Review of World Profit Training Jan 29, 2021

Home Business and Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp Training Day is LIVE every Friday morning at Worldprofit.

Recap of Jan 29, 2021 session with George Kosch, CEO, Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc.
Worldprofit is a hosting and software provider supporting online business owners with a universal platform for training, sales and marketing.

Training Theme: "How to INCREASE your sales using the EStores in your World Profit Membership"

Bootcamp Training Topics

Welcome to all NEW Members – how to get your BONUSES!

Last Friday we released this – and THIS week we’ve included a way for you to create MULTIPLE custom PLR and EBook Stores.

The VALUE of your Worldprofit membership keeps going UP!
You don’t pay one thin dime for our newest innovation…. The PLR and Ebook Store or the MULTI STORE feature.
George demonstrated how to use the PLR and Ebook Store and how to create your own THEME or NICHE Stores.
The PLR Store is included in both Silver and Platinum VIP membership and can be installed now in SECONDS with 1 click!

With the addition of the PLR and Ebook Store, Worldprofit members now have access to 5 STORES
100% of your earnings from these sources goes in your pocket.
Amazon Store, Ebay Store, Fiverr Store, ClickBank Store and… now the new PLR Ebook Store(s)

PLR Product Vault – over 411 products you can download for personal use, or use on landing pages, for giveaways to get leads

Want your own WordPress blog or CPanel Hosting account?
Worldprofit provides an optional blog hosting service as well as Cpanel hosting for more tech savvy members.
Also Website Plus for those who want to set up a site for another project, non-profit, business or venture.

How to integrate your WORDPRESS blog with your Social Media accounts.
Worldprofit’s LAZY BLOGGER System

EXCLUSIVE LEADS: What they are where they come from, what to do with them.

Worldprofit SSL Certificate
How to get your SSL Certificate so you can use both http and https prefix for browser secure padlock.

On a budget?
Lots of FREE advertising in your World Profit Member area.

  • MONTHLY Traffic Injections – you need to ACTIVATE these.
  • Worldprofit Ad Stream
  • Solo Ads
  • Classified Ads (unlimited ad postings for Silver and Platinum VIP Members)
    How to get your OWN Free Classifieds plugin on your Worldprofit hosted site (free) to get traffic and more sign ups

Looking for paid options for advertising?
George made suggestions for low cost paid advertising from Worldprofit

Platinum VIP Membership:
Benefits. Upgrade from Silver to Platinum earn DOUBLE the commission, Autoresponder, monthly traffic injections, solo blaster privileges etc.

Recommended to get GOING and get GROWING:

New to Worldprofit? Slow to get started? NOW is the time to start your training:
In your Member area, left Menu under your badge and profile, click on START HERE.
Lesson 3 is KEY to your success and reveals how to activate your purchase BONUSES – don’t miss out on this – extremely valuable!

Join World Profit’s social site
Create your own profile, add a picture, create a niche group, add your affiliate links, post your blog, share video links. Nice place to get free promotion for your business interests or non-profit organizations. Network with others in the affiliate marketing world, get backlinks to your site, great for SEO and more.

Quote of the Day: People love chopping wood, In this activity one immediately sees results." Albert Einstein
To put that in perspective of being your own boss or an entrepreneur, it takes time and consistent effort, don’t expect immediate results.

Watch the Jan 29 RECORDING from World Profit’s Bootcamp Training within 24 hours of the LIVE session.

SAVE THE DATE: Next Training Date: Friday Feb 5, 2021. 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

About George Kosch. your Bootcamp Instructor, CEO, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch is a former Captain (Jet Pilot) in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he took early retirement over 25 years ago to create Worldprofit Inc., in 1994 along with co-founder
Sandi Hunter. Every Friday, Worldprofit provides members with LIVE interactive training to teach you about affiliate marketing, to help you access and use the tremendous number of resources in your membership, all designed with 1 purpose – to help you grow your own successful online business. Who better to teach you then the actual architect of Worldprofit’s software, training and marketing system, George Kosch himself.

World profit’s system is a comprehensive all inclusive business training and marketing platform. Learn at your own pace by following the online lessons geared to helping you learn about online marketing and how to use your Worldprofit member resources. Treat your Worldprofit business like that, a business. Be professional. be prepared to learn, put the time and effort into starting and growing it over time. Use Worldprofit website hosting, tools, software, advertising and training to grow any and all your online affiliate programs, to promote Worldprofit services, or those of our recommended vendors.

World profit’s weekly training sessions are informal and all Member questions encouraged. If you need a demonstration or a service or software explained in more detail, simply ask. The skills you learn in the training can be applied to marketing your own affiliate programs and / or promoting Worldprofit services to earn sales commission. The training, our support is all devoted to helping YOU start and GROW your own online business now and for many years to come. Worldprofit provides the foundation for your business, the tools, the building blocks for growth – plus – the training and support.

It’s OFFICIAL! Worldprofit Inc., is the longest running and 1st Affiliate marketing company. (Worldprofit started 1994; Amazon 1996)

Not a member of Worldprofit yet?
Get a free Associate Membership here.

