Worldprofit’s Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch covered the following topics in the training session.
Questions are encouraged throughout the training to make the sessions as meaningful and helpful as possible.
A. Worldprofit’s Online bootcamp training lessons.
-How to access
-Importance of LESSON 3 to get your BONUSES
-Critical that you not just watch the lesson videos, but you DO what we teach you so you can master the fundamentals of promotion and apply these practices to grow ANY online business.
B: The power of Safelist Advertising
C: 20+ Income Streams
D. Worldprofit Memberships Levels
-Free Associate Program. Silver Membership. Platinum VIP Membership.
E: Worldprofit Featured Advertising service
-Affiliate Link Blaster – Discussion, Demonstration.
F: List Building, Why, What and How.
Sneak Peek for lucky training participants who are the FIRST people to see what we’ve been working on at Worldprofit.
This new, unique and EXCLUSIVE Worldprofit service will permit system owners the power to do something incredible – generate advertising income, set up customer accounts/dashboard, leverage sales options, advertising and traffic, engagement tools, SEO and more. This system is ultra-easy for system owners to operate and also for your advertising customers. Yes, YOUR customers. System owners get a sophisticated back office for administration purposes. The power of this system is incredible. We can’t wait to release this! Much work is left to be done, hope you enjoyed the preview. Watch for official release details, hopefully next week.
–> To watch the recorded version of the March 16 training, go to the TRAINING section of your Worldprofit Member area
Next LIVE Home business and affiliate marketing training with George Kosch is Friday March 23, 2018
A few comments and questions from participants
Bobbi Jo: Perfect, great idea
Daniel: Love it
Fran: Where will the traffic come from? WP Safelists and TEs?
Bobbi Jo: Sounds Awesome to me
Teresa: So true George
Peter: when can we have the genie march or april????
Bobbi Jo: Yesssss
Scott: Is there going to be a cap on the number of ad’s that will be allowed in this. because in Te’s the more stuff that’s on a page the more confusing it gets .
Bobbi Jo: It’s a perfect idea
Rheal: looking forward to using this
Teresa: and how much did we pay for our Worldprofit Membership… George and Sandi are always working to make our businesses even better.
Bobbi Jo: Amen Teresa
Sandi Hunter: much appreciated Teresa!
Bobbi Jo: Already is
Linda: Awesome as uaual..thank you George
Linda: can’t wait!
Brian: Thanks George, Sandi and everyone.
Robert: pretty awsome Thank You George and Sandi the future looks bright
Fran: Thank you George, back to work!
Sandi Hunter: thank you to everyone for coming to the training today, for your support and excitement, have a nice wknd!
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