promote on Jvzoo. There Youtube videos are not good when trying to follow along or understand.

Randy: put your pic on site through website management

Jay: should we have a differnt list for all offers or websites?

David: is there anywhere here that will show us how to work a typical day here

Jay: Can I add my blog to my Worldprofit website?

David: Does Worldprofit have an email list cleaner to use

robin: would you say that paid advertising has a better click rate. better leads?

Thank you to everyone who attended Worldprofit’s Home Business Training today. Next LIVE training session is Friday Jan 17th, 2014.  The recording of the training today will be posted to the Worldprofit Members area within 24 hours to the TRAINING section.

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at


Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at  Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 2 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Dec 27, 2013 from the online home business experts at Worldprofit

George Kosch welcomed participants to Worldprofit’s last home business training session of 2013.

George opened with remarks noting the passing of Michael Pachuta. Michael was a long time Member of Worldprofit’s home business community, he volunteered many hours as a Monitor. His unique sense of humour endeared him to so many of us. Our hearts are heavy at news of his loss, he will be missed. A special memorial to honour Michael’s life will be hosted by Dr. Jeffrey Lant and held after the holidays. Date and time to be announced. 

After a brief pause, George  proceeded with the training segments.

Topics included:

Social Media marketing
List Building
Video marketing
Video Blogs (new Worldprofit service)
Article Marketing
Tracking your Ad Results (Worldprofit’s Ad Tracker tool)
JV Zoo
Communication with CONFIRMATION

What’s New!

NEW! Facebook Group for Worldprofit. We hope you will join us, here is the link.  (login to your Facebook account first) 

Questions and comments were encouraged during the training, here is a sampling, watch the recorded version for the answers and context of comments.

– I am not getting any signups. What am I doing wrong?
– Are the items in the Worldprofit Goody Bag free for Silver and Platinum VIP Members?
– Is the Ultimate Pack free to all Members?
– Is there an average number of clicks per day needed to secure associates?
– I am a silver member and I have been advertising as your teaching tells us since I started a week ago… spending hours (6 – 10 a day) learning and advertizing and have not recruited  one person. Im using all the sites suggested and all the ads available to me. Am I doing something wrong or is this expected at first?.
– With jvzoo i tied by paypal account but could not see any sale coming from there. please help
– Should you merge your social media from your past or redo it here and abandon your old stuff
– What about the recomended products  that are recommended in the boot camp?
– i have hundreds of safelists i advertise too
– I wasn’t encorporating my aweber type account and thus not building my list
– buy swaps solos via my comissions
– Become a monitor to get a downline!!
– Good advise Mark . I called Dr. Lant Jeff one day .
– At first I was selling products until I started the bootcamp lessons. then I started promoting the landing pages. I made the beginers mistake but corrected it.
– i have joined new safelists each week and buy lifetime memberships cheap sometimes
-Restarted my bootcamp lessons to get back on track
-I’m doing my promotions
– How do You get a new dealer to see the big picture so they don’t quit after 1 month?
– The monitor at LBC becomes quite busy at times, and you cannot get to the person before they get frustrated and leave is there a way you can create an alternate 2nd identicle Live Business Center like an express lane at Walmart to answer questions for someone who doesn’t want to wait?

In closing we thank you to ALL our members around the world for your support this last year.  George Kosch presented 51 LIVE training sessions in 2013. That’s over 100 hours of interactive, step by step training that Worldprofit Members have enjoyed over the last 12 months. Thank you to all who have participated in the training either by attending, or watching the recorded sessions. We look forward to continuing to provide specialized, expert training, support and resources to our Members in 2014.

The recording of the training will be posted to the TRAINING section of the member area within 24 hours.

Worldprofit’s Home Business Video Library

The next LIVE training session, the FIRST workshop of 2014, is Friday January 3rd.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit Member Updates November 24, 2013.

1. The recording of Friday’s Home Business Bootcamp Training Workshop (Nov 22nd, 2013) with George Kosch is now posted. You can access within the training section of your Worldprofit Member area, or go to our entire Video Library at

2.   A SHOUT-OUT to our Worldprofit Monitors. You are simply the best of the best! Your commitment of time to Worldprofit’s Home Business Community is noticed and appreciated.