Review of Worldprofit Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp Training Jan 22, 2021. Presented by the home business experts at Worldprofit Inc.

Home Business Bootcamp Training Day is LIVE every Friday morning at Worldprofit.

Recap of Jan 22, 2021 session with George Kosch, CEO, Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc.
Worldprofit is a hosting and software provider supporting online business owners with a universal platform for training and marketing.

Training Theme: "The secret to getting ahead is getting started"

Bootcamp Training Topics in this session.

George Kosch pointed out some of the most requested powerful services in your member area.
Resources to help you get started, get promoting, be more efficient, get on the right track.

Training Topics

What do free Associates get? What do Silver members get? What do Platinum VIP members get?

Email Commander:
How to get MORE emails into your prospect’s inbox with Worldprofit’s Certified Inbox Delivery.

BOTS don’t BUY! What you need to know as an Affiliate marketer.
George Kosch revealed how to know when you are getting solid quality leads using a tool in your Member area.

YouTube Channel: How to get yours.
Start promoting yourself, your brand, your products and services. Grow your following by producing content of value.

Want your own WordPress blog?
Worldprofit provides an optional blog hosting service and Cpanel hosting, and domain name registration.
Also Website Plus for those who want to set up a site for another project, non-profit, business or venture.

The VALUE of your Worldprofit membership just went UP!
You don’t pay one thin dime for our newest innovation…. The PLR and Ebook Store.
We’ve retooled this popular service to modernize, update and integrate ecommerce so Members can use it to make sales.
George Kosch demonstrated how to use the PLR and Ebook Store.
The PLR Store can be installed now in SECONDS with 1 click!

With the addition of the PLR and Ebook Store, Worldprofit members now have access to 5 STORES
100% of your earnings from these sources goes in your pocket.
Amazon Store, Ebay Store, Fiverr Store, ClickBank Store and… now the new PLR Ebook Store

PLR Product Vault – over 411 products you can download for personal use, or use on landing pages, for giveaways to get leads
Access: RIGHT Column, green ADVANCED Menu, dropdown select PLR PRODUCT VAULT.

Multi-Commission System: How to activate this so you can earn commission from 18 safelist sources

SSL Certificate
How to get your SSL Certificate so you can use both http and https prefix for browser secure padlock.

Worldprofit’s Meeting Center
Simple to use, installed on your domain name, consider as an alternate option to ZOOM.

On a budget?
Lots of FREE advertising in your Worldprofit Member area.

  • MONTHLY Traffic Injections – you need to ACTIVATE these.
  • Worldprofit Ad Stream
  • Solo Ads
  • Classified Ads (unlimited ad postings for Silver and Platinum VIP Members)
    How to get your OWN Free Classifieds plugin on your Worldprofit hosted site (free) to get traffic and more sign ups

Looking for paid options for advertising?
George made suggestions for low cost paid advertising from Worldprofit

  • Diamond Rotator, Gold Banner Rotators, Sapphire Solo Ads, Ruby Solo Ads, Super Solos, Login Ads, Ultimate Solos
  • Titanium Ad Bundle (get a discount on multiple ad services)
  • Worldprofit Ad Stream – BE a FEATURED Ad Sponsor

Platinum VIP Membership:
Benefits. Upgrade from Silver to Platinum earn DOUBLE the commission, Autoresponder, monthly traffic injections, solo blaster privileges etc.
Get full details by submitting a Support Ticket and request VIP Upgrade offer.

Recommended to get GOING and get GROWING:

New to Worldprofit? Slow to get started? NOW is the time to start your training:
In your Member area, left Menu under your badge and profile, click on START HERE.
Lesson 3 is KEY to your success and reveals how to activate your purchase BONUSES – don’t miss out on this – extremely valuable!

Join World Profit’s social site
Create your own profile, add a picture, create a niche group, add your affiliate links, post your blog, share video links. Nice place to get free promotion for your business interests or non-profit organizations. Network with others in the affiliate marketing world, get backlinks to your site, great for SEO and more.

Watch the Jan 22 RECORDING from World Profit’s Bootcamp Training in your member area – training section.

SAVE THE DATE: Next Training Date: Friday Jan 29, 2021. 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

About George Kosch. your Bootcamp Instructor, CEO, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch is a former Captain (Jet Pilot) in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he took early retirement over 25 years ago to create Worldprofit Inc., in 1994 along with co-founder
Sandi Hunter. Every Friday, Worldprofit provides members with LIVE interactive training to teach you about affiliate marketing, to help you access and use the tremendous number of resources in your membership, all designed with 1 purpose – to help you grow your own successful online business. Who better to teach you then the actual architect of Worldprofit’s software, training and marketing system, George Kosch himself.

Worldprofit’s system is a comprehensive all inclusive business training and marketing platform. Learn at your own pace by following the online lessons geared to helping you learn about online marketing and how to use your Worldprofit member resources. Treat your Worldprofit business like that, a business. Be professional. be prepared to learn, put the time and effort into starting and growing it over time.
Use Worldprofit website hosting, tools, software, advertising and training to grow any and all your online affiliate programs, to promote Worldprofit services, or those of our recommended vendors.

