Review: Worldprofit’s Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch presented LIVE Friday August 31st, 2018.

George Kosch’s weekly interactive affiliate marketing and home business training is available at no cost to all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. George Kosch, CEO and Co-Founder of Worldprofit is also your personal trainer, learn direct from one of the first successful .com business success stories, and a pioneer in the Affiliate marketing industry. Questions and requests for demonstrations are encourage to make this training most meaningful to you. Free Associate Members struggling with earning online who would like to take advantage of Worldprofit’s specialized training can upgrade to Silver membership to get unlimited access.

Training Topics

  • How to get MAXIMUM value from your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership
  • Why Worldprofit’s training is critical to your success in this or ANY online business
  • How to get help 7 days a week from Worldprofit’s Support Team
  • Why having your own domain name so important to the long term growth of your online business
  • URL Masking / Cloaking
  • Worldprofit’s Traffic Injections – Silver and Platinum VIP Members BOTH get these at no extra cost, this fall we plan to DOUBLE this service for Platinum VIP Members
  • Worldprofit’s Universal Bonus Builder – how to use it for leverage to sell OTHER products / services
  • ClickBank Revenue, tools included in your Worldprofit Membership to help you promote and earn commission from ClickBank
  • JVZoo, using your Worldprofit tools and resources to build your list and build your income from Worldprofit, your own affiliate programs, ClickBank, JVZoo, Worldprofit’s Money Makers Kit.
  • Worldprofit is your platform to grow multiple sources of income and grow your online business now and for years to come.

Worldprofit’s Landing Page Builder – how to easily create beautiful eye-popping landing pages for your own affiliate programs
This software is included in both Worldprofit’s Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.

URL Cloaker – included in your Silver and / or Platinum VIP Membership


1. Worldprofit’s 24th Birthday Sale-abration ends TODAY!
We’ve been celebrating all month long and you – our valued Members – get the gifts.
All current Birthday Offers EXPIRE MIDNIGHT Aug 31st. Then that’s it — till next year, and what a party that will be – our 25th!

SAVE as much as 60% on selected packages and grab up some nice loyalty bonuses!

A: Convert your monthly Silver or Platinum VIP Membership to a ONE YEAR Membership and save HUGE (AS MUCH AS 60%)
ver paying the standard monthly rate. You can also score some nice loyalty bonuses!
To get your personalized quote submit a Support Ticket and ask for a quote.
The link to access Support is on the top menu in your Member area.

B: We’ve got SPECIAL OFFERS in place now for many of our most popular services and software.
Got your eye on our advertising packages? How about having your own Safelist? What about getting your own blog? C Panel hosting? What about a Combo Pack? Lead bundle? Traffic Bundle? Pick what you want and ask for a Combo Offer.
Whatever it is let us know what you’re interested in and we will send you a private offer not available publicly or in your Member area.
Don’t be shy, simply ask.


Thank you to everyone who attended Worldprofit’s LIVE home business and affiliate marketing training Friday Aug 31st. 2018.

Worldprofit members can access the recording of the training today in your Member area under the TRAINING section.

-> Next LIVE Home business and affiliate marketing training with George Kosch is Friday September 7th, 2018 – 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

THANK YOU to our Monitors, for all you do to help Worldprofit’s Home Business Community.
Interested in joining our Monitor team? Submit a Support ticket and we’ll send you training details.

A few comments from training participants:

Bruce: Great video you sent me, George – Thanks!
Teresa: Awesome!
Teresa: Can we purchase several domains and redirect them to our main site?
Teresa: Like Niche domains
Eddie: yes what section were you in to put the urls?
William: Great. It Works
Dr Rae: Remember there is no such question that is a stupid question only the one you don’t ask
Rich: Are people getting sales of Clickbank products?
Linda: I was going to ask if there are any new ones to add to promo kit
Sandi Hunter: Linda, we will look into adding more in the fall when we first do some research on the vendor
Rich: Good tip
Linda: George…I just go by what you say and do..that is why you make me look smart
Linda: you have never led me astray
Rich: Creating editable cloaked URLs was the BEST MOD ever!
Linda: that is why I tell people they are building a spider web of income sources through Worldprofit
Carla: reviewing all of the neat stuff in my worldprofit member area, can’t wait to get started
Vijian: Thank you George
Bo: Thanks George
Teresa Hutcheson: Thank you
Linda: best community on the net
Sandi Hunter: Review Lesson 3 to see how to get your bonuses activated

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, you’re missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at

Worldprofit Customer Reviews

All month long we’ve been receiving Happy 24th Birthday wishes from our valued Worldprofit Members around the world.

