Review: Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch, Jan 10, 2014. Presented by the home business experts at Worldprofit.

A warm welcome to all Members to the training session.

Today’s training was SUPER-CHARGED! 

George was pumped about the new services he’s been developing and participants were enthusiastic about getting on the right track to making money in 2014.

In today’s program:

New members are encouraged to dig into the training. Start with the videos for BEGINNERS located in the training section. Start on lesson 1 and DO what you are being taught. Sadly we are seeing two common errors that new members make.  The first error is NOT reading the emails we send with specific instructions. The second mistake is to race through the lessons and not DO what we teach you to do. If you don’t DO the program you DON’T get results.

What is it we are trying to teach you to do? Promote and List build. These are the TWO KEYS to earning online – in ANY business.

Those are the two things you must do consistently to earn money in Worldprofit’s earn at home program but also to earn money IN ANY ONLINE BUSINESS.

Newbies come to Worldprofit with different experiences, attitudes and skill sets. People learn at different stages in various modalities. What we teach you can be understood by anyone if you take your time and read what we send to  you. Follow our directions and consistently DO what we teach you.  We are going to repeat this as it is very important. If you learn to apply what we teach you here at Worldprofit, you can apply the marketing skills we teach you to ANY online business. It’s not enough to read, and learn, you must DO the promotion to get the results.

To build a successful online business you must take this seriously and apply yourself, take responsibility for your own success. Make a commitment to yourself to learn, allow yourself time, then DO this – it works! Make this coming year your BEST year for making money online.

So here is your homework…

1. Start reading the emails we send to you. Print out your LOGIN details and your DEALER ID.
-Review the Prospect Manager Report we send to you with your list of Associates.
-Read the tips, and updates included in the Bootcamp Newsletter, make yourself some detailed notes.
-Check the Message Center in your Member area (above the Live Business Center) for updates, service updates, etc.

2. Dig into the training, start at lesson 1 and progress at your own pace
Don’t just parse, actually read the material and watch the videos.  Don’t skip. Don’t cheat. Watch the videos!
DO the tasks for each lesson and work toward achieving the goals.
Set yourself goals for how many Associates you will sign up today, for how many new subscribers you will get on your list(s).
Write down and post your goals along with where you will post the ads, and how often.

3. Adjust your attitude to be realistic. It is going to take time and consistent work to build your online business, there are no shortcuts to success. It takes time and hard work to be successful at ANYTHING in life, this applies to building your profitable online business too.

4. Write the following down and STICK on your computer, your fridge, your bathroom mirror – but POST it!

My Goal: BUIILD MY LIST! (Enter a number that is your goal).

To make money online you  MUST promote consistently to generate leads and build your email marketing list. 
No leads = no sales. No list building = no sales.

Remember, Worldprofit is here to help you 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you need help, get stuck, or lose track submit a Support Request form. Don’t suffer or fret on your own, we are a home business community and we support and help our members. You have to take the action to access that help and the resources available to you.

New developments    – New site allows INSTANT posting of Text, Images, Videos and more. Great for branding, exposure and promotion of articles, books, products, services. Free.

New Graphics Packages (two of them!) now available to ALL Silver and Platinum VIP Members at no cost.
Access in your Member area under LEFT MENU in the WEBSITE MANAGEMENT section,

Secret Lazy Blogger – this service is already in place for all members at no cost, but we are working on some updates which George demonstrated today. With the updates Members will soon be able to promote to MULIPLE BLOGS with one click. Huge time saver for those of you with more than one blog.  Improvements underway also include automatic updates to your site map and your RSS feed.  – new site in development where members can post services, products they offer for a service fee. This is another source of income for members who have specialized skills or services available for sale. Watch for announcements for official release in coming weeks.  Examples of what you can promote to earn from are: advertising, swaps, graphic design, ebook creation, writing services, promotion, etc.