If you’re reading this and interested in joining the Worldprofit Monitor Network all you need is a web camera and a commitment to learn and volunteer a few hours a week. When you see Dr.Jeffrey  Lant in the Live Business Center, ask him how you can get involved. Monitors also enjoy some nice perks too.

3. This past week we gave every single Silver and Platinum VIP Member $297 in free software!

In case you missed the announcement Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder has been released and is ready for your use. The value of this once piece of software that is  INCLUDED in your Membership far exceeds what you pay for your monthly membership. Add to that all of the traffic that you get included, the software and training and you have found the best place on the net to build and and ALL your online business. We don’t believe in nickel and diming our members,. We believe in providing you with unique software that continually increases the value of your membership. We don’t want you to even think once about not continuing your membership because doing so would mean giving up all your traffic, software, training, support and other member privileges that you will not find anywhere else.  Our goal is to earn your business for the long term and be your partner in your online business development.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Did you know this about your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum Membership?

Your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership is packed with tools, resources, software, training and advertising to help you market any and all your online business programs. These tools help you generate leads, build traffic, and grow your email marketing list and of course increase your revenue from legitimate online money-making  sources.

Your member area is so packed with good-for-you stuff that you may have missed a few things, so read this, print it out even, so you don’t miss one bit of value.   

You have unlimited access to the Universal Bonus Builder – it’s INCLUDED in your membership and allows you to give away Advertising Packages that have REAL value. Use this to create incentives and get signups in any and all your business programs.

You have access to Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder. With this software you can create UNLIMITED landing pages – BEAUTIFUL eye-popping, landing pages with just ONE CLICK.  No special tech or graphics knowledge required.  This is a lead tool you can simply not be without – and we have included it at NO cost for our Members. 

You have an Affiliate Center that allows you to quickly and easily add code to your website for any and ALL your other affiliate programs.

You have a Prospect Manager System that allows you to quickly enter and organize your prospects alphabetically, by category by type  and follow up date? Then you can email your prospects offers to drum up sales.

You have unlimited access to the MONEY MAKERS Promo Kit – currently loaded with 47 products you can promote with the click of a button to earn 100% commission on sales.

You have a complete Website Management System. This means you can make changes or additions to your website as often as you like. 

You get the Worldprofit Dealership with eligibility to earn commissions from 20 – 80%. Refer sales of Worldprofit services and earn 20% as a Silver member, and 30% as a Platinum VIP Member. Consult the list of resale items in your Member area to learn how much commission you earn as well as qualify for up to $1,000 in bonuses for New Sales Volume.

You get monthly Traffic injections! Silver Members get the basic injection, while Platinum VIP Members get both solo and email privileges at the VIP level. Check out the ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC section then select TRAFFIC INJECTION to make sure you are getting yours each month. This is FREE but VERY VALUABLE so use it!

You have unlimited access to the Advertising/Traffic section – filled with promo codes, ad swipes, free advertising, banners, automated promotion methods, recommended free and low cost advertising sources and more to use to promote any and ALL your affiliates. This is good stuff!

You have unlimited access to the Link Manager to help you organize your opportunities and websites. Organization and time saving!

You get OVER 2500 articles that you can use freely on your blog, your newsletter, or e-books to generate leads and traffic. Great search engine candy – attract Google!

You can easily create your own custom e-book, we provide you with the software to do so. Heck, we even provide over 2500 articles you can use to create your own ebook as a lead generator. Ebooks are lead generators and a powerful inclusion in your online marketing efforts.

You get your own blog – add to it your social profile and links to all your opportunities for even more exposure. Fresh content is key for attracting search engine traffic.

You can post unlimited ads to the Worldprofit Marketplace – that’s right just one more way you can promote whatever you like. We’ve got 1 million+ members in that network!

You get the SEO Power Pak with SEO tools, techniques as well as the Auto SEO Promo Tool Kit. It’s all in your member area, including a video series devoted just to SEO tactics.