Thank you to each of you for your support and the many well wishes received – we’ve shared some on our Worldprofit Reviews site.

This one from long time loyal Member, Lisa Martiniuk, stood out with its sincerity and wise advise for others interested in affiliate marketing, or starting their own online home business.

"I was in the process of making up my "christmas (worldprofit birthday special) " personalized wish list, when I came across an email from one of my associates, asking for direction, as a Newbie with No Business.
That, in itself, is something that really gave me pause, to consider how to best help someone who requested information about internet marketing, the best approach, how not get distracted, and most importantly, how I really view it.

My response to my Associate –

Worldprofit is my Home, and has been, for the past (ten) years.
I am like anyone else.
For my Home,
I might like to spruce up the deco, add new furniture,
get some new gardening/landscape implements, etc.
I may change my mind, and decide to re-decorate,
but, the point is, I have established my Home,
and I will always have a Home to return to, irregardless of how I decorate it…
providing I pay my taxes, and keep the utilities up and running.
Otherwise, it is pointless to purchase anything else.

Silver Membership is your landscape, your plot of land, your Home, your Domain.
You own it. Now what?
You have to pay taxes, and unless you have figured out an economical solution to live off grid,
you are obliged to pay these expenses, if you want to keep your home, and not go into foreclosure.

Common sense has to prevail here. What applies to real life, also applies to any business.
Worldprofit takes out the guesswork. It gives you what you need.
No need for decoration, it takes care of the immediate needs.
If anyone else tells you otherwise, I would seriously question it.
I just listen to George, it’s that simple.

L. Martiniuk, Alberta, Canada
10 Year Platinum VIP Member, SR Monitor

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Lisa Martiniuk. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Lisa Martiniuk. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! I was in the process of making up my "christmas (worldprofit birthday special) " personalized wish list, when I came across an email from one of my associates, asking for direction, as a Newbie with No Business. That, in itself, is something that really gave me pause, to consider how to best help someone who requested information about internet marketing, the best approach, how not get distracted, and most importantly, how I really view it.

My response to my Associate –

Worldprofit is my Home, and has been, for the past (ten) years. I am like anyone else. For my Home, I might like to spruce up the deco, add new furniture, get some new gardening/landscape implements, etc. I may change my mind, and decide to re-decorate, but, the point is, I have established my Home, and I will always have a Home to return to, irregardless of how I decorate it… providing I pay my taxes, and keep the utilities up and running. Otherwise, it is pointless to purchase anything else.

Silver Membership is your landscape, your plot of land, your Home, your Domain. You own it. Now what? You have to pay taxes, and unless you have figured out an economical solution to live off grid, you are obliged to pay these expenses, if you want to keep your home, and not go into foreclosure.

Common sense has to prevail here. What applies to real life, also applies to any business. Worldprofit takes out the guesswork. It gives you what you need. No need for decoration, it takes care of the immediate needs. If anyone else tells you otherwise, I would seriously question it. I just listen to George, it’s that simple.

See All Of Our Testimonials & Worldprofit Reviews:


Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch for 17 August 2018

Review: Worldprofit’s Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch presented LIVE Friday August 17, 2018.

George Kosch’s weekly interactive affiliate marketing and home business training is available at no cost to all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. George Kosch, CEO and Co-Founder of Worldprofit is also your personal trainer, learn direct from one of the first successful .com business success stories, and a pioneer in the Affiliate marketing industry.

Training Topics

  • Promotion Essentials – consistent promotion is the key to generating sales
  • List Building Strategies – numerous tools you can use in your Member area all integrated for ease of use
  • What is a domain name and how you register and manage it.
  • Is the host of a domain the same as the registrar?
  • What are the best ways to spend money on advertising if you have a budget you want to use.
  • Associate sources to help give you other places to join/promote your affiliate programs


1. Worldprofit’s 24th Birthday Sale-abration now on. Our offical birthday Aug 14th. We are celebrating all month long and you – our valued Members – get the gifts.