Discussion / Questions and Answers

George answered several questions submitted by Members, including considerable discussion about the benefits of blogging, WordPress, JetPack and more.
Also some discussion about JVZoo.

Worldprofit Member services referenced in today’s training session.

Article Directory (2500+ articles with free use for Worldprofit Members)
Home Business training lessons
Home Business Video Library ( )
Worldprofit Training Section
Website Management
Secret Lazy Blogger
Worldprofit Video Blogs
Worldprofit PreBuilt Blogs
Worldprofit Facebook Group

Other Services referenced

Robo Form
JV Zoo
Warrior Forum
Get Response

Some comments / questions from participants

Desiree: This new blogging system looks great! I can’t wait to be able to use it. Thank you George!

Centra: We needed this system months ago. Thanks George!!! Amazing!!!

David: You mention not to wonder around, but with all this new awesome information it’s really difficult not too.

David: My roboform doesn’t want to work with chrome

Garrett: good tip

howie: will we be having some more updated lead capture pages coming in the near future

John: How do you get your picture put on your web site? (Design 62 -> Website Management -> Site settings. SAVE. )

Peter: John left top corner on you dashboard you upload the picture under profile then it goes automatical on

David: I’ve always had a problem trying to promote on Jvzoo. There Youtube videos are not good when trying to follow along or understand.

Randy: put your pic on site through website management

Jay: should we have a differnt list for all offers or websites?

David: is there anywhere here that will show us how to work a typical day here

Jay: Can I add my blog to my Worldprofit website?

David: Does Worldprofit have an email list cleaner to use

robin: would you say that paid advertising has a better click rate. better leads?

Thank you to everyone who attended Worldprofit’s Home Business Training today. Next LIVE training session is Friday Jan 17th, 2014.  The recording of the training today will be posted to the Worldprofit Members area within 24 hours to the TRAINING section.

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at


Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at  Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 2 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Two Graphics packages released for Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members

Worldprofit has just added not one but TWO graphics packages to your member area.

Guess how much it will cost you?


Not one dime.

We bought the rights to these packages so we could provide these to Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members at NO cost.

That’s right the value of your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership just went up again!


Here’s how to get your hands on these valuable graphic packages right now!

–> In your member area on LEFT MENU, select WEBSITE MANAGEMENT then click on Graphics Pack 1, and then on Graphics Pack 2.

You will then see that these packages are loaded with easy to use graphics that should meet just about all your marketing and promotion needs.

Now, if you are a NEW MEMBER at Worldprofit, don’t get worried that you have to make your own promotion materials! This latest freebie is just one more value added service that we have included exclusively to our members to help you build your online business, our more advanced members and marketers will especially appreciate the value of this.    If you are a newbie we have lots and lots of landing pages, ad examples, banners and more waiting for you in your member area – that are super easy to use and you can start using now.  Follow the steps of the bootcamp training lessons so you know what to do and don’t get distracted. See below for how to access our interactive training.


It’s a new year and we want to see YOU on track for making consistent income!

Friday is BOOTCAMP TRAINING DAY! Every Friday in fact, we are here LIVE to teach you how to earn online from home from reputable sources.

We are ready to get you going and have LIVE training Friday morning at 8 AM CT with George Kosch. He’s your home business bootcamp instructor and here to show you exactly what you need to do to get started making money, or INCREASE how much you are making now in the Worldprofit earn at home system.

Access is in your Worldprofit member area, we hope to see you there! 

What’s that? You can’t attend the LIVE training? No problem! We record it and post within 24 hours to your member area in the TRAINING section so you can watch whenever it’s convenient for you -but do watch it!

Worldprofit’s Home Business Video Training Library 

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.


Worldprofit kicks off 2014 with release of Advanced Graphics Suite for Platinum VIP Members

Are you graphic design challenged?  Is it costing you sales and money spent on designers? 

