George Kosch and Worldprofit release new INSTANT sharing site.

That George Kosch has been at it again!

He’s built a new site – a really cool site.


Got something you want to tell the world about?

Instantly you can……


Share any and ALL your business opportunities!

Share videos!

Share photos!

Share articles!

Generate leads!

Promote your newsletter!

Promote any and all your biz ops!

Whatever you post goes LIVE instantly as a feed on this site!

This is a brand spanking new site. We need your help to fill it up!

Be the first to promote and post your stuff!

Free to join. Add a quick profile,  then start posting!

Easy. Fun. Free.

Go now to see who has already tried this neat new service!  See what they posted – then do your own posts!

Promo-Bot is a Worldprofit service and is free for anyone to use anywhere.

To become a free Worldprofit Associate member and get access to more Worldprofit programs and services sign up at   

Join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 100% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Worldprofit offers free blog for all Members. Have you got yours yet?

Worldprofit has created a Social Media Profile site (BLOG)  for our Members that allows you to connect with others as well as promote and market ALL your online interests, affiliates etc.

Networking and connecting with others in various affiliate marketing and home business programs is a vital part of your online success.

In your free Worldprofit Social BLOG you can:

-Add your photo and personalize your social website address
-Post to your wall
-List and link all your social networks
-Promote and earn money using the site
-Create your own blog
-Post to your wall or your blog by category of topic
-Promote your social website address  

Worldprofit Social is easy to use and you have unlimited use to promote any and all your programs, products, services or affiliate programs.
And when you promote your address, you can sign up ASSOCIATES and you know how important that is in making SALES.

We have recorded a brief video to show you how easy this is to do, and why you should do this to increase your marketing, and your search engine optimization thus helping you to grow your business, your leads and your list. 

–> Here’s how to access the help video and quickly set up YOUR Worldprofit Social Media profile.

In your Member area, look on the TOP LEFT CORNER. There you will see your Name and Dealer ID. Click on the link that says WP SOCIAL. Once on that page you will see how to personalize your profile, post to your wall, add categories, promote your links, start your blog and start earning by promoting your social website.

* * * * * * * * * * *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to
Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Customer Review on George Kosch, and Worldprofit’s earn at home training program

George Kosch was blushing this morning, after receiving some much appreciated praise dished up by Richard Moyer.

"My compliments to George.  I had made a suggestion to create an export of the Ad Tracker data so that I could do some analysis using Excel.   Within a very short time, George had implemented not only a CSV Export, but also an export to a Text file and Microsoft Word.

Once I got that data and looked at it in Excel with some quick pivot tables and statistical analysis (after all, I am the ExcelVBAWizard!),  THAT’s DATA!!!  THIS IS THE INFORMATION ONE NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO ANALYZE THEIR ADVERTISING RESULTS!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you George.  

I state this publicly, in my blogs, in emails, in my ads for Worldprofit, that you, George are my HERO. I’m in awe of the amazing stuff you have put out there FOR MEMBERS TO USE, FREE OF CHARGE!  Worldprofit members have no idea about how valuable the things you have done for them are. 

The Worldprofit stuff is GREAT. You are right up there with the Microsoft Excel MVP’s in my book.

I’m a tool geek and have built lots of applications and tools myself.  Before I retired the first and second times, I had hundreds of solutions that I shared with my respective organizations that are tied up in NDA’s, so when I opened my consulting firm, I started with a clean slate.  The genesis was my first blog, which has evolved to the Netpreneur Blog, and has a whole section on Tips and Techniques, and Tutorials. Many of those articles were suggestions from my clients, or my own need to solve a particular problem.   Or sometimes, it’s just, "there has to be an easier way".

Many people do not realize the work that goes into creating this stuff. And not too many people stop to say THANKS. Well, George, I do on both counts. Thanks."

Rich Moyer

Rich Moyer is Managing Partner and Principal Consultant (retired) of Spaho Consulting, LLC who brings you Life Balance Network, Life Balance Lifestyle Network, and Netpreneur Network

THANK YOU Richard Moyer for your very kind words!

* * * * * * * * *

FRIDAY October 18th, 2013 at 8 AM CT is LIVE training day with Worldprofit’s Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch.

In this weekly training session, marketing expert and bootcamp instructor, George Kosch will be demonstrating what you need to do to earn online.
Attend and get a LIVE demonstration to see for yourself how you benefit from the resources included in your Membership.