SAVE as much as 60% on selected packages and grab up some nice loyalty bonuses!

A: Convert your monthly Silver or Platinum VIP Membership to a ONE YEAR Membership and save HUGE (AS MUCH AS 60%) over paying the standard monthly rate. You can also score some nice loyalty bonuses!
To get your personalized quote submit a Support Ticket and ask for a quote.
The link to access Support is on the top menu in your Member area.

B: We’ve got SPECIAL OFFERS in place now for many of our most popular services and software.
Got your eye on our advertising packages? How about having your own Safelist? What about getting your own blog? What about a Combo Pack? Pick what you want and ask for a Combo Offer.
Whatever it is let us know what you’re interested in and we will send you the private offers not available publicly or in your Member area.


Thank you to everyone who attended Worldprofit’s LIVE home business and affiliate marketing training.


-> Next LIVE Home business and affiliate marketing training with George Kosch is Friday August 24, 2018 – 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

THANK YOU to our Monitors, for all you do to help Worldprofit’s Home Business Community.
Interested in joining our Monitor team? Submit a Support ticket and we’ll send you training details.

Comments from training participants

Linda Elze: awesome as usual..thank you George

Charity: Thanks George!!!

Bobbi Jo Nichols: Thank you George, your AMAZING

Rheal Charette: Thanks

Robert Andrew: Thank you George and Sandi

Yours In Success,
George Kosch is co-founder and CEO of Worldprofit and has been in business online for over 23 years.

How to get a secure https: prefix address for your website

Some browsers have recently changed their security settings so that sites without an https: prefix, may produce a warning that the site is not secure.

Worldprofit has a solution for website and business owners.

Worldprofit now offers:

Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificates for Worldprofit hosted websites.

What is a (DV) SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media and business sites.

SSL Certificates bind together:

  • A domain name, server name or hostname.
  • An organizational identity (i.e. company name) and location.

Once the SSL Certificate is installed it’s used by the web server to initiate a secure session with browsers. Once a secure connection is established, all web traffic between the web server and the web browser will be secure.

When a certificate is successfully installed, the application protocol (also known as HTTP) will change to HTTPs, where the ‘S’ stands for ‘secure’. Depending on the type of certificate and what browser you are using to surf the internet, a browser will show a padlock or green bar in the browser when you visit a website that has an SSL Certificate installed.

A (DV) SSL Certificate may appear different for each internet browser.

Sample showing website with a domain validated SSL

SSL Certificate

Common Questions and Answers:

Q: Why Do You Need An SSL Certificate?

A: SSL Certificates protect your sensitive information such as credit card information, usernames, passwords etc. It also:
• Keeps your website data secure
• Increases your Google Rankings as Google indexes sites with https prefix with higher priority and credibility due to the security certificate
• Builds and enhances customer trust by display of the https prefix and green bar/padlock
• May help improve conversion rates

Q: How much does it cost to get a Domain Validated SLL Certificate for my website?
A: Contact Worldprofit Support for pricing.

Q. How long is the SSL Certificate valid?
A: Worldprofit’s (DV) SSL Certificate is valid for one year from date of purchase.

Q: Once I purchase my SSL Certificate how long does it take to get installed?
A: Installation is quick, usually within 48 – 72 business hours.

Q: Can I get a SSL Certificate for a site not hosted at Worldprofit?
A: We only offer (DV) SSL Certificates for sites hosted by Worldprofit.

Q: Will my site visitors still be able to access my site if they don’t use the https: prefix?
A: Yes, your site visitors will be able to access your site with both the http: address as well as the SLS version at https:

Q:. Which browsers is the (DV) SSL Certificate compatible?
A: Worldprofit’s DV SSL Certificate is compatible with the following:

•Mozilla Firefox >= v2.0
•Google Chrome
•Internet Explorer on Windows XP SP3 and higher
•Microsoft Edge
•Android OS >= v2.3.6
•Safari >= v4.0 on macOS
•Safari on iOS >= v3.1
•Debian Linux >= v6
•Ubuntu Linux >= v12.04
•Amazon FireOS (Silk Browser)
•Kindle > v3.4.1
•Blackberry >= 10.3.3

Q: If I visit my site and it’s secure but shows that some parts are not secure, what can I do?

