Review: Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Friday Nov 15th, 2013

George Kosch started the training today stating it was his favourite day of the month. Why? It’s commission day at Worldprofit and the SEND button was pressed this morning to send commissions out to our hard working Dealers.

George then dug right into the meat of today’s training.  

Discussion Topics

-What the Top Sellers do to make consistent sales
-List Building tactics
-Low cost advertising options
-Suggestions on what do do if your advertising budget is limited
-Importance of using Worldprofit’s Support Services

Websites Referenced/Recommended (Home Business Video Library) (Worldprofit Blog)

Training Demonstrations today:

-Worldprofit’s  Affiliate Center (include in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership) (recommended)
-Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder (include in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership)

What’s in Development

1 )  Worldprofit Reminder Service
This new service will permit Members to easily create To Do Lists, schedule tasks, and add reminder alerts on a calendar.
We will also be able to add in Checklists for Members to access to keep you on task for what you need to be concentrating on to stay on track for sales.  Release date not yet set. No cost for Silver or Platinum VIP Members.

2)  New promotional videos about specific Worldprofit products and services. Release date not yet set.

Thank you to each of you who attended Worldprofit’s LIVE Home Business Bootcamp. Your questions and comments are important in our home business community and our continued efforts to provide training that is most relevant and useful to our Members.

The recording of George Kosch’s bootcamp training will be posted within 24 hours to your Worldprofit Member area.

Worldprofit’s next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp training is Friday Nov 22nd, 2013 at 8 AM CT.

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are at

Get $400 in free advertising and the option to earn INSTANT COMMISSIONS up to 70% at Free sign up.

Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

Blast your website address to over 700,000 search engines, directories and more with our FREE 7 Day Trial of SEO Optimizer Pro at

Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training. Date: March 22, 2013 with Marketing Expert George Kosch

The session started with Bootcamp Instructor,  George Kosch, welcoming new Silver and Platinum VIP Members who have recently joined Worldprofit.

Discussion topics:

Discussion Topic:  "I want to promote my own Affiliate programs, how does Worldprofit’s training and resources help me do that?"

The tools, resources, traffic and software Worldprofit provides can be used to promote any and all your Affiliate programs, not just Worldprofit services. The entire base of our company’s training is based on helping our Members build MULTIPLE STREAMS of INCOME. Your member area has not only promotional aids for Worldprofit services, but also for other reputable affiliate programs and vendors. The answer to how to make money online is revenue from a number of different programs and that is exactly what Worldprofit’s training and software teaches you – how to earn from a number of trusted sources, and build your email marketing list.  Worldprofit teaches you what to look for in selecting online income programs, and how to market and promote online for best results.

Discussion Topic:  "The MLM mentality is DEAD."

Many people are familiar with MLM, or network marketing have a dated mentality about how to make money online.  The MM mentality is one that says you can only be in one program, that there is only ONE greatest program every and you must disregard all other income sources.  MLMers talk about spillover, warm marketing, and focus often on confidentially for your own personal gain in building your downline.      The world of online business is VERY different. The new world of online marketers at Worldprofit is social, encourages a group effort, community mindedness. Success is based on co-operation, hard work, NO HYPE, and the approach is an all web-based marketing platform.   George offered the example shown in the movie, The Beautiful Mind, where John Nash’s theory of Equilibrium (Game Theory) was featured within the context of the story.  Stated quite simply for the purpose of this discussion, take from that, the fact that in business, the prediction of success is greater when people work together. That is what we emphasize at Worldprofit with our business model, people working together, helping each other in an online community environment. This is all possible as a result of our unique Monitor Network.

Discussion Topic: Leads

Leads are your life blood when it comes to making money online.  Generating leads is critical and so too is list building.  At Worldprofit we teach you how to generate leads to build your online business, while building your email marketing list.  We’ve simplified things for you by teaching you how to promote, we provide products and services for you to promote, then WE do the selling for you with our Monitor Network. Monitors staff our Live Business Center 24 hours a day to greet your leads (Associates) and present offers to encourage sales/upgrades.  This is a 100% LIVE program that does not exist anywhere else online in the form that Worldprofit offers.

Discussion Topic: Worldprofit offers you a legitimate online business, NOT a biz op.

Be responsible for your online business and treat it seriously, act professionally, be organized and have a positive realistic attitude. Don’t treat your Worldprofit business like a hobby, or a biz op. Dig into the training, commit to learning then apply consistently  what you learn.  People who don’t take a business seriously rarely make any money as they don’t commit, they aren’t vested in their own success. Dabblers, don’t make money. Respect yourself and others if this is what you want to do.  An online business is not for everyone, it takes time, effort and commitment for the long term.

Discussion Topic: THE Offer!

