Review of LIVE home business bootcamp training with George Kosch, May 27, 2016. Presented by Worldprofit Inc.

[category business,marketing]
[tags george kosch,worldprofit,affiliate marketing,coaching,silver membership]


Recap of May 27th, 2016 LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, marketing and IT expert, Co-Founder of Worldprofit Inc.

Topics covered in training session:

1. Introduction and welcome to new Silver members.

2. How to access any purchase bonuses offered when you upgraded to Silver Membership.

3. New Members what you should do to get started.

4. The critical importance of the Bootcamp Training Lessons – these lessons are geared to YOUR success by teaching you the fundamentals that can be applied to growing your online business.

5.  How to start making money quickly with Worldprofit's system.

6. How a $37 sale can lead to bigger and bigger commission earnings.

7. Associates: The LIFEBLOOD of your business. No Associates = NO SALES.

8. Marketing Basics. Consistent Promotion is the key to generating leads and sales. We provide you the tools for this!

9. List Building Tactics

10. Building External Lists (Aweber and Get Response)

11. Being the SELLER instead of the BUYER is the key to your online success. How to accomplish this.

Special Remarks:

A BIG Thank you to our Monitor Team. As we enter the summer months we especially appreciate the time you volunteer to man Worldprofit's LIVE Business Center.

We are accepting NEW trainees into our Monitor program. This is the BEST way to learn about what Worldprofit offers and you can earn some nice free advertising perks and cash bonuses for closing sales.
Linda Elze and Wallace Johnson are our Monitor Supervisors who provide training to our trainees and assistance to our entire Monitor Team.
Interested in being a Monitor? Submit a Support ticket and we will send  you details so you can get started.  

Featured Member Services (INCLUDED in both Silver and Platinum VIP Memberships)

Landing Page Builder. Members get unlimited use to build landing pages for any affiliate programs
Worldprofit Video Library:
Affiliate Lead Grabber.  Easy way to promote your Affiliate programs while building your own marketing list
BackLink Building:

Comments from training participants

howard: I am glad found this training and haven't looked back since treat this like a million dollar system. I follow simple concept COPY PASTE CLICK =PROFITS

Robert: Looking back I wished I found this 7 years ago

David: Everyone can do it! It only take consistency and persistency

Garret: It works

revbrian: I appreciate you very much

Announcement: Monitor Training Meeting is Saturday May 28th at 8 am CT / 9 AM ET. Link to access will be emailed to all Monitors Saturday morning.

Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training session. We appreciate and encourage your questions, comments and feedback.

Next LIVE training session is FRIDAY JUNE 3, 2016 at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member,  you're missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources.  Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at 

Worldprofit's Daily Deal. You can save up to 70%. When the offer is gone though, it's gone.
Check it out now or miss out.

Your Solo Ads sent out to 12 of our TOP Mailers – starting at just $17. Top choice for Affiliate marketers keen on results.

Diamond URL Rotator. Submit up to 5 URLS to our rotator for 1 YEAR.
Change your URL as often as you like. Verifiable Traffic. Weekly Stats emailed to you.

What do SEO Experts use to boost their online ranking?  Easy.
Go now to get a free 30 Day Trial.

Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP members take a look at just a FEW of the many resources included in your membership.

[category business,marketing]
[tags worldprofit,earn at home,advertising]

Welcome all New Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members!

For both NEW and long time Silver and Platinum VIP Members, here's a recap of some essential resources INCLUDED in your Membership!
Dig in! 

No need to go anywhere else – it's all here!

Virtual Sales Assistant (Easy follow up tool)
 This is integrated into your Prospect Manager.

Worldprofit's Landing Page Builder – with 1 click create beautiful landing pages for ALL your affiliate programs

Magic Site Grabber – ultra-cool and useful!

Lazy Blogger – HUGE time saver for blog postings

Your own AMAZON Storefront – EASY – SUPER EASY! Another source of income!
 Why pay someone to set up an Amazon Store for you when Worldprofit gives you what you need at no extra cost.
 LEFT MENU, select WEBSITE MANAGEMENT then click on AMAZON Storefront

TRAFFIC INJECTIONS – make sure you are getting all the free ad credits you are entitled to EACH MONTH!

TRAFFIC MULTIPLIER – easily one of our most used and requested tools

MAGIC LIST BUILDER – #1 accessed tool by serious Worldprofit Members who know why they MUST build a list.
 No need to buy this tool elsewhere when George Kosch built a superior service exclusively for our Members at no extra cost.

Ebook Creator including articles, reproduction rights, or create your own customized ebook – super easy even for newbies.
 Left Menu, select Article Ebook Marketing

Graphics programs. Silver members get the basic Graphics program, Platinum VIP Members get the advanced professional graphics package. You do not need to be an expert to use this software, create your own ebook covers, logos, headers  for your site or YouTube or Facebook.
 Left Menu, select WEBSITE MANAGEMENT. There you will see SIX easy to use programs for all your needs. No need to hire a designer when you get it all at Worldprofit in your Member area.