A: There is a great help video in your Worldprofit member area on how to fix or correct this if you want to.

Order Details:
To order your SSL Certificate, in your Worldprofit Member area look under WEBSITE MANAGEMENT then click on SSL Certificate.

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, you’re missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at

Review of George Kosch’s Bootcamp training for affiliate marketers, Aug 10, 2018. Presented by Worldprofit Inc, the home business experts

Did you miss the LIVE training on Friday? Here’s a recap and link to access the recording.

Review: Worldprofit’s Affiliate Marketing Training with George Kosch presented LIVE Friday August 10, 2018.

George Kosch’s weekly interactive affiliate marketing and home business training is available at no cost to all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members. George Kosch, CEO and Co-Founder of Worldprofit is also your personal trainer, learn direct from one of the first successful .com business success stories, and a pioneer in the Affiliate marketing industry. Worldprofit creates and supports online business owners, with everything you need in one place – hosting, traffic, leads, business resources, specialized software, list builders, training and support 365 days a year.

Training Topics

  • Promotion Essentials – consistent promotion is the key to generating sales
  • List Building Strategies – numerous tools you can use in your Member area all integrated for ease of use
  • Authenticated Email – Email Commander (included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership)
  • Worldprofit’s Head and Banner Creator Software (included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership) Easily create beautiful, professional graphics at no cost.
  • Worldprofit’s Image Hosting Library (included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership)
  • Worldprofit’s Rotator Genie – George provided a demonstration of how to use and make money with your own Sales Rotator System

Worldprofit’s Unlimited Use Autoresponder and Business Builder

George Kosch provided a demonstration of the new features just added and now available in Worldprofit’s popular Autoresponder.
Once you see the power of this simple to use Autoresponder and Business Builder you won’t want or need for any other, save your money. This one Autoresponder will meet all your needs.
Enjoy the simplicity of no learning curve, select multiple list sends, schedule mailings, saved archive templates, no subscriber limits, 100% CanSpam compliant, and so much more.
All current and upgrading Platinum VIP Members get the upgraded Autoresponder at no extra cost, the upgrade is automatic.
Silver members can get the Autoresponder by ordering for a modest yearly rate, or get it free when you upgrade to Platinum VIP Membership during our Birthday Offer.
Access: LEFT MENU select AUTORESPONSE CENTER, in that section watch the HELP VIDEO to get started.


Worldprofit Members are jumping on these offers because they know Worldprofit’s BIRTHDAY offers END Aug 31st.
Mary just snatched up $55 in bonuses, Gerald scored 50 free leads, Marcus got 50 Associates, Shari and Panir got some free traffic.
We’ve got something for you too! You can get in on this.

1. Worldprofit’s 24th Birthday Sale-abration now on. Our official birthday Aug 14th. We are celebrating all month long and you – our valued Members – get the gifts.

SAVE as much as 60% on selected packages and grab up some nice loyalty bonuses!

A: Convert your monthly Silver or Platinum VIP Membership to a ONE YEAR Membership and save HUGE (AS MUCH AS 60%) over paying the standard monthly rate. You can also score some nice loyalty bonuses!
To get your personalized quote submit a Support Ticket and ask for a quote.
The link to access Support is on the top menu in your Member area.

B: We’ve got SPECIAL OFFERS in place now for many of our most popular services and software.
Got your eye on our advertising packages?
How about having your own Safelist? What about getting your own blog? What about a Combo Pack? Pick what you want and ask for a Combo Offer.
Whatever it is let us know what you’re interested in and we will send you a personalized private offer not available publicly or in your Worldprofit Member area. Or tell us your budget and will build an advertising package for you.


Thank you to everyone who attended Worldprofit’s LIVE home business and affiliate marketing training.

LINK TO RECORDING is in your Worldprofit Member area in the training section watch at your leisure.

-> Next LIVE Home business and affiliate marketing training with George Kosch is Friday August 17, 2018 – 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

THANK YOU to our Monitors, for all you do to help Worldprofit’s Home Business Community.
Interested in joining our Monitor team? Submit a Support ticket and we’ll send you training details.