Worldprofit’s weekly training sessions are informal and all Member questions encouraged. If you need a demonstration or a service or software explained in more detail, simply ask. The skills you learn in the training can be applied to marketing your own affiliate programs and / or promoting Worldprofit services to earn sales commission. The training, our support is all devoted to helping YOU start and GROW your own online business now and for many years to come. Worldprofit provides the foundation for your business, the tools, the building blocks for growth – plus – the training and support.

It’s OFFICIAL! Worldprofit Inc., is the longest running and 1st Affiliate marketing company. (Worldprofit Inc started 1994; Amazon 1996)

6 PROVEN Ways to POWER UP your Affiliate marketing business

Ready to POWER up your Affiliate marketing business?

Here’s 6 proven ways to get more leads and more sales!

1. Get Social
Be the unabashed promoter of all the affiliate programs you LOVE.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube. Start there, if you don’t have accounts get one and start sharing your links.

2. Use a variety of advertising options.
Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified ads, are all mostly free.
Rotators, Solo Ads, Featured Ad, login ads, Banner Ads, are all good paid advertising options if you get them from trusted vendors.
Don’t rely on just one method of advertising, try, test, promote, then promote some more.
Mix it up for best results, be sure to track your clicks and referrals with a tool like Worldprofit’s Ad Tracker.

3.Get Blogging
Blog either as a written blog or a video blog with quality content as often as you can, use keyword hashtags.
Do product reviews, how to’s, DIY, special offers, tips, etc.
If you are an expert on a specific topic even better.
Get your blog hosted on a professional hosting platform, free blog sites often vanish into the night along with your content.
Successful marketers don’t rely on free, and neither should you.

4. Ebooks
Ebook giveaways are a great way to get optins on your landing or squeeze pages.
Write your own or use the article and Ebook Creator offered by
Need helps with graphics? We have software so you can create your own professional images without specialized design skills.

5. Domain Name and Site hosting
Get your own domain based website so you are promoting YOU / YOUR business every time you post or email rather then someone else.
Free services tend to disappear, add some permanence and accountability to your online presentations by booking a domain name and getting it hosted.

6. Get REAL
Affiliate marketing like any business takes time to get going and growing.
Don’t listen to anyone who promises instant overnight riches!
Adapt a good attitude, a realistic one that involves learning and a consistent work ethic.
You CAN earn money from affiliate marketing if you are prepared to learn and take the time to commit to building your business.

Stuck? Frustrated? Not sure how to get started or what to do? Not getting the results you want?
Get help from the experts, the people who have been the industry leaders for over 25 years.
Get a free Associate membership at Worldprofit to see for yourself the services we offer.

Are you putting all your eggs in one marketing basket?

New affiliate marketers often underestimate how much promotion is required to generate leads.

To get leads that convert to sales involves knowing the best places to promote as well as how to promote.

One of most common mistakes we see is marketers who focus on just 1 method of promotion.
This single focused approach limits your marketing reach and your results.
Don’t put all your eggs in one marketing basket.
Each type of marketing may have limitations so if you rely on more then one method you will get better results.

Another common mistake is not being consistent in your marketing efforts.
Too often we see people promote like crazy for a few days, then do less and less until they are doing virtually no marketing.

Finally newbies often make the mistake of trying to BUY a totally automated INSTANT results approach to marketing.
This isn’t realistic and leads to disappointment, frustration and cursing.
Being profitable in affiliate marketing is like any offline business, it takes time, effort and commitment.

If you want your business to GROW and GROW you need to plant the seeds, then nurture it with water, feed and focused attention.
This requires consistent effort and ongoing plans and application to reach new markets, tap new customers, attract new eyeballs to your offers.

MORE is BETTER when it comes to promotion.

Proven Strategies to start and grow your brand, so you get leads, traffic and sales!

If you’re a Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP member you already have access to the foundation for your marketing strategy and that includes, lead and traffic generation, list building, landing pages, social media and sales and commission.

Start by setting daily goals, weekly, monthly and yearly goals.
Establish an amount of time you are going to devote to starting and growing your business.
If you’re going to devote time, effort and expense into growing your online business spend the time to create a plan so you can assess progress.
Your goals should be related to these numbers, note that the first 4 on the list are directly related to your SALES.

  • lead generation
  • advertising sources / site traffic
  • brand awareness and exposure
  • list growth
  • sales

When promoting it’s important to use as many DIFFERENT kinds of promotion as possible.
This will expand your reach, your market, find and target the right market, build your brand and your influence.
Start with one or two approaches and over time, add more, do more.
Study your results, your click rate, your leads, list growth and sales to hone in on what is getting the best results and is worth more time, effort, ad dollars.

The suggestions included here WORK!
They are a part of and integrated into a comprehensive Worldprofit marketing system so that’s ready for you now.
Your job is to focus on the promotion.

