SEO Tips for Affiliate Marketers. Backlinks. Good practice? Yes or No?

Google has made it clear in their updated SEO Guidelines that they don’t want webmasters trying to manipulate search results by artificially building EXTERNAL backlinks to your site, either by overdoing it manually or with automated methods.

Based on those guidelines, what Google prefers is NATURAL links, these are links that come naturally from other sites, niche resources and so forth.

There is an exception to this.

Google DOES encourage webmasters / site developers to build INTERNAL links, these are links within your web pages or blog. These types of INTERNAL site hyperlinks DO help get better ranking for your site. If you have more then one site, or blog, interconnecting them is helpful for SEO purposes.

​​Google states in their SEO guidelines that you should be building internal links and goes further to state that using keyword descriptive anchor text is a good idea.

​The value of building these internal links is:

  1. Helps human eyeballs at your site find other relevant content related to their interests.
  2. The hyperlinks help Google’s AI bots crawl your site and better understand what it’s about.

Thus, internal site links can be a true benefit for your site, not only for readers but also from Google’s perspective.

When you build your site by publishing content, and creating pages, you are GROWING your online portfolio and your niche, even your brand. The more pages of content you have related to that niche or topic the better, provided it is good content not key word jibberish. Name your pages with good key words rather then abbreviations or short forms and Google will index your site more effectively. Publishing good unique content will make your visitors happy, get you more return visits and is a WIN – WIN – WIN for all involved – you, your site visitors and Google’s SEO indexing bots.

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