Affiliate Marketers: What you need to know about Solo Ads

Solo Ads are an effective and powerful way to promote your affiliate links, get leads and grow your email marketing list.
But there are some important key facts you need to know that will save you money and frustration.

Solo Ad Advantages

  • Effective and direct promotion for affiliate marketing links, online business opportunities and MLM (business models often banned by Facebook and Twitter)
  • It’s target marketing as your Solo Ad gets sent to a subscriber list – people who have agreed to receive marketing promotions about business opportunities. In some cases those recipients may earn credits for viewing the ads in exchange for agreeing to receive email promotions.
  • No limits on size of your Solo Ad, text or HTML formats
  • Warm and receptive market as people who receive the solo ads have agreed to and are expecting to receive various marketing promotions.
  • Low cost compared to paid advertising from Google or Yahoo. Google is very restrictive in what it will and will not allow.
  • The traditional rules of advertising apply to Solo Ads for generating the best response – compelling headline, believable benefits, call to action and a special offer to entice a click.
  • If you are a new marketer and have not had adequate time and opportunity to build your own email marketing list, tapping into someone else’s list allows you to reach new markets.

Solo Ad Disadvantages

There are actually NO disadvantages to the actual practice of Solo Ads, the only disadvantages are related entirely to the honesty and integrity of the VENDOR / SELLER of the Solo Ads.

Here’s what to watch out for when purchasing Solo Advertising and evaluating the results.

1. Capture Pages

If the Vendor or Seller insists you use their own Capture Page rather then allowing you to use your own, be wary.
Reason: Some vendors require you use their Contact page so they have control and can "inject" with bot traffic.
This under-handed practice makes you THINK you are quickly getting a large number of optins, when in actuality they are fake, created by robotic software that rapidly auto-fills the data fields with real sounding names and email addresses. They will often scramble the IP addresses so you get the leads with a unique IP giving you the impression they are from various sources. While initially you are impressed with the fantastic optin rate, you eventually try to contact those leads and your fears are confirmed, they are either fake, or the majority of the leads state they never signed up for anything.
If the Vendor will allow you to use your own Capture Page then you get the leads / optins directly to eyeball for authenticity and you can then use your own 3rd Party Tracking Software to look for patterns, determine referral source, IP, country, browser, platform, time spent on page, exit times etc to best evaluate the quality of leads.

2. Get on the Vendor’s list

Doesn’t it make sense if the Vendor has a massive list that you be allowed to subscribe to it?
If you can’t subscribe to the Vendor’s list ask why not.
Reason: If you can subscribe to the Vendor’s list you will then be able to receive and see your own un-edited Solo Ads and those Solo Ads of other marketers – a good test of the advertising service.

3. Read the fine print

If the Refund Policy for Solo Ad Guarantees Conversion or you don’t pay, ask questions and read the fine print.
Reason: Vendors use words like 100% RISK FREE and GUARANTEED to get you to buy impulsively without thinking and to earn your trust and eliminate your skepticism. They know you’re busy and count on the fact that most people don’t take the time to read Terms and Conditions. BEFORE buying read the Refund Policy carefully and you may soon find there are stated conditions or a cancellation fee, or you could unintentionally violate their terms in some way which would then nullify your refund.

Sadly, eager affiliate marketers often fall for the pitch and promises served up by smooth-talking Vendors with well polished YouTube videos and real-sounding testimonials. To make money as an affiliate marketer it takes TIME and a LOT of promotion, far more then most people realize. Affiliate marketers are easy prey to these scoundrels as they are desperate for places to promote, and for leads and subscribers. So much so they will try to take shortcuts and will pay top dollar to try and BUY their success with advertising and Solo Ads from sketchy Vendors.

If you’re considering buying advertising or Solo Ads and would like an opinion on the Vendor, ask us. We’ve been in the Affiliate marketing industry for 25 years, we quickly recognize the good, the bad and the ugly and have compiled a thick file on crooks in the industry. We’re happy to provide any information we have on that Vendor to keep your hard earned money in your pocket.

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