Got questions? Bring them! Need a demonstration of ANY of our services, tools or resources ? Just ask! Bring a pen and LOTS of paper.

Learn from George Kosch, exactly what you need to make money online using the tools, resources and training included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.
If you cannot attend the LIVE training programs, they ARE recorded and posted to your Member area in the TRAINING section within 24 hours.

If you don’t know what time the training is in your part of the world, do a Google search for a time zone converter. 

Access is within your Worldprofit member area.

* * * * * * * * * ** *

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to
Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in  FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Have you set up your free Blog site at

Have you set up your FREE Social Blog site?

How come?

It will only take you a few moments and is WORTH the time.

A number of you are involved in multiple affiliate programs, promote them all on your blog site.

Your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP membership includes your own free social website/blog and free Associate Members can use this free service too!
Your Social Media Profile site allows you to connect with others as well as promote and market any and ALL your online interests.

You can:

-Add your photo and personalize your social website address
-Post to your wall
-List and link all your social networks
-Promote and earn money using the site
-Create your own blog
-Post to your wall or your blog by category of topic
-Promote your social website address 
-Earn money by promoting your social website address

Worldprofit Social is easy to use and you have unlimited use to promote any and all your programs, products, services or affiliate programs.

We have recorded a brief video to show you how easy this is to do, and why you should do this to increase your marketing, and your search engine optimization thus helping you to grow your business, your leads and your list. 

–> Here’s how to access the help video and quickly set up YOUR Worldprofit Social Media profile.

In your Member area, look on the TOP LEFT CORNER. There you will see your Name and Dealer ID. Click on the link that says WP SOCIAL. Once on that page you will see how to personalize your profile, post to your wall, add categories, promote your links, start your blog and start earning by promoting your social website.

—-> If you are NOT a Silver or Platinum VIP Member you can still set up your free blog site!  Go to


Get your free 7 day Trial of and blast your referral ID for whatever programs you are involved with to 700,000+ search engines, directories and more.

Free Advertising for promoting any and all your affiliate programs and make money online opportunities

We know the little guy and gal are always looking for free or very low cost places to post your affiliate links, and online business opportunities.  We know, that you know, the more places you promote the better your return.

We’ve compiled a list of free places to advertise any and all your affiliate links and programs. Cost is free and most include free ad credits when you join. If you like the advertising site, you have the OPTION (NOT REQUIRED) to purchase very low cost target ads called solo ads.

Our recommended free advertising sources for promoting your affiliate programs – no matter what you are promoting… joint ventures, affiliate links, work at home, network marketing, or earn online opportunities – these are great FREE advertising resources!

OH !  Here’s one more. It’s an SEO Optimizer and you can promote your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories, link directories and more. It’s a free 7 day trial – put your URL into the system and start blasting.  If you like it you can purchase a membership, if you don’t like it just quit, you will still get the value of the free advertising you got during the free trial. Worth doing!   

* * * * * * * * * * * * – Home Business Training and Earn-At-Home Systems. Now entering our 20th year in business! Thank you for helping to make Worldprofit the #1 choice for online earn at home training. get your free 7 day trial

Submit YOUR site (ANY SITE) to 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Sites, Classifieds and more!

Get a FREE 7 Day Trial of this ultra popular service!

What are you waiting for, go do this now. Your site can be MOVING UP just by doing this one thing – now – at no cost!

Try the SEO Optimizer Pro free for a 7 day trial

The service allows you to EASILY and QUICKLY promote your website to over 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, and Classified Sites. It’s 100% automated and has one purpose – to generate traffic for your site.

Using the service helps potential customers find your site and what you offer. Manual submission to a large number of sites is very time consuming. By using SEO OPTIMIZER PRO this task is automated and takes you minutes to complete. 

NO software to download, and the easy to use WIZARD will help you get your site(s) submitted easily in minutes.

If you are not happy after your 7 Day Trial, you are under NO obligation to continue, just cancel and enjoy the results.

ZERO RISK to try this!

Ready to start your free 7 day Trial of the SEO Optimizer Pro?

Here’s what to so:

Go to


Review: Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch, July 5, 2013.

Marketing expert and bootcamp instructor George Kosch welcomed Worldprofit members to the LIVE training session.

Theme: The 6th Sense – developing your MARKETING sense.

George discussed the idea of learning about what it takes to be an online marketer, what you need to know and do to get results and generate income.

The importance of list building was discussed at length along with a demonstration of list services like Aweber.