Facebook – Join our Worldprofit Group

Worldprofit Marketplace – add any and all your affiliate programs for MASS exposure to our Membership (no cost)

 We are going to stop there but there is WAY MORE waiting for you in your member area – graphics programs, SEO Tools, metatag tools, ClickBank promotion tools, the Money Makers Kit, Fast Cash program, leads, visitors and so on.

 Take some time to review what's in your member area all at your finger tips – all with one purpose –  to help you grow any and all your online business programs. Don't forget about your training though. These resources are AWESOME but the TRAINING teaches you how, what and where to promote to earn consistent multiple streams of income. Your next LIVE training program with GEORGE KOSCH is Friday morning at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET. All sessions are also recorded if that time is not convenient for  you in your part of the world. Just watch later! 

Traffic, money making programs, blogging tools, graphics programs, ebook creators. Stop buying this stuff elsewhere when it's all in your Worldprofit Member area waiting for you.

Worldprofit is your one-stop shop for all things valuable and essential for GROWING your successful online business.

–> TIP: There is a SEARCH BOX on the TOP RIGHT hand side of your member area. Use that to find services or submit a Support Ticket, we are happy to help you.

5 Sure Fire (Affordable) Ways to Promote your Affiliate Programs for mass exposure and quality results.

[category business,marketing,advertising]
[tags worldprofit,advertising,marketing,affiliate marketing]

Smart marketers are always looking for ways to expand their marketing reach.
Many affiliate marketers are determined but have little or no budget for advertising.
If you want to generate leads and sales you need reputable advertising sources that won't break your bank but will deliver REAL results – no fake traffic.

Here's 5 advertising recommendations for affiliate marketers each with excellent value, reputation and solid massive exposure for your websites.

1. Solo Ad Blaster Packages. 1, 5, 10 and 20 Packs.
Your Solo ad goes out to all 12 of our Top Mailers

2. Submit your URLs (up to 5) to our Diamond Rotator for ONE YEAR of Traffic.
Change your URLS as often as you like. No traffic limits.
Worldprofit has access to a juggernaut of traffic. Set it and forget it marketing.

3. Submit your SOLO ad to our Sapphire Rotator.
We buy this advertising at trusted sites, and also our own sites, and list the places for you to see where your ads will appear.
Weekly stats sent to you to verify the traffic.   

4. Gold Banner Rotator.
Submit your 5 Banners to our Rotator for 24/7 exposure for ONE YEAR.
Change your banners up as much as you like. No limits

5. One of our TOP Mailers.
Recently upgraded and redesigned.
Promote any and all your affiliate programs. No cost to join

PS:  Ready to increase your online real estate portfolio and online sales?
Have a look at this turn key business  

George Kosch
Co-Founder, Worldprofit Inc., specializing in home business and advertising for over 20 years.

Review of George Kosch’s LIVE home business bootcamp Friday May 13, 2016. Presented by the home business experts at Worldprofit.

[category business,marketing]
[tags worldprofit,george kosch,affiliate marketing,training,silver membership,coaching,make money online]

Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp Instructor and Coach, George Kosch spent some time today reviewing some of the powerful resources included in Worldprofit's Silver membership.

Specifically he showed just a few of the business building and money making products and software INCLUDED in your Worldprofit Silver Membership.

In your Silver membership you get….

-Home Business Bootcamp Lessons (Over 125 go at your own pace lessons on topics dedicated to online marketing and business growth)

-Prospect Manager Software

-Associates Tracker

-Website Management (Edit your site, add affiliate code banners, menus, pages, widgets, graphics, Google Analytics etc)

-Who's Logged In. Know who your best prospects are at any time.

-Tools for promoting your own Affiliate Programs. 

-Promo Codes for Free Advertising – no matter what affiliate program you are promoting these codes get you FREE advertising.

-Advanced Links for the serious earners and the keeners who want to earn consistent income.

-Graphics Builders/Editors – no technical skill required. Professional results with NO learning curve.

-Sales Funnel Builder – One Click and you are ready to go (Keep 100% of your earnings)

-Amazon Storefront Builder – one step and your store is up.

-Promo Bots – makes promotion automated!

-Ebook Creator – Create one ebook, create 1000 ebooks. All you need to get started is INCLUDED.

-Affiliate Center (Easily add your own affiliates to your website)

-Lazy Blogger (post to ALL your blogs at once with this easy posting tool) Huge timer saver.

-Landing Page Builder – create unlimited landign pages for any and ALL your affiliate programs. One of our most popular and easy to use tools.