Read this and realize that creating your own professional graphics for all your promotional materials is no longer a problem for online marketers! This is due to new browser-based software that requires NO technical or graphic design experience!  

Worldprofit’s Advanced Graphics Software suite is ultra-easy to use and allows you to quickly create Image Covers for your Facebook Profiles, groups etc. Plus you can create beautiful banners, headers, video overlays, graphics for your YouTube Channels, and for Google hangouts.  If you were to purchase this software on your own you would pay $197 per program – per year!  We’ve bought this software and the rights to include ALL 3 programs at no extra cost exclusively to our Worldprofit Platinum VIP Members.  That’s $600 of value – meaning the value of your Platinum VIP Membership just went UP by $600 and you don’t pay a dime extra.

Worldprofit Associate Members and Silver Members have the option of purchasing the software at exclusive Member only pricing.

Video Overview of Worldprofit’s Advanced Graphics Suite Software


George Kosch has created an easy to use splash page builder that can be used to generate leads in any Safelist or Traffic Exchange for ANY program you are involved in.  During our testing phase we were blown away at how easy this is to use! Using our Worldprofit image creation software, you  need only your browser to build professional quality splash pages. The Splash Page Builder is free for All Silver and Platinum VIP members. Enjoy!

Watch the video below to see how you can easily create eye-popping splash pages without any special graphics design experience or expensive difficult-to-learn software.

Video Overview of Worldprofit’s Splash Page Builder

George Kosch will be providing LIVE demonstrations of this new software during the January 3rd, 2014 Home Business Bootcamp Training. Bring your questions, and a pen and paper. The Home Business Bootcamp is included in your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership so we hope to see you there.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

REVIEW: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, December 20th, 2013

Oh man! Did you miss an incredible bootcamp training session!

Here’s the review and information on how to access the recording – and you WILL want to watch the recording.

George Kosch welcomed all participants to the LIVE home business bootcamp training session.

He kicked the program off with a demonstration of a new Worldprofit service  – VIDEO BLOGS.

By now you should know what a Blog. It is a site where you can post content, links, images, articles and more.

Blogs are powerful because they are filled with key words and links that are attractive to search engines.

Updating your blog on a regular basis keeps the search engines coming back to index your site which helps with key word site ranking especially for niche blogs.

Now what you may not be as familiar with is VIDEO BLOGS.  Google owns YouTube. Google spiders the web constantly and videos are indexed quickly.  If you have both video AND content on your blog, you INCREASE Google and other search engines interest in your site.   The more often your site is visited by search engines, and the more FRESH content you have on your site the better indexed your site will be.  The more QUALITY content you have, and the more videos you post the better.

Here is an example of a Video Blog site:

Worldprofit offers an OPTIONAL service where we set up a VIDEO BLOG for you, for a one time set up fee. 

Here are the details of what you get when your order your own Video Blog Plug In from Worldprofit.

1. We setup a Video Blog site on YOUR domain with this kind of URL:
(Your domain name would replace the one in the example)

2. All security patches and hosting are handled by Worldprofit for the one time fee to install. You keep the Video Blog site as long as you are a  Silver/Platinum Hosting Customer.

Some Key Points About Video Blogs:

– Video Blog sites attract traffic and busy sites attract Google for search engine indexing.
– IMPORTANT: video blogs are tied to your free Channel. We show you how all of this can be done at NO extra cost.
– Video Blog sites expand your online property!
– We will give you sources to software to record your screen or more importantly Worldprofit’s Live Business Center.
– Worldprofit’s Live Business Center provides you with an ENDLESS source of video to record. Post with a short description and rank high in search engines.
– Once setup YOU are in control and can grow your site using the power of WordPress!
-use your Video Blog to generate leads
-use your Video Blog to build your email marketing list
-generate more traffic by adding fresh content on a regular basis. 
-Having a video blog adds another dimension to your online business and integrates easily with sharing options for Social media.