You get unlimited access to Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Training – now over 80 online lessons many with videos and screen shots to help you understand concepts, software and tools all related to online marketing and income generation.

You get unlimited access to LIVE training EVERY Friday – marketing expert George Kosch is there for you every Friday to answer your questions, provide training and do on screen demonstrations of what you need to do and understand to make consistent online income. NO OTHER COMPANY offers this kind of intense, interactive, hands on training EVERY week. That’s over 100 hours of valuable training you get as a Silver or Platinum VIP member over the course of one year.

You get unlimited access to ad swipes, banners, landing pages, e-books, text ads and more to generate leads and traffic AND build your email marketing list.

At your fingertips is unlimited access to the Offer Builder – you get not one but two Offer Builders – use these to build offers and help close sales in ANY PROGRAM you are involved.

Included is access to over 250 PLR products for your personal use if you are a Silver Member, and that you can offer for 100% commission sales as a Platinum VIP Member

You get your own newsletter that includes templates, or custom create your own offers to send out to your e-mailing list.

You have MULTIPLE streams of income built into your Member area to help you make as much money as possible.  Look in the Money Makers section and the FastCash program and in the Advertising/Traffic section to see for yourself.

You get an Ad Tracker tool so you can judge whether your advertising is getting you clicks, or not. VERY important for every marketer.

Platinum VIP Members you get the unlimited use Autoresponder already to go with 12 income programs already loaded!

You get access to the Magic List Builder – building your email marketing list is easy with this very popular tool. Just this one tool alone (included in your membership) is worth about $50. Other companies charge about that for a product that does far less than the one we INCLUDE in your Membership.

Don’t forget about the WHO’S LOGGED IN feature in your Member area, once you know how to generate Associate sign ups, this tools allows you to know when they have logged in, so you can quickly follow up by knowing who’s active.

The Banner Promo Kit is a huge hit with our Members, we provide you with banners for several money making programs, and you simply click a button to add the ones of your choice to your website.

Finally, IMPORTANTLY remember that you have Worldprofit’s LIVE BUSINESS Center manned with Monitors 24 hours a day. These incredible Monitors VOLUNTEER their time to help members of our community make sales. You do the promotion, by simply referring people to our Live Business Center, when they login  our Monitors greet them and make them an offer to upgrade to a paid Membership.  You earn a commission for those Associates who convert from a free membership to a paid membership. In other words, we are helping to close YOUR sales 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  We provide you with all the promotion tools, we make suggestions for you to advertise and promote, then we close your referrals for you.  Top that off with the fact that our Worldprofit Support Team is available to you 7 days a week and you can be confident help is available when you need it.

The # 1 Advertising Mistake. Are you doing this?

Are you advertising but getting frustrated with no or few results? Feel like you are doing everything right but no results?

It could be that you are not advertising in the right places to target your market and get a response.

Not all advertising sites are equal. Some offer you credits, some offer you hits, some offer you views, some offer solo ads, some offer pay per click. Some ads are free, some you have to pay for.

How do you know where to advertise to get the best results?

For the newbie it can be very frustrating, time consuming and EXPENSIVE if you don’t know what you are doing.

The #1 Advertising Mistake is made by Members not advertising at the sites we have tested and we recommend in your Worldprofit Member area .

At Worldprofit, we have TESTED several advertising sites then listed in your Member area those we found to be the most responsive and least expensive (many are even free).  We have over 50 places listed in your member area and we add new ones as we test for results. We’ve also tested the ads, and the landing pages we provide for you.

You can find our Recommendations in your Member area, on left menu click on "ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC" then on "20+ Income Streams". There you will find our list of the best safelists and traffic exchanges to promote the Landing Pages for Associate sign ups as well as the ClickBank, Money Maker, Fast Cash  and Reseller products.

Here are a few advertising tips to help you out as well.

1. As a general rule PAID advertising produces better results than free advertising.  The sites we have listed in your Member area are sites that we recommend for both FREE and PAID ads. If your budget is small do free ads, as you can integrate some paid advertising too.