-Ad Tracker (Smart marketers track their ads so you know where you are getting results and where you aren't)

-Universal Bonus Builder (Create offers to generate more sales in ANY of your programs)

-Money Makers Promo Kit   – ready for you to promote NOW. Start making sales now.

Organization Tools

-Link Manager (Keep all your promotion links in one place)
-Reminders Tool / Calendar System
-Prospect Manager
-Traffic Multiplier (take any link you want and multiply the traffic to it)

Optional Tools

JitBit (Save TONS of time when doing your promotion with this tool. Save your URLS and your marketing messages in an easy to use format so you don't have to keep typing the same thing all the time)

SEO Tool for easy submission of multiple sites.

Included in the Platinum VIP Membership

-unlimited use autoresponder
-Advanced easy to use Graphics programs
-Personal LIVE Business Center for hosting your own online meetings
-Higher commission grade (double what Silver members earn – 40%)
-Mega Solo Blaster Privileges to 150,000 per month
-Higher Monthly Traffic Injections
-Instant Video Recording Studio

Interested in upgrading from Silver to Platinum VIP Membership?
Just submit a Support ticket and request details.

Worldprofit is the most comprehensive place on line for online markting tools AND training and support.
We don't just give you the tools and say good luck! Our detailed training teaches you how to use them to grow your business, build your list and earn consistent online income for years to come. Training is provcided through LIVE sessions each week, online lessons and video instructions.
This is not a biz op. This is a professional teaching program all inclusive with what you need to grow your own successful online business.
If you are looking for a specific tool use the SEARCH field in your Worldprofit Member area, or submit a Support ticket so we can help you locate.


Commissions. George Kosch reviewed the sales commisssions for both Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members.  What you earn, when you earn, how much you can earn, bonuses and more. 

Attention NEW Members.

If you are a new Member at Worldprofit, please get started with your online bootcamp lessons – The first 3 lessons are SO important! Master the basics of promotion so you can use these skills to build ANY and ALL your online business. What we teach you in the training and the tools included in your Membership can be used to promote any affiliate program, business opportunity or MLM program you are involved in. Of course you can also use them to promote Worldprofit's web-based products and services.  There are currently over 125 lessons you can do at your own pace to learn about all aspects of online marketing.

Need help?  
Just submit a Support Ticket, we are here 7 days a week to help you. The link to access Support is on the TOP menu.


Monitor Meeting this Saturday May 14th, 2016 at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.
If you cannot attend the LIVE meeting, it is recorded as well and you can watch later.

Anyone interested in becoming a Monitor please submit a Support Ticket and we'll send you details.
Being a Monitor is the best way to learn and a terrific way to get some perks and cash bonuses for Silver sales.


Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE home business training session. Your questions, input and comments are encouraged and appreciated to the training more meaningful to you and all Members.

Worldprofit's next LIVE home business bootcamp training with George Kosch is Friday May 20, 2016. 8 AM CT/ 9 AM ET.
If you cannot attend the LIVE session and have questions, submit your questions via the Support Form and George can discuss and answer in the LIVE session then you can watch the recorded version later to get your answers or see your demonstration.

—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member,  you're missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources.  Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at 


Worldprofit's Daily Deal. You can save up to 70%. When the offer is gone though, it's gone.
Check it out now or miss out.

Your Solo Ads sent out to 12 of our TOP Mailers – starting at just $17. Top choice for Affiliate marketers keen on results.

Diamond URL Rotator. Submit up to 5 URLS to our rotator for 1 YEAR.
Change your URL as often as you like. Verifiable Traffic. Weekly Stats emailed to you.

What do SEO Experts use to boost their online ranking?  Easy.
Go now to get a free 30 Day Trial.


Your Solo Ad to 12 of our Mailers. One click marketing.

[category Advertising]
[tags advertising,solo ads,]

We will send your Solo Ad to  12 of our Top Mailers with ONE click!

No need to login to each site.

Just submit your Ad once and we send it out automatically!

We have over 135,000 subscribers in our network.

Put your ad in front of all of these people.

Ruby Solo Ad Blaster Packages available in 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 Packs.

Affordable. FAST. Effective targeted advertising for ALL your affiliate programs.

Incredible value.

Perfect for generating leads and traffic for affiliate marketers.

Blast your ad to 30,000. No Cost. Solo Email Blaster. This is a free Ad Blaster service.

[category advertising,affiliate marketing]
[tags free advertising]

Blast your ad to 30,000.  No Cost. Solo Email Blaster

Blast your ADS to 30,000 per MONTH. Free!

Use our new Solo Email Blaster System.

You get:

50,000 Visitors to your websites
100,000 Mailer Credits
10,000 Traffic Exchange Credits
25,000 Advertising Views.

How can we give ALL of this away?

Easy. We've been in the traffic business for over 20 years.

Get started now.