It doesn’t matter what you are promoting, you need to build a list(s) to earn online. It’s that simple.
How to do this is the part that requires your constant attention, and Worldprofit’s training shows you how to do this, and provides the tools to help you.

NEW Developments!

George demonstrated a new tool that has been added for Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. It’s a List Sign up Notification service. In ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC section of your Member area, in the AD EXAMPLES section, you will find a link called:
George has added this so you have intel on your list building efforts.

Worldprofit Social has now been officially released and members are encouraged to access this on the left menu in your member area and start building your profile.  Remember, this site allows  you to promote ANY product or service not just your Worldprofit links.  It’s a promotion and list building tool to add to your marketing tool box.    You will find the link to Worldprofit Social on the TOP LEFT corner of your Member area, where your NAME appears.

Throughout the training George encouraged and answered questions.

The recording of today’s LIVE  home business training will be posted within 24 hours to your Worldprofit member area in the TRAINING section. Hint: the link is on the TOP MENU.

Next LIVE Home business training session is  Friday July 12th at 8 AM CT.

Don’t forget that in your Worldprofit Member area are over 70 lesson plans that you can do at your own pace, many with help videos. The purpose of these lessons is to help you understand how to use the tools and resources included in your Membership to help you build your own online business.

Got questions? Stuck? Not getting the results you want?  Our Worldprofit Support team is available 7 days a week to help you. Just submit a Support form from within your Member area, detail what you need help with, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

*** This summer, Worldprofit celebrates our 19th birthday. As we enter our 20th year in business we would like to thank our friends around the world for trusting Worldprofit to provide the tools, resources and services you need to build your own successful online business.  

Not a member yet? Get a free Worldprofit Associate membership here.

10 Legitimate Money-Making Sources. If you want to earn online, check these proven sources out.

The key to making money online is having instant  finger tip access to reputable products and services that you can sell easily to the masses.

We teach you how  to generate income from home from a number of reputable resources and provide you with a Member area that is packed with resources, traffic tools, learning aids and software so to make sure you don’t miss anything we will point some of the major sources of income.

1. FastCash Money Makers Program
We have built 18 fully functional turn-key websites and supply you with an easy 3 step program to make money on Day 1. Worldprofit has partnered with some incredible products creators and licensed the right to allow our own Silver and platinum IVP members to sell these products to earn 100% profit. Not 70%, not 90%, but 100% of the sales you make of these products is yours to keep.   

2. Money Makers Program 
We have hand-selected a number of hot-selling in demand products. We test them, if we like them we post them for you to sell and you keep 100% commission. Use the advertising resources we recommend and the tools included in your Worldprofit Membership to promote these money makers!

3. Affiliate Center
Many of our Members are marketing a number of products of their own or are affiliate marketers for a number of companies or vendors. We’ve made it easy for you to add your Affiliate programs – as many as you like – to your Silver or Platinum VIP website. The Affiliate Center was created to allow you to easily enter the code from your various programs to your website. Easily Add your own affiliate code to your site, or add any of the 70+ Affiliates we recommend.

4. ClickBank
ClickBank is a secure online retail outlet for more than 50,000 digital products with 100,000 active affiliate marketers. ClickBank serves more than 200 countries, and are consistently ranked as one of the most highly-trafficked sites on the web. Worldprofit has made it easy for you to sell ClickBank products to earn commission by providing a number of easy-to-use promotion tools. You don’t have to purchase the products to sell them. Our Members told us they like ClickBank but found it difficult to know and find the best products to sell and didn’t know how to market them. To meet this need, we created the CB Promo Kit and made it free for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. 

5. PLR Store
Platinum VIP Members you also receive the PLR Store. We install it on your website for you and you instantly have over 215 in demand products you can sell to earn 100% commission. All you have to do is enter your payment details so you can receive commissions direct from the vendors.

6. 20+ Streams of Income
A safelist is a mailing list that is geared towards advertising web sites, business opportunities, and so forth. All members of a free or paid safelist agree to receive advertising emails from the other members. It benefits you by allowing you to advertise to a number of people via email, without having to resort to spam. We recommend 25 Safelists/Exchanges that you can earn credits for free ads, and commission for paid referrals to those programs.

7. Worldprofit Marketplace.
This is a free and low cost advertising site perfect for Affiliate marketers. This site provides target marketing to the home business world, and advertising credits can be earned for free advertising.  If someone you refer buys paid advertising at this site you earn 80% commission.    