2. Pay attention to two things when you get your leads from your advertising. First make sure the leads are from countries like USA, Canada, and Europe for best responses to your offers. Secondly be sure to check the IP’s (if provided) with the sign ups. The IP addresses should be UNIQUE, if they are all the same IP, chances are that the sign ups are being generated from a computer not an actual person. Be wary of leads that come in with a “pattern” meaning they all have the same type of name, place of origin, or odd characters in the name fields.

3.  Advertise  DAILY! Promote! Promote! Promote! Do this at a number of sites, exchanges, safelists, blogs, forums, classifieds, social networking sites, and newsletters. When it comes to promotion, your job is never done.

4. Use your Ad Tracker Tool. It’s FREE for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum Members. Advertise then look at your Ad Tracker to monitor your results. It’s an INSTANT way to see if what you are doing is working or not.

Advertising Hint:  Have you noticed that Coca Cola, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Apple and other companies are always running ads and promotions? Guess what? You as an online marketer must do the same!  Promote every single day as many ways as you can. Think this is a lot of work? You are right it is but if you use the strategies and tools we teach you in the Bootcamp it can be easier and faster. Watch the next live Bootcamp Training to learn EXACTLY how. If you aren’t attending the training you are missing out BIG TIME!  The training is every week and we focus on promotion. What to promote, how to promote where to promote.    The next LIVE training with marketing expert George Kosch is FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15th, 2013. Bring your questions, get demos, and step by step instructions on what you need to do to earn online.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder software has been officially released.

Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members, you get this software at NO COST. Value is $297.

Here’s how to get it right now:

1. In your Worldprofit Member area on the LEFT MENU locate the MONEY MAKERS section,  click on LANDING PAGE BUILDER.
2. Follow the instructions posted there to start creating your own beautiful, LEAD GENERATING landing pages.

There is nothing else out there that has the capability, customization and UNLIMITED use like this Worldprofit developed software developed by our own George Kosch.

With this software you can create unlimited BEAUTIFUL landing pages (for ANY business) – within minutes!

Really. In MINUTES! No exaggeration.

Super-easy for EVERYONE to use.

No technical or graphics expertise required.

You get to pick the template from a Gallery, add in your own headlines etc. Press SAVE.

Why is this so valuable to you?

Landing pages generate LEADS. Leads build your list.  Leads and lists generate SALES! 

What are we charging Silver and Platinum VIP members for this new software?


Worldprofit Members get this software exclusively at NO extra cost. The value is $297.
It’s INCLUDED in your Silver or Platinum VIP membership. Better yet, we built it so we support it

We are INCREASING the value of your Membership once again, and we haven’t raised your membership fees! We want you to be so happy with your Worldprofit membership you can’t even think about life online without it.

See the Landing Page video overview by George Kosch here

10 SECRETS of Highly Successful Online Marketers according to marketing expert, George Kosch.

1. Successful online marketers know that marketing must be done as consistently as possible. Marketing and promotion must be scheduled, frequent and without fail.

2. Successful online marketers know that the money is in the list and thus list building strategies MUST be integrated into all marketing campaigns.

3. Successful online marketers know that landing pages, also called squeeze pages are what will generate leads NOT a static website.

4. Successful online marketers know that you must continually seek out NEW advertising sources. Don’t stop when you find a few good sources, keep looking for new sources to expand your marketing reach.

5. Successful online marketers know that paid ads produce the best results IF the source is trusted and proven, but a combination of free and paid ads is still smart marketing.

6. Successful online marketers know that ad swaps are both cost effective and a clever way to reach your target markets.

7.  Successful online marketers know that having access to a number of quality products, services, affiliates or referral programs producing multiple streams of income is the key to generating ongoing online income.

8. Successful online marketers know that you need a reliable way to track your ads so you know exactly where you are getting results for your efforts and advertising dollars.

9. Successful online marketers know that one cannot know it all, and investing in proven-effective reputable training programs for access to software, list building techniques, and mentoring can save a lot of time, money and frustration. 

