Review of April 7, 2017 LIVE interactive Home Business and Affiliate Marketing Training with Worldprofit Co-Founder, George Kosch.

The training session today was packed with valuable information to help our Members grow their successful online business.
George Kosch delivers the straight goods on what you need to know and do without any techno geek speak, no hype, just solid good-for-you information.

Realize that building your own business starts with learning how to build a solid foundation and then working on it steadily, laying brick by brick.
Your member area is comprehensive and includes a tremendous number of topics, software and resources. Go at your own pace. This kind of business can grow with you and produce income for years, it’s powerful. Treat your business activities seriously. Invest in yourself, by learning and by DOING. Take advantage of the training, aids, and support available at Worldprofit to help you every step of the way.

Topics covered in this session.

1. List Building. What you need to know and why doing this will grow your business today and for years to come.

2. 20+ Income Streams (Recommended Safelists)
New site from Jane Mark has just been added to our Recommended Safelists list.
Sign up for it, you will like it!

3. Recommended Traffic Exchanges
Dragon Surf from Paul Kinder just added to our list of recommended sites, with Special Offer exclusive to Worldprofit Members.
Check it out.

4. Ad Tracker. This software is included in both Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
Check it frequently to get intel on how many clicks you are getting from your promotion efforts.
Make your goal to try and get a minumum of 100 clicks per day, promote as OFTEN as you can.

5. More options for Autoresponders have now been integrated into the landing pages.
Specifically we have now added Rocket Response and Traffic Wave to those already there now, Aweber, Get Response and Mail Chimp.

6. Traffic Injections. Each month, SILVER Members get a Basic Traffic Injection and Platinum VIP Members get the bigger, Mega Injection.
You do need to activate this each month, so be sure to do this.

7. Recommended TIMER SAVERS to speed up the time it takes to do your promotions!

RoboForm – Password Management Software and utomated form filling tool. Listed under COOL TOOLS section in your Member area.
Link Manager – Enter all your promotion sites for quick, easy, instant access (included in your Worldprofit Membership)
Jit Bit Auto Text – Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly copy/paste Ad Titles, Ad URLS, Ad copy, or any other promotion content you use.

Use these 3 tools together and your promotion will take you far less time, therefore you will promote more, and get MORE leads and sales!
Suddenly promotion becomes FUN because it doesn’t take you so long.

8. NEW PRODUCTS! George revealed 2 new recommended products added for Members to promote to earn commission.

9. Magic List Builder. George provided a demonstration of this very useful included tool.

10. Worldprofit Graphix Software – included for all Silver and Platinum VIP Members.

11. Worldprofit Website Management System – included for all Silver and Platinum VIP Members.

12. Worldprofit Landing Page Builder – included for all Silver and Platinum VIP Members.

Conclusion: Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE session today. We appreciate your active participation, comments and questions but most of all your EAGERNESS to learn so you can grow your own successful online business. What a terrific group of students we have!

For those unable to attend the LIVE training session, and for those who may wish to review the training again, the recording can be viewed in your Worldprofit Member area.

The next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp and Affiliate Marketing Training is FRIDAY APRIL 14th, 2017 at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

A few comments from participants.

Barije: i learned a lot, thanks George

Rocco: wow that is such a good tip!

Frank: Thank you, thank you

Ash: thank you George. this is all great stuff

Frank: Outstanding!

Rocco: Amazing

Robert: Thank You George another great session

Frank: Thanks so much George, fantastic

Vijian: Thank you George

Barije: thanks

Nathalie: thank you have a nice day 🙂

Patrick: Thank you George

Bobbi Jo: Thank you so much George… your Awesome

Rocco: Man so glad I found Worldprofit

Rosalind: Thanks George.

Mike: great job

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, you’re missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at