How to know your Associates are REAL HUMANS and not fakes!

Worldprofit Members are getting it! Fantastic!

You understand that PROMOTION – and LOTS of it – is the KEY to making sales.

The more you PROMOTE the more sign ups you get, the higher the percentage of sales conversions.

There’s just one catch.

Not ALL promotion is equal.

Problem: Some slippery, sketchy vendors sell you guaranteed sign ups or say they will run your ads then send you fake leads.

Solution: Here’s how to know if your Worldprofit Associate sign ups are real.

When you promote the landing pages and run ads, the pitch is variations on this….

"Sign up as a free Worldprofit Associate Membership to get X free when you login."

It makes sense that when a human being responds to Worldprofit’s fantastic offers they would actually login to get what they were promised. Right?

So let this serve as a guideline to evaluate whether a lead is real.

1. Login. When you get a new Associate sign up, they should login, if not right away, within a few days.
No login ever? Seems fishy. Human beings will login to get what they signed up for, while bots never login, they don’t care, they aren’t human.

2. Interaction. Once signed up as an Associate, a human logs in, and starts clicking around. One of the first things they do is want to get paid commission for sales referrals. Humans understand that Worldprofit pays commission for sales referrals. So they will likely access the Commission Report to enter their details on how they want to get paid commission. Updating their profile is a positive sign they are an interested prospect.

3. Action. Associates who are an actual person, will often enter a phone number into their profile. This means they are real, they are interested in what Worldprofit offers. Reach out, offer help to this person..

4. Access: Associates who are human, will often login multiple times to access the basic services available to free Associate members. Access your reporting features for more information on this.

5. Authentication. To help distinguish Humans from Bots, we have a level of security called Authentication. This step requires an Associate who has signed up to click a CONFIRM link in an email sent to them.

Summary: Fake leads, generated by computer robots don’t login, they don’t update settings in their member area, they don’t authenticate, they don’t DO anything. All they are is a name, and email address that will never interact or buy anything. Fake leads are a complete waste of money. Sadly you think you are building your lead list, or email list but you’ve wasted your money on fake promotion. Put simply, Bots don’t buy.
Worldprofit’s intricate tracking system helps you determine who is a lead and who is a fake.

If you have purchased advertising from a source, when you start getting your leads, check with the list above to see if that source was a good one or a fake one. Consult the tracking system we provide our Members. Use that intelligence to weed out the fake advertising vendors from the legitimate ones who produce REAL sign ups. Arm yourself with this knowledge so you aren’t wasting your advertising dollars on fake leads that will never result in sales.

Now when it comes to purchasing advertising, here are some general pitches to avoid. Our experience and data collection has proven over and over again, that these types of vendors are NOT real lead sources.

When you see subject lines like these below, be SKEPTICAL!


Get 1,000 leads $10

1500 Guaranteed Sign ups $49

We will add more examples when I see them come into my inbox, for now, use the information provided here to be smart in evaluating your lead sources.

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Better yet!

Attend Worldprofit’s LIVE training on Friday mornings with George Kosch, these are the kinds of questions we answer, and information we share in Worldprofit’s training. Solid, good for you, practical information based on experience. Help not hype, to keep more of your hard earned money in your pocket, while helping you grow our own successful online business now and for years to come!

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