10. Successful online marketers know that it takes time to build a successful online business. One thing is CERTAIN – if you QUIT – you will never enjoy online success!

Want to learn more?  Attend Worldprofit’s next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch.

FRIDAY November 8th, 2013 at 8 AM CT. Access is from within your Worldprofit Member area. (If you don’t know what time that is in your part of the world do a Google search for a time zone converter.)

Who should come to the training?  YOU should. You came to Worldprofit to learn how to earn online – so take advantage of this!
All Silver and Platinum VIP Members are invited and urged to attend.

Marketing expert and bootcamp instructor, George Kosch will be demonstrating what you need to do to earn online. YOU are going to LOVE this! Attend and get a LIVE demonstration to see for yourself how you benefit from the resources included in your Membership.

Got questions? Bring them! Need a demonstration ? Just ask!

Learn exactly what you need to make money online using the tools, resources and training included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.

If you cannot attend, the LIVE training programs ARE recorded and posted to your Member area in the TRAINING section within 24 hours.

* * * * * * * * *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Get over $400 in free advertising and option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70%.

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit Customer Review

Thank you to new Silver Member, Param Deep Kaur Bajwa for sending in your kind comments about Worldprofit’s earn at home program, we are delighted that you found us! Welcome to Worldprofit’s Home business community. We are at your service 7 days a week, 365 Days a Year to help you build your online business.


Wow! I just started an hour ago and you already gave me a website that I can promote on CraigsList, etc. I’ve been messing around with Empower Network for 1.5 months.

Gosh! I wish I had found your site before I spent almost 1K making nothing with Empower. But, golly, this is better. Intimidating at first but after a couple of tutorials (and they are not endless like some other tutorials that I’ve been privy to). 


(Param Deep Kaur Bajwa)

* * * * * * * * *

Member Update!

We have just added new lessons to the Bootcamp Lesson Plans. You now have 80 lessons to complete at your own pace to learn about online marketing and how to benefit from the tools and resources included in your Membership.  You can see ALL of the lesson plan titles by topic within your Member area on left menu under Home Business Bootcamp.  BUT……. avoid the temptation to jump ahead. You came to Worldprofit to learn how to earn online and this means you MUST do the promotion to make sales.  You won’t make money reading the lessons. You make money by learning then DOING what George Kosch teaches you in the bootcamp.  If you are unclear how to do this, then submit a Support Ticket and request help so we can get you on the right track.

* * * * * * * * * *

Silver Members, if you’ve been thinking about upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership NOW is the time to do it!

With this Special LIMITED TIME UPGRADE OFFER you receive $900+ in FREE Services AND qualify for HIGHER commissions.

Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means you earn a HIGHER rate of commissions!
Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means MORE software, resources and training tools to build your business!
Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means you get over $900 in FREE Services with this limited time offer!
Upgrading to Platinum VIP Membership means you get more advertising – for promoting ANY PROGRAM you like!

Here are the details.  Jump on this Limited Time Offer now.

Platinum package owners receive 30% commission on the sale of Silver and Platinum packages!
Of course you still also qualify for the standard 80%  commission on the Reseller Products and 100% of the ClickBank and Money Maker Products that you sell.   Consult the Commission chart in your member area for complete details on this as well as New Volume Sales Bonuses we pay out up to $1,000.

Upgrade your Worldprofit Silver Membership to Platinum VIP Membership, pay monthly, and look at the extra BONUSES you will enjoy!

– 20 Design Credits so you can change your website template 20 times to the other choices from the gallery
– 10,000 Banner exposures for use with your Banner Exchange (includes free banners for your use)
– Sales Center Software (post your own opportunities in the member are for your Associates to see and know when they have viewed the pages)
– Instant Seminar System software (hold your own seminars online in your seminar room)
– Instant Meeting Center software (meet with your prospects or dealers online in your own Meeting Center)
– Instant Video Recording Studio (record videos and email them out to prospects, or add the video to your website)
– Instant Audio Recording Studio (record your own audio messages and email them out, or add to your website)
-The Autoresponder Business Builder with 12 turn key businesses included  (retails for $499 – you get it free!)  
– LIVE Face Chat application so you can interact instantly with visitors to your site
-NEW!  The new MEGA Advertising Traffic Injection Package – each month we INJECT your VIP Membership with valuable Ad Credits you can use to promote ANYTHING you like! 
PLUS! You get the Private Label Resellers Store (PLR) at no cost!  This is a value of $199.95
Your PLR Store comes stocked with 215 ready to sell digital products including shopping cart and updates. You keep 100% of the sales. 
NOTE: Only Platinum VIP Members get the PLR store at ZERO cost! Silver members pay $199.95 per year!