Safelists and Exchanges – earn credits for free advertising.
No or low cost option for someone just getting started. How to do safelist and traffic exchange marketing is covered in Worldprofit’s training program.

Article / Ebook marketing
Lead generation is best accomplished by offering something free to encourage a sign up.
Ebooks are easy to compile and on endless topics.
Worldprofit members you have access to free ebooks, and articles and PLR products that can be used in your offers.
Or write your own and use our Ebook Creator and integrate your ebook with our Landing page builder.

Build your brand and your following by posting to your blog. If you are an expert on a topic, or niche, post it.
Include key words or hashtags identifying what your blog is about for the benefit of search engines.
For best results host your blog on your own domain name.
Worldprofit members you have access to this, this way you are promoting YOURSELF and your domain not a free blog service that may disappear one day.

Video Blogs – Not much of a writer?
Then put some time into creating your own video blog. Videos should be relatively brief, and offer value to the viewer. Work from a script, tidy up your background, ensure you have good lighting and talk into the camera looking directly at the viewer when possible. YOU are the start of your own VIDEO Blog, make a good impression. Encourage comments, follows, feedback, include your website address, contact details, social media channels.

Worldprofit Member resources
Silver and Platinum VIP members, you have access to both free and paid advertising options in your member area.
Those services include Solo Ad Blasts, monthly traffic injections, safelist memberships, rotator advertising, featured ads, classifieds, promo codes and more.

Social Media (Facebook; YouTube; Twitter; Instagram; Linkedin)
If you don’t already have accounts at these social media giants then get one, and start posting.
If you need help with graphics, Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP members have access to our Graphics Studio to easily create beautiful images.
Set up a Facebook Fan page or Business Page. Use Facebook’s Business Suite to study your reach and reactions and post to both Instagram and Facebook at the same time.
Set up your own YouTube Channel. Post quality content on a regular basis pertaining to your niche to start growing your followers.

Top marketers have specific lists of subscribers, people who have either purchased or expressed an interest in an offer.
Your house list, or marketing list is gold and needs to be given continual attention. The bigger your list the more potential buyers.
Worldprofit provides a Certified Email Delivery option, called Email Commander that helps you get MORE of your offers into email boxes instead of being filtered to a spam folder. Big companies have the same problem with spam folders as does the little guy, we can help you with solutions that work.

SEO (Google Analytics)
Worldprofit Members have access to several SEO (search engine optimization) tools in your Website management section.
We’ve made it easy for you to set this up. If you are new to affiliate marketing set up your SEO per Google Analytics then get back to actively promoting.
You have control over your ads, your posting, your social media campaigns and your direct advertising. For newbies, don’t waste your time trying to outsmart Google to get first page status put your time and effort into targeted niche specific marketing per this article.

Vendor Advertising (Solo Ads, Classified Ads, Featured Ads, Leads, Sponsor Ads, Rotators)
Expand your marketing reach, put your offers in front of new eyeballs by purchasing advertising from trusted vendors.
We’ve compiled a list of trusted vendors in your Worldprofit member area, or use your own, either way – remember MORE PROMOTION is BETTER.
No promotion = NO sales.

Think this is a lot of work? Yup!
Think it will take some time to learn? You bet!
Tackle it one day at at ime, do a little more every day, follow Worldprofit’s online marketing training system.
Need help?
Contact Worldprofit Support – we’ve got 25 years of experience in this business to help you grow your online business.

Not yet a member of Worldprofit? You are missing out on valuable expert business resources.
Get a free Associate membership here.

Author Credit: Sandi Hunter, Co-Founder, President, Worldprofit Inc.

Worldprofit Inc., has been helping people worldwide to start and grow their own online business for over 25 years now.
Tap into our expertise, software, training and marketing system by becoming a free Worldprofit Associate member.

Get a profile in Worldprofit’s social site. Share your affiliate links, blog, promote your programs.

Review World Profit, Jan 15, 2021 Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, CEO, Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc.

Home Business Bootcamp Training Day is LIVE every Friday morning at Worldprofit.

George Kosch welcomed all our NEW Members, and so many RETURNING Members to the training!

CONGRATULATIONS to each of you for making the smart decision to start and grow your own online business with Worldprofit.
It takes courage to try something new, you’re on the right path.
Thank you for trusting Worldprofit to be your business partner.

Training Theme: POWER up your Advertising, your brand, your online portfolio for 2021

Bootcamp Training Topics

Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch pointed out some of the most requested powerful services in your Worldprofit member area.
Resources to help you get started, get promoting, be more efficient, get on the right track.

Today, the 15th is Commission Day.
Worldprofit Sales Commissions are paid out on the 15th by PayPal, Bitcoin, Direct Deposit, Electronic Funds Transfer, or Cheque.
Worldprofit Members who have entered how you wish to get paid are encouraged to do so in your member area.
George covered details related to Worldprofit’s Commission system.

Advanced Training Topics

For our more experienced members, you have the option of having Worldprofit host your blog, or getting Cpanel hosting control access.
These are NOT required, just an option for those looking for these services.