We value our hosting customers tremendously and that’s why we offer this service for just  a ONE time setup cost.

Here’s how to find out more about getting your own VIDEO BLOG.

In your Worldprofit member area on LEFT MENU, select PLUGINS/Blogs/Cpanel then click on VIDEO BLOGS

Discussion Points

George then spent some talking about spam comments, something that plagues most Blog owners, and what you can do about it. 

Next discussion topic was about Twitter and other social media and how to use them intelligently.

At the request of a participant, George provided a demonstration of the Personal Live Business.

What’s in Development

George provided a preview of something he has been researching and working on to help our Members more effectively use Safelists.
It’s a timer saver.

Comments from participants

Sharon: great tips George…oooh reasearch!

Garrett: you have to be careful  you don’t click the link that unsubscribes you

Marc: It’s like SL GENIE!

Derrick: lol, This Company is on Point! I Love it

Sharon: Very cool George


The recording of the training program will be posted to your Worldprofit Member within 24 hours to the TRAINING section.

Next LIVE training with George Kosch is Friday Dec 27th, 2013 at 8 AM CT in the Worldprofit Training Center.  

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Two new tools just added to Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Membership at NO extra cost.

We’ve been working hard for you and have released 2 really awesome new services that you can access now!

1. We’ve just released two new landing pages in the landing page builder area.  As you will recall we introduced the FREE Landing Page Builder two weeks ago. Now we have added new options to the Gallery.

In your Worldprofit member area on Top menu, click on Website Management then Landing Page Builder.  You can use number 11 or 12 depending on the box design you like to create a custom background landing page. When you create the page it will load one that we have stored on dropbox. Be sure to check out the help video on that page if you have trouble. Enjoy!

2. We’ve released the Sales graphics creator software powered by ONLY your browser. 

Creating graphics is a real pain in the butt for most marketers who have no graphic design experience. Recognizing this we decided to provide Worldprofit  members with an easy tool  for  creating headlines, copy, bullets, buttons, and more.  We had to look long and hard for a product  that would meet the needs of our members. It had to be easy to use, and quick to use, what we have provided is going to make you happy. We know it.

We’ve tested this in IE and Chrome and it works great. You will find this in your Member area on TOP Menu, click on Website Management.  You can create/edit headers, and more with a few clicks.  We do plan to work on getting ebook cover creators and more so standby for all of that.

The value of your Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Membership just went up again with the addition of these to new tools. Login, check it out, let us know what you think and how you are using  them to build your online business.

The review of George Kosch’s LIVE home business bootcamp is now posted to your member area or you can view at or 


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit Member Updates November 24, 2013.

1. The recording of Friday’s Home Business Bootcamp Training Workshop (Nov 22nd, 2013) with George Kosch is now posted. You can access within the training section of your Worldprofit Member area, or go to our entire Video Library at

2.   A SHOUT-OUT to our Worldprofit Monitors. You are simply the best of the best! Your commitment of time to Worldprofit’s Home Business Community is noticed and appreciated.

If you’re reading this and interested in joining the Worldprofit Monitor Network all you need is a web camera and a commitment to learn and volunteer a few hours a week. When you see Dr.Jeffrey  Lant in the Live Business Center, ask him how you can get involved. Monitors also enjoy some nice perks too.

3. This past week we gave every single Silver and Platinum VIP Member $297 in free software!

In case you missed the announcement Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder has been released and is ready for your use. The value of this once piece of software that is  INCLUDED in your Membership far exceeds what you pay for your monthly membership. Add to that all of the traffic that you get included, the software and training and you have found the best place on the net to build and and ALL your online business. We don’t believe in nickel and diming our members,. We believe in providing you with unique software that continually increases the value of your membership. We don’t want you to even think once about not continuing your membership because doing so would mean giving up all your traffic, software, training, support and other member privileges that you will not find anywhere else.  Our goal is to earn your business for the long term and be your partner in your online business development.