8. Safelist Exchange Service
If you have some technical ability you may want to consider Worldprofit’s stand alone Safelist Exchange Service. YOU can be a Safelist owner! Run your own ads, or sell ads, or sell memberships to keep 100% of what you earn. Building an online business means building an email marketing list. What could be better that YOU being the list owner!    Being the list owner gives you tremendous power for making deals, barters, and offers to sell your other products and services by offering bonus items (ads) in your Safelist. See the power of being a list owner?  Inquire about purchasing your own Worldprofit Safelist Exchange – it’s both affordable and profitable.

9. Cool Tools
In the Cool Tools section of your Worldprofit Member area also have 25 MORE services you can promote to earn! How much you earn depends on the vendor but whatever you make is 100% YOURS to keep. You’ve got terrific choices for what to promote – promote one or promote all of them to maximize your earning potential.  Pick from Solo Email Ads,   Search Engine Blaster, Email marketing vendors, forums,  offer builders and more.

10. Worldprofit Dealership
Last but not least, Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members can also sell paid memberships at Worldprofit to earn 20 – 30% commission plus bonuses. We provide LIVE interactive training each and every week so you know exactly what you need to do to make money online. No hype. No fluff. Just proven, tested, effective strategies that we do ourselves (and demonstrate to you) to generate traffic, and earn consistent income.    We accompany the LIVE training with a self-paced online home business bootcamp course teaching you about online marketing, affiliate marketing, list building, search engine optimization, social media, sales, and recommended advertising and money-making programs.  Marketing expert, George Kosch is the bootcamp instructor for this popular online training program and each week he dishes up what works, what he recommends and what he knows will help you build your online business with traffic generation, leads, and income sources.  

About Worldprofit

Worldprofit is a training company. We teach people all over the world how to make money online from multiple legitimate sources.  We started on a kitchen table in 1994, now we have over 1 million Members worldwide benefiting from our online training. Get a free Worldprofit Associate Membership and see how we can help you too.

Top 7 scam warnings (MUST SEE)…

A candid and SHOCKING letter to online income seekers…

"If You’re Ready To Stop Making
Scammers Filthy Rich In Your
Quest To Make Serious Money
Online, This Single Letter Could
Save You Thousands…"

Get ready for a REAL, controversial eye opener…

A lot of unsuspecting online ‘marketers’ (a.k.a. scammers) are about to be embarrassed and exposed, right here and now.  It’s their turn to lose thousands now – but it’s YOUR JOB to read every word that follows to make that happen.

Not only will my 7 specific scam warnings save you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in your search for what really works to make serious money online.

…I’m going to show you how to FINALLY get on the fast track to bringing in a substantial cash flow online using a very simple, but powerful income & cash flow formula that uses actual tested and proven *marketing principles*…

And does it without sacrificing something every buyer deserves up front – THE TRUTH.

Read on

Tweet Virus: Product Review

“Tweet Virus” is a guide to using Twitter and a step-by-step guide to getting 1200 Followers in 10 days.

I will admit, until about 6 months ago I couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about Twitter. It seemed like a huge waste of time to me, and something that people under 20 did who were bored and had too much time on their hands. I’ve since changed my opinion. I think Twitter has evolved into a useful business application for promoting products, services, branding and stayin in contact with customers and prospects.

We bought and downloaded the “Tweet Virus product and put it to the test.

Here’s what we liked about Tweet Virus:

-Extremely easy to read and to follow.

-Very informative and explanatory to someone who has no idea what Twitter is or how to use it.

-Goes from basics to the meat of the matter, the “Virus” code that the author recommends. No it’s not a malicious virus, it’s completely legit and quite clever – used for increasing the number of followers you have. The idea being the more followers you have on Twitter, the more popular you appear to be and the more people you have to communicate with (or market to 😉

-The Tweet Virus the author recommends did not produce 1200 followers for us in 10 days but we did increase our followers by about 800 – we were happy with that – and continue to use the author’s suggestions and this number is still growing afer 2 weeks.

-Twitter is a good way to get free instant traffic to your site, or to a product or service you are promoting. Build your followers, increase your marketing reach, increase your sales. Twitter does have a role to play for online marketers and with Google interested in a possible purchase you can be sure Twitter WILL be in the marketers tool kit for years to come.

Product Summary: At $27 we find Tweet Virus to be good value for the money, we found it useful, liked the product and the suggestions. Recommended for newbies to Twitter and people interested in having a free marketing tool.

If you would like to order Tweet Virus click here.

This completes the Worldprofit Product Review of “Tweet Virus”