  • WordPress Blogs
  • CPanel Hosting
  • Website Plus

DEMONSTRATION: Worldprofit’s Lazy Blogger – one click posting to multiple sites/platforms – HUGE time saver for cross platform promotion

How to get your domain based email address to go with your hosted domain name at Worldprofit. More professional!

How to tie in YOUR external Autoresponder into Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder software
How to use and add the OPTIN FORM to your landing pages.
Don’t have your own Autoresponder? Worldprofit offers an Autoresponder service as an option. Included with Platinum VIP Membership.

DEMONSTRATION: How to get your own PROMOTIONAL customized promo products.
George recommends this service for members in need of a Logo, create videos, promo products and more.

DEMONSTRATION: How to add the Worldprofit provided promo images,videos to the Landing Page Builder (responsive pages).

Need a faster way to access your most used resources in your member area?
Create your own CUSTOM MENU to access them FASTER.

On a budget?
Lots of FREE advertising in your World Profit Member area.

  • MONTHLY Traffic Injections – you need to ACTIVATE these.
  • Worldprofit Ad Stream
  • Solo Ads
  • Classified Ads (unlimited ad postings for Silver and Platinum VIP Members)
    How to get your OWN Free Classifieds plugin on your Worldprofit hosted site (free) to get traffic and more sign ups
  • Worldprofit Community, social site for networking with others involved in affiliate marketing.

Looking for trusted paid options for advertising?
George made suggestions for low cost paid advertising from Worldprofit

  • Worldprofit Diamond Rotator, Gold Banner Rotators, Sapphire Solo Ads, Ruby Solo Ads, Super Solos, Login Ads, Ultimate Solos
  • Worldprofit Titanium Ad Bundle (get a discount on multiple ad services)
  • Worldprofit Ad Stream – BE a FEATURED Ad Sponsor

NEW MEMBERS: What to do next. How to get your included BONUSES

  • Worldprofit Graphic Studio: how to use this software to create your own eye-popping customized graphics.
    No need to hire anyone, with this, you can DIY.
    Build splash pages, use on social media, store your images in your included Image Hosting library provided by Worldprofit
  • BItcoin: It’s exploding. In your Member area are resources to help you understand and benefit from this growing currency
    George Kosch pointed out how to access these resources in your member area.
    Worldprofit Members can request to have commission paid out in Bitcoin.
  • PLR Product Vault – over 411 products you can download for personal use, or use on landing pages, for giveaways to get leads
  • Platinum VIP Membership:
    Benefits. Upgrade from Silver to Platinum earn DOUBLE the commission, Autoresponder, monthly traffic injections, solo blaster privileges etc.
    Get full details by submitting a Support Ticket and request VIP Upgrade offer.

Recommended to get GOING and get GROWING:

New to Worldprofit? Slow to get started? NOW is the time to start your training:
In your Member area, left Menu under your badge and profile, click on START HERE.
Lesson 3 is KEY to your success and reveals how to activate your purchase BONUSES – don’t miss out on this – extremely valuable!

Join World Profit’s social site
Create your own profile, add a picture, create a niche group, add your affiliate links, post your blog, share video links. Nice place to get free promotion for your business interests or non-profit organizations. Network with others in the affiliate marketing world, get backlinks to your site, great for SEO and more.

SAVE THE DATE: Next Training Date: Friday Jan 22, 2021. 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

About George Kosch. your Bootcamp Instructor, CEO, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch is a former Captain (Jet Pilot) in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he took early retirement over 25 years ago to create Worldprofit Inc., in 1994 along with co-founder
Sandi Hunter. Every Friday, Worldprofit provides members with LIVE interactive training to teach you about affiliate marketing, to help you access and use the tremendous number of resources in your membership, all designed with 1 purpose – to help you grow your own successful online business. Who better to teach you then the actual architect of Worldprofit’s software, training and marketing system, George Kosch himself.

Worldprofit’s system is a comprehensive all inclusive business training and marketing platform. Learn at your own pace by following the online lessons geared to helping you learn about online marketing and how to use your Worldprofit member resources. Treat your Worldprofit business like that, a business. Be professional. be prepared to learn, put the time and effort into starting and growing it over time.
Use Worldprofit website hosting, tools, software, advertising and training to grow any and all your online affiliate programs, to promote Worldprofit services, or those of our recommended vendors.

Worldprofit’s weekly training sessions are informal and all Member questions encouraged. If you need a demonstration or a service or software explained in more detail, simply ask. The skills you learn in the training can be applied to marketing your own affiliate programs and / or promoting Worldprofit services to earn sales commission. The training, our support is all devoted to helping YOU start and GROW your own online business now and for many years to come. Worldprofit provides the foundation for your business, the tools, the building blocks for growth – plus – the training and support.

HELP no HYPE – that’s what you get in Worldprofit’s training.

Not a member of Worldprofit yet?
You are missing out on valuable training, resources, software to help you start and grow your own online business.
Free Associate membership here.

Worldprofit congratulates Linda Elze as the Sales Champion for 2020


Worldprofit congratulates Linda Elze as the Sales Champion for 2020.