Offers are what motivate the human animal. You, me, we all respond to offers.  Worldprofit has an amazing offer because we have so many sites, and resources that we can dish up as incentives to attract new Members. Monitors know the value of these offers, but do you?  In your Member area are tons of things that YOU can use to create your OWN offers.    Consider becoming a Monitor so you can learn about offers, sales and online marketing while building your own online business and helping others at the same time.

George Kosch’s Home Work Assignment:

If you have been with Worldprofit for at least 3 months (don’t do this if you are brand new), look in your Member area and see what you have at your finger tips to create your own personalize offers for your own leads. HINT: If you own a Worldprofit Safelist Exchange you’ve ALREADY got a powerful way to make offers now.

What’s New!

The new Lazy Blogger System is now LIVE and available for all Silver and Platinum VIP Members.  George presented an online demonstration of how to use this new system to easily blog, and add content to your Silver or Platinum VIP site for the purpose of SEO indexing and lead generation. Don’t worry this new system is integrated into your  membership, there  is no extra cost.

SEO Optimizer Pro.  George provided an online demonstration and invited all members to sign up for a free 7 day trial of this new service.  The service allows you to EASILY and QUICKLY promote your website to over 700,000 Search Engines, Directories, Link Pages, Online Malls, and Classified Sites. It’s 100% automated and has one purpose – to generate traffic for your site. Using the service helps potential customers find your site and what you offer. Manual submission to a large number of sites is very time consuming. By using SEO OPTIMIZER PRO this task is automated and takes you minutes to complete.  There is NO software to download, and the easy to use WIZARD will help you get your site(s) submitted easily in minutes.

What’s coming! – still in development – – still in development – brief overview of how Members will benefit from this new service.

Resources referenced in today’s Home Business Bootcamp Training

In your Worldprofit Member area:

Cool Tools section (TOP Menu)
Ebook/Article marketing Directory (left menu)
Goody Bag (left menu)
Offer Builder

IMPORTANT NOTE for NEW Worldprofit Members:

If you are brand new to Worldprofit and feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of information you have been provided, or the various terms being use, we urge you watch the BASIC TRAINING VIDEO. The basic training video covers terms you should know, the basics of our program and what you need to focus on to get on track to making money online with the Worldprofit system. Find this video in your Member area, on the TOP MENU select TRAINING then click on the link for the video that is marked as the MUST WATCH BEGINNER’S VIDEO. If you have any questions submit a Support form so we can also help you that way.

Thank you to each of you for participating in today’s LIVE interactive Home business bootcamp training. Attending the training, then actually DOING what is taught is the key to your success in building your online business and earning income.

We had lots of questions today and we encourage this. The LIVE training is the perfect opportunity to tap into George Kosch’s expertise and get direct instant answers with on-screen demonstration as relevant.

The RECORDING of today’s training is now posted in your Member area, on the TOP MENU, select TRAINING.

NEXT LIVE HOME BUSINESS TRAINING:  Friday March 29th, 2013  at 10 AM CT.

*** NOT A WORLDPROFIT  MEMBER? Get a free Associate Membership at and see for yourself how we can help you build your own online business, step by step, professionally and with the help of experienced marketers.  We started our own online business on n a kitchen table in 1994, now we help others to  make money online from their own home, wherever they are in the world.

Auto Blog Samurai Software Introduction

AutoBlog Samurai is the first and only blogging software that helps you build multiple revenue streams online with a few clicks of the mouse. 

This is one of it’s kind, never seen before software that can create profitable blogs with ease.

Auto Blog Samurai is a quality product and is created by popular internet marketer Paul Ponna who is also the developer and creator of bestselling software products such as Miracle Traffic Bot, Magic List Bot, Disc Mojo and Auction Acrobat.

Now with the AutoBlog Samurai software you can create 10, 50 or even 100 profitable money generating blogs that can each generate $1 to $100 a day in record time!

Introducing AutoBlog Samurai…

A breakthrough content rich profitable blog generation software. This software is one of its kind and is already powering 15,000 blogs around the world!

This is the most robust, easy to use and the most powerful blogging software available online.

There has never been a better time to make money online from blogging. With Google acquiring, and WordPress becoming the most popular and widely used blogging platform, blogs have become the number one source of information online by attracting free traffic from search engines.
Many blogs are now rivaling the traffic of established news media sites such as CNN, Fox News and other popular networks.

How The Software Works –

So now that you know the power of blogging, you might be wondering, how does AutoBlog Samurai generate money from the blogs you create with the software.