PLUS! As a Platinum VIP Member you get a MONTHLY TRAFFIC INJECTION – use these ad credits at these high profile sites to promote ANY and ALL your other Affiliate programs. Specifically you get:

-5,000 Visitors, 5000 banner views, 5,000 text ad views at
-20,000 ad credits at
-20,000 Ad credits at
-20,000 ad credits, 2 SOLO ADS at
-20,000 ad credits, 2 SOLO ADS at

—>  To get your personalized upgrade quote, submit an Accounts Support form from the left menu. Tell us you want a quote to upgrade to Platinum VIP Membership .    We will get back to you ASAP with this special offer pricing.


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If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Review: Sept 27th, 2013 LIVE Home Business Training with marketing expert George Kosch

George Kosch spend a good deal of time talking about critical components of building a successful online business.

1. Lead Generation
2. List building
3. Marketing essentials
4. Traffic generation

Specifically, George covered:

– Types of free advertising (Safelists and Exchanges)
– Types of paid advertising
– What to promote, where to promote
– How to earn the MOST free ad credits you can on Safelists.

Worldprofit Member services demonstrated

– The Affiliate Center (included in your Membership) how to use this to promote any and all your OTHER programs on your website.
– Traffic Control (included in your Membership and demonstration of how you get your monthly Traffic Injections)

A question and answer session followed.

Thank you to everyone who attended the training session.

The recorded version of today’s live session will be posted within 24 hours to your Worldprofit Member area in the TRAINING section. 

Next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training is Friday Oct 5th, 2013 at 8 AM CT.

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Not a member yet? Get a free Worldprofit Associate Membership at Find out why Worldprofit is the #1 choice for online earn at home training programs.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing and expose your opportunity to our 1 MILLION+ Members.
Go to

Blast your URL to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more – get a free 7 day trial of

Revealing Mistakes made by new Worldprofit Members that doom your online business success.

Every day we have the pleasure of welcoming new Members to Worldprofit’s earn at home training program.  People arrive with different levels of skills  and experience but all share the common goal of wanting to know how to earn money online.

In nearly 20 years of business, we have answered THOUSANDS of Support tickets from our Members.  We watch some people succeed while others do not.  Some get this business right away, others take longer. We feel our job in this training is to get you on the right path early and keep you there.  We want you to be Members for life, not for 30 days.  Our goal is to help you make money online and guide you to the tasks that will put you on the road to profit. 

These are the most common mistakes new members make that contribute to their lack of success.

You may want to print this information. It’s very easy to get distracted and lose focus, hopefully having this information at your finger tips will put you on the path to being one of our Top Sellers.

Common Mistakes made by New Members

1. Never starting the online training levels and never attending a LIVE Bootcamp Training Session.
We have 8 basic lessons to get you on track and 75+ more with advanced learning topics. The focus of each and every one of these lessons is to help YOU learn what to do to make money online.  To add to your learning opportunities, each week George Kosch provides LIVE training for nearly two hours. This live training allows you to ask questions, watch on screen as George shows the exact steps you need to generate leads, build traffic and make money.  We record this training so it can be watched when convenient for our Members, or re-watched for review purposes.    The Top Sellers in Worldprofit attend the training, if YOU want to be a top seller you must attend the training – then DO what it taught.

-To see the Summary of ALL the lessons in the Bootcamp Training, on left menu select HOME BUSINESS BOOTCAMP then select BOOTCAMP LEVEL SUMMARY.
-To know the date and time of the next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training, check the MESSAGE BOARD when you login, you will see this at the top of the page.