The CoVid pandemic has without a doubt changed how we live and work.

For many not used to working at home it’s been a challenge, a new and unfamiliar situation, often a struggle to use technology and find a balance between home and work.

For Linda Elze though she’s been quietly working at home to grow her online business and provide for her family for over 13 years now.

When 2020 dramatically changed all of our lives, Linda was grateful she had the advantage of starting her online home business all those years earlier.
Despite the craziness going on in the world, her determination kept her on track and once again Linda Elze is Worldprofit’s SALES CHAMPION for 2020.

When asked about her success and to dish up her secrets, Linda is characteristically modest and straight forward.

Here’s Linda’s thoughts…

"When I found Worldprofit…I had tried many business opportunities that cost me over 13k. I was ready to give up. I signed up first as a Free Associate Member, and someone called out my name in the Live Business Center, almost fell out of my chair. "They had me at "hello". I still feel that way every day when I wake up even after all these years. I get my coffee…and login to my Worldprofit Member area. It’s my business, I’m the one in charge. Working for yourself is motivating. If I need help it’s always there from George Kosch and Sandi Hunter.

I’ve always been in sales…however, I can only sell what I love. I have to be honest and up front with people…that is my greatest sales tactic… "Tell the truth". The company has to be ethical..truthful…valuable…and the best.. at a price people can afford. That’s what I love about Worldprofit they have all that and more – everything is in one place, and they keep getting better and better continually working for and with their members.

Affiliate marketing has grown leaps and bounds in this pandemic. People are looking for a way to earn extra money, but more then that they want a reputable, professional online business, one they can be proud of, call their own, something that will build over time. You can’t do it alone though. Buying the latest tech gadget isn’t what grows your business. Training, support and a time tested system is what does it. Affiliate marketing is new to a lot of people, you need help to get your business going and growing. When I talk to people I simply tell them what I have at Worldprofit, how they’ve helped me and can also help them. "

Congratulations to Linda Elze, Worldprofit’s Sales Champion for 2020.

Get a Free 15 Minute Consult on how you can start your own online business.
Linda Elze

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Michael Harris. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Michael Harris. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! Truth Must Be Told

I have been a Member of Worldprofit now over 13 years and this is a testimony I have been waiting to write and couldn’t write until the time was right. With what we all went through in 2020, we must take major action NOW if we want to do better this year. I know we all have heard and made the statement this year will be better than the last, but unless you realize that "to have something you never had before you must do something you never did before". And that one simple thing you/we must do is commit. Not to the world, not just to our families, but to ourselves. We do things for family, but to accomplish this financial goal we need, want, and deserve, we must commit to ourselves. And how do we do that? Easy. Follow good sound advice others who have accomplished what we desire have done. And that is where 3 very special Worldprofit members come in. I will try to keep this very short, but this is where the most exciting and Important information lies.

3 things happened that changed my mind and life’s direction. 1- I saw what I knew I needed in an advertisement online and I answered it. Notice didn’t say what I wanted but what I needed. If you are going to be successful in any business you must keep to the truth. The ad simply said that "if I needed all the tools to be successful online there was only one company that would provide everything in one location". This ad came from Howard Martel and at the end of the ad there was a phone number. I called and after Howard talked to me for almost 1 hour I was in. Not strictly because of the content of the ad. But because of Howard’s conversation with me. He cared enough about me to take the time to talk about life inside the WP operation. That was the beginning.

2- I called in and the 1st voice I heard was the voice of truth. I won’t call his name because whenever I mention his name it takes me hours to stop talking. But what he promised me above all else was that if I worked this business like a business, and put in the time, I would reach a point where the business would run itself. Ok, I knew this could be true because of my brick and mortal businesses run this way.

3- I took action and signed up right there. This was a business decision and it was nothin new. You must realize we make these type of decisions everyday. True life and death decisions, and this decision was based on one thing and one person. ME. If I did as Mike P. told me, nothing could stop my success but me.

Then after I saw all this I met a fella from Canada who impressed me with his simple and direct ways, Brian Armstrong. Brian simply told me if I wanted what I heard, stop lying to myself and do the work. I am the blame for my own success and failure. All George, Sandy, and Worldprofit could do was keep their company promises and provide everything they knew I needed to be successful and that they have done. Thank YOU!!!!

Now over 14 years later, just when I needed them the most, the promised fruit has born itself over the past 3 most difficult years of my life.

Live long enough and sickness and hard times will eventually come. At the end of 2018 my downward flow started and progressively got worst. So bad to the point that I had to make business decisions about what I needed to cut and what I needed to keep. I cut over 10 income flows that were working but "1" stood way higher than all the others.

My Worldprofit was making money every month. I never share what I make because when others see it, if they don’t make the same thing they holler Scam. When they in reality have not worked as hard as I had, and had not believed in themselves and the product.