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Who’s going to be Worldprofit’s Top Seller for November 2013?

William Buck?
Howard Martell?
Jeremiah Johnson?
Leo Laurent?
Linda Elze?
Fouad Louik?
Wallace Johnson?
Kevin Brown?
Lance Sumner?
Annie Finch?
Dori ONeill?

How about YOU?

YOU have access to the same resources as our Top Sellers!

Do you know what their secret is? The secret is to PROMOTE CONSISTENTLY!

You have the resources in your Worldprofit Member area (landing pages/ad examples) and you have a list of places we recommend.

The only thing missing is YOUR effort and determination to build your own successful online business one day at a time.

We’ve been doing interviews with some of our Top Sellers and published them in recent editions of the Bootcamp Newsletter.
The one thing they ALL do is PROMOTE consistently to generate leads and build their email marketing list(s).  

If YOU want to be on the Top Sellers list and you aren’t grasping what you need to do get sales, HELP IS HERE!

Attend the LIVE interactive Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch on Nov 15th, 2013 at 8 AM CT, or watch the recorded version posted later that day.

George Kosch is a retired Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces and he wants to see YOU at the training so you learn and DO what is required to earn consistent income from home.

That’s what you came to Worldprofit for right? So take advantage of our unique training and resources that have made Worldprofit the #1 popular choice for online home business training.

We look forward to seeing you Friday!


If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder software has been officially released.

Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members, you get this software at NO COST. Value is $297.

Here’s how to get it right now:

1. In your Worldprofit Member area on the LEFT MENU locate the MONEY MAKERS section,  click on LANDING PAGE BUILDER.
2. Follow the instructions posted there to start creating your own beautiful, LEAD GENERATING landing pages.

There is nothing else out there that has the capability, customization and UNLIMITED use like this Worldprofit developed software developed by our own George Kosch.

With this software you can create unlimited BEAUTIFUL landing pages (for ANY business) – within minutes!

Really. In MINUTES! No exaggeration.

Super-easy for EVERYONE to use.

No technical or graphics expertise required.

You get to pick the template from a Gallery, add in your own headlines etc. Press SAVE.

Why is this so valuable to you?

Landing pages generate LEADS. Leads build your list.  Leads and lists generate SALES! 

What are we charging Silver and Platinum VIP members for this new software?


Worldprofit Members get this software exclusively at NO extra cost. The value is $297.
It’s INCLUDED in your Silver or Platinum VIP membership. Better yet, we built it so we support it

We are INCREASING the value of your Membership once again, and we haven’t raised your membership fees! We want you to be so happy with your Worldprofit membership you can’t even think about life online without it.

See the Landing Page video overview by George Kosch here

10 SECRETS of Highly Successful Online Marketers according to marketing expert, George Kosch.

1. Successful online marketers know that marketing must be done as consistently as possible. Marketing and promotion must be scheduled, frequent and without fail.

2. Successful online marketers know that the money is in the list and thus list building strategies MUST be integrated into all marketing campaigns.

3. Successful online marketers know that landing pages, also called squeeze pages are what will generate leads NOT a static website.

4. Successful online marketers know that you must continually seek out NEW advertising sources. Don’t stop when you find a few good sources, keep looking for new sources to expand your marketing reach.

5. Successful online marketers know that paid ads produce the best results IF the source is trusted and proven, but a combination of free and paid ads is still smart marketing.

6. Successful online marketers know that ad swaps are both cost effective and a clever way to reach your target markets.

7.  Successful online marketers know that having access to a number of quality products, services, affiliates or referral programs producing multiple streams of income is the key to generating ongoing online income.

8. Successful online marketers know that you need a reliable way to track your ads so you know exactly where you are getting results for your efforts and advertising dollars.

9. Successful online marketers know that one cannot know it all, and investing in proven-effective reputable training programs for access to software, list building techniques, and mentoring can save a lot of time, money and frustration. 