2. Fiddling with their site to make it "prettier and perfect". 
All Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members get a website included in the Membership. The site we provide is designed specifically to generate leads and is fine just as it is.  Yes, you do have the ability to change it, add code, affiliate programs, etc but don’t spend a huge amount of time on this.  You came into our program to make money. Please understand that it’s the TOOLS,  RESOURCES and ADVERTISING included in your Member area that is going to generate your traffic and your earnings.  For those of you who are taking the TRAINING mentioned in Mistake # 1 you should now  understand this.    When you first join Worldprofit, leave your site as it is for now. Make some money using the resources we offer and when you are a more experienced marketer THEN start modifying your site.

3. Promoting your website and NOT the Landing Pages.
If you have been following the training you would understand why you should NOT be promoting your website and SHOULD BE promoting the Landing Pages. You would know how to find the Landing Pages and you would know where to promote them.  If this is a surprise to you do this. Landing pages both generate leads AND build your email marketing list.
In your Member area, on the top menu, select TRAINING, then  watch the very first video posted there. It says: "BOOTCAMP MUST WATCH VIDEO FOR BEGINNERS."  Landing Pages have ONE purpose: to get you Associates and build your mailing list.  George explains this along with where to promote these Landing Pages so you get Associate sign ups and this leads to sales!

4. Not understanding how the Worldprofit System works.
OK, I know I sound like a broken record here, but this is so very important.  If you have been doing the Bootcamp Training Lessons you should understand how our system works. Here’s a summary in it’s most basic form.

As a Member, you use the tools and resources we provide to sign up free Associate Members into the Worldprofit Program.  When those Associates login they are greeted by our Monitors. The Monitors assist the Associates to watch a video overview of our program, then make them an offer to encourage them to upgrade from a free Associate Membership to a paid Silver Membership. If YOU referred that Associate and they upgrade YOU get the commission.    Are you starting to see how important YOUR promotion efforts are, and how very important the Monitors are to you?  DRIVE traffic – and let the system work for you.  Of course our system offers you much more than this including list building and other sources of income but this is the basic process that you need to understand when you are first getting started.

5. Not doing the Promotion.
So you have watched the Basic Training video right?  You have attended or watched a recording of George Kosch’s bootcamp training.  What does George say over and over and over again?  You MUST promote consistently to see results.   We provide you with the tools to promote, the places to promote and a way to track your promotion.  To see results you MUST promote consistently to trusted sites.  In your Member area under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC section on the left menu you will find the Landing Pages, the Safelists, The Exchanges, and the Ad Tracker. We have lessons on each of these topics as well to assist with your understanding.   For people new to doing business online you are sometimes amazed at how much promotion you must do to get results. This is a reality of ANY business, you must constantly promote to reputable places to get traffic and see sales.  The good news is that you are not on your own. We provide you with a list of recommended places, advertising aids, and stats trackers to monitor your results. The rest is up to you, it’s your job to do the promotion, every day if possible.  Your sales success is 100% dependent on your promotional efforts.

6. Not asking for help when you need it.
I shake my head in disbelief  when a new Member says after a week in our program, "I want to quit, I am not getting any help." Worldprofit’s Support Team is here to help YOU, 7 days a week, 365 Days a Year.  We have a 24 hour Member access filled with videos, screen captures and step-by-step instructions. We have a LIVE weekly training session every week free to all Silver and Platinum VIP Members.  We have a 24 hour Monitor Network, real people ready ALL the time to help close your sales.  Sandi Hunter, George Kosch, Dr. Jeffrey Lant work alongside you every day to help you build your business.  Take responsibility for yourself. If you need help, submit a Support Form. We want to help you succeed and are happy to provide assistance.  Your Membership includes all kinds of support and training 365 days a year, so take advantage of this.

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If you are reading this and not a member yet of Worldprofit, get a free Associate Membership at

Want to network with other affiliate marketers? Join Worldprofit’s social networking site and expose your affiliate programs to our over 1 million members.