Why is this so important, because at the end of 2017 I could no longer promote anything except my tax business. That’s all the energy I could muster. But guess what? Worldprofit continued to make me money month after month with no promotion from me. My commissions here were paying my Platinum membership and everything else I was doing on line. Just so you will understand, in Dec. 2018 my commissions were $428.00, it kept Christmas. In Dec. 2019 my commissions were $728.00. In 2020, after 3 years of no promotion my commission was over $1400.00. How can this be. Every promise made to me was true. Even the part where I promised to put in the time. All the previous years and hard promotion now I understood what George and Sandy, Mike, Howard, and Brian were telling me. Just do the work and believe, everything will come into being. You just do the work.

I know this is long but I had to say it. I had to give dew to what had occurred. I thank God for everything and over the years I have always thanked God for Worldprofit, it’s leaders and members. Far too many to mention. But I close with this: If you are serious about business and making money, you really have no choice but to join Worldprofit. They do it all.

Mike Harris 2021 Happiest Worldprofit Member A Thankful CEC (Worldprofit Certified E-Business Consultant)

PS: I am writing a long version of this email in e-book form that fills in all the spaces over the years. Why is this important? Because it will explain why and how some are successful here and others are not. It will answer why George and Sandy make decisions on the content here and why every piece of that content is precious. But after the e-book is written, George and sandy must approve it. If not I will never release it. God Bless and Thank You for listening.

See All Of Our Testimonials & Worldprofit Reviews:


Review of World Profit Home Business and Affiliate marketing bootcamp Jan 8, 2021. Hosted by Worldprofit CEO and Co-Founder, George Kosch

Home Business Bootcamp Training Day is LIVE every Friday morning at Worldprofit.

Recap of Jan 8 session with George Kosch.

CONGRATS to Andre Henry, TOP Seller for December 2020.
CONGRATS to Linda Elze, SALES CHAMPION for 2020.


CONGRATULATIONS to each of you who made the smart decision to start and grow your own online business with Worldprofit.
It takes courage to try something new, you are on the right path. Thank you for trusting Worldprofit to be your business partner.

Training Theme: How to POWER up your Advertising for 2021

Bootcamp Training Topics in this session.

New option just added to Landing pages so you can add BUTTONS/LINKS to your landing pages and integrate your own external Autoresponder

On a budget?
George showed where to get FREE advertising in your Member area.

  • MONTHLY Traffic Injections
  • Worldprofit Ad Stream
  • Solo Ads
  • Classified Ads

Looking for paid options for advertising?
George Kosch made suggestions for low cost paid advertising from Worldprofit

  • Diamond Rotator, Gold Banner Rotators, Sapphire Solo Ads, Ruby Solo Ads, Super Solos, Login Ads, Ultimate Solos
  • Titanium Ad Bundle
  • Worldprofit Ad Stream FEATURED Ad

NEW Worldprofit MEMBERS: What to do next. How to get your included BONUSES

  • Worldprofit Graphic Studio: how to use this software to create your own eye-popping customized graphics.
    No need to hire anyone, with this, you can DIY.
    Build splash pages, use on social media, store your images in your included Image Hosting library provided by Worldprofit
  • How Worldprofit’s sophisticated system works for you so YOU can focus on PROMOTION
  • BItcoin: It’s exploding. In your Member area are resources to help you understand and benefit from this growing currency
    George Kosch pointed out how to access these resources in your member area.
    Worldprofit Members can request to have commission paid out in Bitcoin.
  • Platinum VIP Membership: Benefits. Upgrade from Silver to Platinum to score some valuable advertising inclusions.
  • Hosting? Want to host another website at Worldprofit? Get a WordPress Blog? Specialty site?
    Develop your own site? Book another domain name? We can help. Contact Support.

Recommended to get GOING and get GROWING:

New to Worldprofit? Slow to get started? NOW is the time to start your training:
In your Member area, left Menu under your badge and profile, click on START HERE.
Lesson 3 is KEY to your success and reveals how to activate your purchase BONUSES – don’t miss out on this – extremely valuable!

Join World Profit’s social site
Create your own profile, add a picture, create a niche group, add your affiliate links, post your blog, share video links. Nice place to get free promotion for your business interests or non-profit organizations. Network with others in the affiliate marketing world, get backlinks to your site, great for SEO and more.

Watch the Jan 8, 2021 RECORDING from World Profit’s Bootcamp Training in the training section of your member area.

Next Training Date: Friday Jan 15, 2021. 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

About George Kosch your Bootcamp Instructor, CEO, Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch is a former Captain (Jet Pilot) in the Royal Canadian Air Force, he took early retirement over 25 years ago to create Worldprofit Inc., in 1994 along with co-founder Sandi Hunter. Every Friday, Worldprofit provides members with LIVE interactive training to teach you about affiliate marketing, to help you access and use the tremendous number of resources in your membership, all designed with 1 purpose – to help you grow your own successful online business. Who better to teach you then the actual architect of Worldprofit’s software, training and marketing system, George Kosch himself.

Worldprofit’s system is a comprehensive all inclusive business training and marketing platform. Learn at your own pace by following the online lessons geared to helping you learn about online marketing and how to use your Worldprofit member resources. Treat your Worldprofit business like that, a business. Be professional. be prepared to learn, put the time and effort into starting and growing it over time.
Use Worldprofit website hosting, tools, software, advertising and training to grow any and all your online affiliate programs, to promote Worldprofit services, or those of our recommended vendors.