Let me show you how the software works…

1) First thing you do is pick a niche. We will provide you with comprehensive training on how to pick the most profitable niches
2) Once you do this, the software does all your research and automatically writes unique content for you
3) Then, the software takes this content and automatically posts it to your blog
4) The software keeps updating your blog every day automatically without clicking a single button
5) You start receiving free targeted traffic as your blog and content are already keyword and SEO optimized.
It’s as simple as that! Your sparkling new money generating blog is created in 10 minutes or less.

Cutting Edge Features –

The software automatically updates your blogs for you every day so you can go ahead and create more profit pulling blogs without having to worry about updating the blogs you already created with the software.

The most powerful feature of Auto Blog Samurai software is that, it can create blogs in any language so that you can target people from various countries around the world. The software supports a whopping 42 languages so you will never run short of untapped niches or worry about saturation or be constrained to audience from one part of the world.

And the most shocking part of it all is that the software automatically writes the content for you in various languages… You do not have to know any foreign languages to use the software!

This is nothing like you have ever seen before and the software is completely compatible with the most popular blogging platforms!

The software is completely scalable to manage thousands of niches and hundreds of money generating blogs on autopilot. You can now manage a massive blog empire of your own right from your desktop without having to go through the hassles of constantly writing new content and managing hundreds of profitable blogs at once.

Auto Blog Samurai for List Building –

If you are a seasoned marketer who wants to build a massive email list using the software, this is a perfect solution for you. Now you can instantly place your opt-in forms in hundreds of blogs and generate thousands of new subscribers and a flood of new traffic to any offer you like!

As you may know, email marketing is the most profitable medium to generate money online. Using AutoBlog Samurai… Lead generation, traffic, and building multiple income streams becomes an absolute breeze.
Wave good bye to all the ebooks, expensive manuals and software tools that just automate one part of your business. With AutoBlog Samurai you have an all-in-one solution that can control blogging, niche research, traffic generation and list building, all under one easy to use platform.

It is like having your own army of virtual workers who work 24 hours a day and complete all the time consuming work for you!

Special Limited ‘Early Bird’ Discount –

Our beta testers and customers from around the world are already raving about the software due to its incredible proven potential and flexibility. This is your opportunity to grab this breakthrough technology at a very special introductory launch discount.

Details here…

Product Review: Article Submitter – 1 Way Links BOOST your Search Engine Ranking

As many online marketers know, Google and other search engines are constantly changing the way they rank websites. It is absolutely critical to get high quality, one-way links to your website. Recriprocal links used to be effective but are losing power due to changes Google and the other Search egnines like Bing are making to the way they index sites and determine popularity. Put simply, reciprocal website links just aren’t anywhere near as effective as they once were. The problem that we, and most people are facing is it’s HARD to find ways to get 1 way links… let alone high quality links!

One of the most powerful, and even better… EASIEST ways to get quality, one way links is by submitting your articles to article directories. There are lots and lots of article directory sites. By submitting articles, you can not only get one way links, pretty much instantly, but you can control the anchor text used in your link. AND even better, you can get “in text” links within the body of your article.

These are the best types of links you can get to improve your search engine ranking.

Basically, this means that you can completely control which keywords you want to rank highly for! Up until now, there was still a problem, and that was…

1. Finding the article directories you can submit your article to AND

2. Once you find those directories, it takes a HUGE amount of time to actually fill in all of your article submission details like first name, last name, keywords, short author bio, and many other required fields…

But, guess what?

We’ve discovered a brand new program created by Brad Callen and the Bryxen Software team, called “Article Submitter”. This software program allows you to quickly submit your website to hundreds of article directories with a few mouse clicks! We are Not kidding…

We’ve been using it and it’s saved us literally hours of time in both submitting AND in finding these directories.

Here’s the link to check out the software:

Rating for the Article Submitter Software: 9/10

Suggested article directory site

~ The Home Business Product Review Team

Posting Articles – POWERFUL way to get Backlinks and Increase Search Engine Ranking

Writing articles and submitting them to online directories is a very powerful way to increase your search engine indexing. The reason is that Search Engines LOVE new content and back links give you a ranking advantage.

When you publish articles be sure to include a Resource Box with your author information, contact details and here is the most important part – include LINKS to your websites. The key is that the content be unique and include links. Search engines determine the popularity of a site based on links to it. The more legitimate links you have to your website on a variety of websites the better it is for the ranking of your site in search engines.

For the little business guy or gal this is free advertising strategy that is worth the time and effort.

You can submit the articles yourself, or to save time, we recommend this product as an easy way to submit your articles, it’s called “Article Submitter”. We bought Article Submitter and we like it.

Worldprofit Silver and Platinum Members get Article Submitter free in your member area under the Resellers Club.

Non-members can get Article Submitter from Worldprofit at a significantly reduced rate using the link below.

Article Submitter: Automatically submit your articles to the article directory sites

Conclusion of Product Review: Article Submitter

~~The Review Team at