[category business,marketing]
[tags affiliate marketers,safelist marketing,worldprofit,]
Affiliate Marketers: Here's How to get the BEST results from Safelists.
First let's clear up one thing. Safelist advertising works! I've been involved in the affiliate marketing industry for over 20 years. It works!
There was a time many years ago when Safelists were sketchy and less effective then they are today. People were sometimes able to cheat the system or use autoclickers.
New Safelist scripts have anti-cheat systems built in and the results are now far better.
Affiliate marketers can and SHOULD use this form of marketing. It's free, or very low cost, and effective.
One reason people will avoid posting to safelists is simple; they are lazy. Oh yes it's easier to buy bulk traffic, and buy leads then sit back and wait and hope something will happen. Safelist posting takes a little time to get the hang of it, but it's very active marketing the BEST way to get results. If you do anything, COMBINE Safelist posting with your other methods of promotion, you can only gain – gain with more leads, growing your email list, getting traffic and MORE sales.
When people tell me Safelists don't work it makes me laugh all the way to the bank. I track my signups and referral links and sales.
I can see that they work each and every time I post. As a successful, experienced marketer, it's one of the MUST do tasks I perform every day. Brush teeth, do my promotions, eat, do my promotions. Repeat.
Safelist marketing will work for you too but there are some things you need to know and do to get the best results possible.
1. Selecting your Safelists
Pick reputable lists that have been around awhile but are using an updated script. A few years online is best, and determine how many members they have.
Larger membership is better but not the only selection criteria. Don't completely disregard smaller Safelists, the number of members matters but so too does the quality of the list, and the care and attention to the membership.
Don't rely on just one list, select your favourites and make it part of your daily marketing routine to post to each as often as your membership permits.
2. Subject Lines
What SUBJECT Line you use REALLY matters in terms of response.
Make your subject lines short, punchy and appealing. Say something to entice a click.
Poor Subject line: This company pays, check it out.
Excellent Subject line: 2 weeks and I made $200! You can do this. So easy!
Avoid false claims, deceiving or misleading subject lines and guarantees of income. Not only is it in bad taste, you won't get results.
3. Your Ad Content.
Ok this is SUPER important so listen up.
Don't bore your audience with long mind-numbing copy.
Keep it short. Write with a headline, a few bulleted points, then a call to action or an offer.
Format, space. Don't jumble it together into a word blob. Make it easy and quick to read!
4. Benefits to the Reader. Call to ACTION.
Make sure your copy is full of benefits to the reader. You want them to read then click!
Your ad copy has GOT to get you a lead! The words you use must MOTIVATE a response.
Your ad is a dud if it doesn't generate a response.
The goal of everything you post is to GET A LEAD, and GET an email address.
Make 100% certain that the website or landing page your ad links to includes fields for name, and email address – and OPTINS to your house email marketing, list.
if you aren't getting leads from your ads, change your ads! Track your results so you know which ads are producing and from which advertising source.
5. Offers. We ALL love a great offer!
Here's the grand finale – what will make or break your ad response rate.
Make sure your ad posting includes an OFFER!
You, me, and everyone on the planet needs a carrot, an enticement, a REASON to enter our name and email address on a lead form.
Don't spew on about why your biz op is the best, instead provide a few key points why your biz op/offer/whatever is GREAT for the reader!
Tell them what they are getting and WHY it's awesome!
Your ad postings are not about you! They are about the reader, your lead, your prospect, your potential buyer! Treat them right!
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