Worldprofit’s weekly training sessions are informal and all Member questions encouraged. If you need a demonstration or a service or software explained in more detail, simply ask. The skills you learn in the training can be applied to marketing your own affiliate programs and / or promoting Worldprofit services to earn sales commission. The training, our support is all devoted to helping YOU start and GROW your own online business now and for many years to come. Worldprofit provides the foundation for your business, the tools, the building blocks for growth – plus – the training and support. HELP no HYPE – that’s what you get in Worldprofit’s training.

It’s OFFICIAL! Worldprofit Inc., is the longest running and 1st Affiliate marketing company. (Worldprofit Inc., started 1994; Amazon 1996)

Not yet a member?
Get a free Worldprofit Associate Membership.

Worldprofit Inc., offers SSL Certificates for website hosting members

Wondering about the "this site is not secure" warning that is popping up?

Certain browsers have changed their security settings recently which means sites without the https prefix, may show a warning notice.

To solve this and meet the security standards, Worldprofit offers:

SSL Certificates for Worldprofit hosted websites.

What is a SSL Certificate?
SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media and business sites.

Once the SSL Certificate is installed it’s used by the web server to initiate a secure session with browsers. Once a secure connection is established, all web traffic between the web server and the web browser will be secure.

When a certificate is successfully installed, the application protocol (also known as HTTP) will change to HTTPs, where the ‘S’ stands for ‘secure’. Depending on the type of certificate and what browser you are using to surf the internet, a browser will show a padlock or green bar in the browser when you visit a website that has an SSL Certificate installed.

A SSL Certificate may appear different for each internet browser.

Sample showing website with a domain validated SSL

SSL Certificate

Common Questions and Answers:

Q: Why Do You Need An SSL Certificate?

A: SSL Certificates protect your sensitive information such as credit card information, usernames, passwords etc. It also:
• Keeps your website data secure
• Increases your Google Rankings as Google indexes sites with https prefix with higher priority and credibility due to the security certificate
• Builds and enhances customer trust by display of the https prefix and green bar/padlock
• May help improve conversion rates

Q: How much does it cost to get a SSL Certificate for my website?
A: Cost: $49.95 / per domain. Compare to what others are charging in range of $100 and UP!
Free versions are advertising laden and not sufficient.

Q. How long is the SSL Certificate valid?
A: Worldprofit’s SSL Certificate is valid for one year from date of purchase.

Q: Once I purchase my SSL Certificate how long does it take to get installed?
A: Installation is quick, we register the Certificate and install for you, completion in 24 – 48 hours.

Q: Can I get a SSL Certificate for a site not hosted at Worldprofit?
A: We only offer (DV) SSL Certificates for sites hosted by Worldprofit.

Q: Will my site visitors still be able to access my site if they don’t use the https: prefix?
A: Yes, your site visitors will be able to access your site with both the http: address as well as the SSL version at https:

Q: If I visit my site and it’s secure but shows that some parts are not secure, what can I do?
A: We’ve created a help video to give you some tips on how to fix or correct this if you want to.

Says Danny Sullivan, from Google…..

"Protect your users and their data: Consider securing every page of your website with HTTPS to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the data users exchange on your site. You can find more useful tips in our best practices on how to implement HTTPS."

Source Google Webmaster
Danny Sullivan, Public Liaison for Search

Worldprofit Members can login for further details

NON Worldprofit Members can get afree Associate Membership to see how we can help you start and grow your online business.

Why Worldprofit?

Why do people choose to become a Member at Worldprofit and why do so many people remain members?

Trust: 25+ Years in business specializing in the needs of home based business and affiliate marketers.
20 Year Accredited A+ Members of the Better Business Bureau of Edmonton, AB.
One of the first (if not THE first), to offer an Affiliate marketing program (1994).

Stability and Vision: Original co-founders, President Sandi Hunter and CEO George Kosch are hands-on active in the daily operations of the company working alongside our Members. Worldprofit Inc, was one of the first companies in Canada offering website hosting services, WordPress hosting, Cpanel hosting, email hosting, image hosting, web-based software services, e-commerce, domain name registry services, SSL, SEO.

Comprehensive Training: Over 150+ online training lessons as well as LIVE weekly interactive training all devoted to one thing; helping you grow your own online business.

Referral Program: Members who refer sales to Worldprofit earn commission on initial sale, recurrent sales, new sales volume bonuses, and more.
Members can also use Worldprofit services to grow their other affiliate programs as well.

Complete Business Platform: Members rely on the unique software and resources developed at Worldprofit Inc., to start and grow their own online business.

Support: Worldprofit Members count on the ongoing support services available 7 days a week / 365 Days a year.

At Worldprofit we insist on HELP not HYPE. We make no promises of income earnings or income earning projections. We provide the proven tools, resources, training and support to help you create your own successful online business, now and for years to come.

Get a free Associate membership.
