Want to be a Top Seller?
Here’s what Worldprofit’s TOP SELLER for 2017, Linda Elze can teach you about making online sales now and for years to come – for any online business.
Here’s how she make sales everyday using the power of Worldprofit’s training and marketing system.
Q: Linda, how often to you promote?
A: I promote every day (7 days) a week.
Q: What do you promote?
A: My #1 business is Worldprofit. I want everyone to come into Worldprofit’s LIVE Business Center. I promote to the safelists and traffic exchanges’s that Worldprofit owns and I also promote to a good number of other safelists and traffic exchanges. It only makes sense to promote safelists and traffic exchanges to people who are using them regularly.
Q: Do you have any recommendations on where to promote?
A: After all these years, I still use the 20+ traffic and income streams provided by Worldprofit, they work. I also have added many more during the years. Basically, when clicking for points and an advertiser offers free credits etc to join, I join, then test my ads and use consistently once I see good results.
Q: What do you do when you get an Associate sign up?
A: I have a system for everything… I have a system of emails that goes out depending how many times they have logged in. If I get a phone # and they have at least logged in twice…I call them. I let them know if they watched the Silver Membership video overview, they have a gift waiting for them. People are always happy to hear that. Then I ask if they are looking for traffic or a home business or both – of course we cover it all at Worldprofit so I know I can help them one way or another either to build their own online business with Worldprofit, or grow their existing affiliate marketing business. Get organized, Worldprofit has tools to help you with that too, the Prospect Manager, the Reminder System, the Link Manager… it’s all there. George’s training each week explains or demonstrates how to access and use these.
Q: Do you call your Associates?
A: Yes, the personal touch really matters. People like to talk to someone and know that a company is real, that I’m real, that I believe in Worldprofit and that I actually care and can help them to achieve their goals. Connecting with people sets you apart from all the other businesses out there.
Q: Which tools in your Worldprofit Membership do you use most frequently?
A: I use the Ad Examples (ad copy), 20+ income streams, Clickbank Promo Kit, Call Loop, Live Chat, pretty much everything that isn’t too technical. I find the resources at Worldprofit, easy to use, they save me time and get me results.
Q: What’s on your DAILY TO DO list?
A: I always do my promo’s while drinking my first cup of coffee… I want to make sure that if my day takes a turn another way, my promo’s are out. While doing that…(I use 3 computers) I read, answer emails from prospects coming in .. review sales made.. handle Worldprofit communications. As a Monitor Supervisor, I make sure the Monitor schedule is filled. Pretty much all AT once. I’m a good multi-tasker. Afternoons..I spend with my dealers that need help…and work on building social networks…and do article marketing (concurrently). If needed, during the day.. and open hour is on the Monitor schedule.. I will jump in. The rest of the day I pretty much make calls… take calls…click for advertising points. If I have extra time, I will try and learn something new.
Q: What do you think is the key(s) to your own success, that other people can learn from?
A: I have good habits, focused, relentless, professional, reliable, truthful, helpful….have fun. There’s no reason other people can’t do the same to grow their successful online business.
Q: How much do you rely on Social Media for generating Associates?
A: I have a seperate computer for social networks to keep putting out blurbs all day long.
Q: Linda, this year marks your 10th year as a Platinum VIP Member with Worldprofit, any advice for Members who want to be a Top Seller?
A: Don’t give up..EVER… Sales is a tough way to make a living.. everyone has ups and downs… just remember it is a numbers game… Views turn into clicks… clicks turn into customers… customers turn into sales. It is easy to give up…it is those who get past the frustration.. and plow thru.. and ask for help… that succeed. Yes I said "Ask for help"..I am not afraid to fail or ask for help…I do it all the time…If you don’t ask.. no one will know you need help and Worldprofit helps ALL the Time! I treat my business like a business, not a business opportunity. I’m a marketer, a consultant, and my own boss all thanks to the business tools and resources I get at Worldprofit as a Member. Anyone can do the same thing when they have the support, training and access to services available only from Worldprofit.
Connect with Linda Elze for a free consult on how she can help you grow your own successful online business.