10. Successful online marketers know that it takes time to build a successful online business. One thing is CERTAIN – if you QUIT – you will never enjoy online success!

Want to learn more?  Attend Worldprofit’s next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch.

FRIDAY November 8th, 2013 at 8 AM CT. Access is from within your Worldprofit Member area. (If you don’t know what time that is in your part of the world do a Google search for a time zone converter.)

Who should come to the training?  YOU should. You came to Worldprofit to learn how to earn online – so take advantage of this!
All Silver and Platinum VIP Members are invited and urged to attend.

Marketing expert and bootcamp instructor, George Kosch will be demonstrating what you need to do to earn online. YOU are going to LOVE this! Attend and get a LIVE demonstration to see for yourself how you benefit from the resources included in your Membership.

Got questions? Bring them! Need a demonstration ? Just ask!

Learn exactly what you need to make money online using the tools, resources and training included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.

If you cannot attend, the LIVE training programs ARE recorded and posted to your Member area in the TRAINING section within 24 hours.

* * * * * * * * *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Get over $400 in free advertising and option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70%.

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Customer Review on George Kosch, and Worldprofit’s earn at home training program

George Kosch was blushing this morning, after receiving some much appreciated praise dished up by Richard Moyer.

"My compliments to George.  I had made a suggestion to create an export of the Ad Tracker data so that I could do some analysis using Excel.   Within a very short time, George had implemented not only a CSV Export, but also an export to a Text file and Microsoft Word.

Once I got that data and looked at it in Excel with some quick pivot tables and statistical analysis (after all, I am the ExcelVBAWizard!),  THAT’s DATA!!!  THIS IS THE INFORMATION ONE NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO ANALYZE THEIR ADVERTISING RESULTS!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you George.  

I state this publicly, in my blogs, in emails, in my ads for Worldprofit, that you, George are my HERO. I’m in awe of the amazing stuff you have put out there FOR MEMBERS TO USE, FREE OF CHARGE!  Worldprofit members have no idea about how valuable the things you have done for them are. 

The Worldprofit stuff is GREAT. You are right up there with the Microsoft Excel MVP’s in my book.

I’m a tool geek and have built lots of applications and tools myself.  Before I retired the first and second times, I had hundreds of solutions that I shared with my respective organizations that are tied up in NDA’s, so when I opened my consulting firm, I started with a clean slate.  The genesis was my first blog, which has evolved to the Netpreneur Blog, and has a whole section on Tips and Techniques, and Tutorials. Many of those articles were suggestions from my clients, or my own need to solve a particular problem.   Or sometimes, it’s just, "there has to be an easier way".

Many people do not realize the work that goes into creating this stuff. And not too many people stop to say THANKS. Well, George, I do on both counts. Thanks."

Rich Moyer

Rich Moyer is Managing Partner and Principal Consultant (retired) of Spaho Consulting, LLC who brings you Life Balance Network, Life Balance Lifestyle Network, and Netpreneur Network

THANK YOU Richard Moyer for your very kind words!

* * * * * * * * *

FRIDAY October 18th, 2013 at 8 AM CT is LIVE training day with Worldprofit’s Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch.

In this weekly training session, marketing expert and bootcamp instructor, George Kosch will be demonstrating what you need to do to earn online.
Attend and get a LIVE demonstration to see for yourself how you benefit from the resources included in your Membership.

Got questions? Bring them! Need a demonstration of ANY of our services, tools or resources ? Just ask! Bring a pen and LOTS of paper.

Learn from George Kosch, exactly what you need to make money online using the tools, resources and training included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.
If you cannot attend the LIVE training programs, they ARE recorded and posted to your Member area in the TRAINING section within 24 hours.

If you don’t know what time the training is in your part of the world, do a Google search for a time zone converter. 

Access is within your Worldprofit member area.

* * * * * * * * * ** *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to
Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in  FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.