Comments from training participants

Theresa: aha so we can just focus on 1 url in an email
Linda: how do you get the ad in there
Bob K: How do we add Free gifts if they sign-up?
Theresa: How do I know how many people opened my emals?
Theresa: awesome thanks
Bob K: Thanks for your answers
Bob K: Do signed-up Associates get emailed by WP to upgrade? What is a good ratio of Dealers to Associates?
BobbiJo: do we have to add any of the http to https with this new security change Google is doing? have to have a httpS on all links
Sergio: George, I’ve been a silver member for about a month, I think I got around 60 associates so far since starting, do I need to send out a newsletter at this stage or should I concentrate on just promoting as I you are automatically following up from what I understand
BobbiJo: Sometimes a year on the Lesson 3 going back and forth
Linda: where do we get images
BobbiJo: Well that’s Cool because now I don’t have to use Corel or Canva
Linda: awesome as usual..thank you George
Janice: Watching the videos George, happy to be at Worldprofit
Sharon: my review of this George is 5 star, Worldprofit stands out from the crowd
Paul: Thank you George
Janie: Thank you for Worldprofit youve helped me build my own business

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, you’re missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at

Questions from Associate Members with answers from George Kosch, CEO, Worldprofit Inc.

Question: When I upgrade my free Worldprofit Associate membership to Silver membership do I earn more?

Answer: When you upgrade from a free Associate membership to Silver Membership you earn more, a lot more!
Silver members earn 20 – 80% on sales referrals for Worldprofit services and up to 100% commission for sales of our recommended vendors, and Sales Funnels. As your business grows, you can look forward to earning bonuses up to $1,000.

Question: How do I get paid?

Answer: We pay you by PayPal, or check for sales referrals.

Question: What else do I get as a Silver member? Is it worth it to upgrade?

Answer: You get TONS of practical, useful resources as a Silver Member.
Here’s just a few of the services you enjoy as a Silver member.
-website hosting (you get our own domain based site)
-traffic, lots of it
-lead tools
-list builders
-training (24 hour access, video and LIVE training every week
-HELP. We pride ourselves on being available to support and help our Members, 7 days a week/ 365 days a year.

So it it worth it to upgrade? Yes! That’s why we have so many members who have been Worldprofit Silver Members for years and years, they can’t even think about how much they would give up if they quit. They’d have to go out and buy the tools and resources that are INCLUDED in Worldprofit’s Silver membership.

Question: Is Worldprofit’s Silver membership a business? What is it exactly?

Answer: Yes, Worldprofit’s Silver membership is an online business that you can grow today and for years to come. It’s an all inclusive package that includes everything you need to start earning online. Nothing is left out. You won’t be nickled and dimed and you don’t have to upgrade to get unlimited access to the essential business tools you need to start and grow your own online business. use the tools and resources included to promote the affiliate programs you are in now, or, if you don’t have an affiliate program, promote our services or our recommended partners to earn consistent income. We provide the tools you need, the advertising options, the training and the support. You are not left alone to get frustrated, help is always here for both newbies and more experienced marketers. At Worldprofit you can earn as you learn.

Question: Who’s George Kosch?

Answer: That’s me. I’m a former Jet Pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force. I left the military to start my own internet business way back in 1994, a start up called Worldprofit. I developed, and continue to instruct the bootcamp training included in Worldprofit’s Silver membership as well as created many of the software and services available to our members. This summer, Worldprofit celebrates our 24th birthday. We teach our members how to grow their own online business based on solid business principles, proven effective strategies and good old fashioned focus and determination. Today I am CEO of Worldprofit, but more important to you, is the fact that I teach YOU to be CEO of YOUR own successful online business.

Question: How do I upgrade to Silver membership to start enjoying unlimited Member benefits?

Answer: Login to your free Associate membership area, and click on ORDER SILVER MEMBERSHIP.
Don’t have a free Associate membership account yet?
Get one free at get logged in and upgrade to Silver membership within your member area.

Questions about Worldprofit or about upgrading to Silver membership?

Answer: Send us a message and we are happy to answer any other questions you have.