[category business,marketing]
[tags george kosch,worldprofit,coaching,training,affiliate marketing,online jobs,fast money,quick cash]
LIVE interactive training with Worldprofit Co-Founder and Technical Director, George Kosch is FRIDAY March 11th.
Will you be there? All Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members are encouraged to attend.
You came to Worldprofit to learn how to earn online. How to maximize your marketing exposure and increase your affiliate earnings.
Let's get you off to the best possible start!
You want to double even triple the number of sales you're making now? Learn step by step what you need to do.
You won't want to miss the bootcamp training! This training is 100% about YOU and helping you earn consistent online income.
George Kosch is your personal instructor and income coach. He's available to you every week to answer your questions, provide demonstrations and teach you what you need to do to earn consistent online income.
Worldprofit's systematic proven approach to marketing with focus on earning MULTIPLE streams of income will change your life.
We teach you the system and provide all the tools and resources in ONE place.
We teach you how to make sales!
We teach you how to make even MORE sales!
Invest in yourself. It's your time now.
Friday March 11th, 2016
Time: 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.
Note: If you're not sure what time this is in your part of the world, do a search at Google for a TIME ZONE converter.
All LIVE sessions are also RECORDED so you can watch later when convenient for you.
We're looking for nice people to join our Monitor Team. How about you?
Worldprofit is the only company that offers a 24 hour Monitor Network as part of our Live Business Center.
The purpose of the Live Business Center is for closing sales. Monitors are the key people that take part in this very important sales closing system.
-Eagerness to learn about online marketing and sales for your own benefit while helping others do the same
-Ability to follow directions.
-Have a Headset for your computer
-Have a reliable Internet connection
Being a Monitor means standing out, demonstrating you are serious about building your online business. It also means getting some generous perks including free advertising, free Associates, and CASH bonuses for sales made while on duty.
It's a POWERFUL System. ONLY offered at Worldprofit and ONLY possible through the generosity and commitment of our Monitor Team.
Monitors enjoy the following benefits.
-learning about the extensive, sophisticated, comprehensive services and training offered at Worldprofit
-development of sales closing skills
-the opportunity to help people understand the valuable services offered at Worldprofit
-perks include free traffic, free Associates
-Preferential rates on selected software and on renewal of services with Monitor ONLY reserved pricing.
-enjoy Cash Bonuses for closing sales.
-the trust, respect and appreciation of Worldprofit Management
-the enormous gratitude of Members of our community who benefit from sales being made for them! (Dealers promote and the Monitors try to close your sales.)
-building friendships all over the world
General Responsibilities of being a Volunteer Monitor
Have a solid familiarity about Worldprofit the company, and genuine belief and enthusiasm for the services offered.
Some communication and reporting is required.
Scheduling of hours volunteered each week – YOU pick your own hours
Notification if unable to meet those scheduled hours and correction of scheduling on the Monitor Schedule.
Follow the training and procedures as provided.
Have use of a reliable computer, stable Internet connection and video set with headphones
Greet Associates as they arrive in the Live Business Center, assist them to locate the services, and make Upgrade Offers.
Demonstrate professional conduct at all times
The #1 Priority of Monitors, is to close sales.
Apply for the Monitor Training.
To apply to join our Monitor Team, submit a Support Ticket and say "HEY. I want to be a Monitor". We will send you the details.
Have you already contacted us about becoming a Monitor? Great! We have sent you the details now please review that information and when you see a Senior Monitor on Duty ask if you can come up to start your training. Dive in! Best time to start your training is now.
—-> If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, you're missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at http://www.worldprofitservices.com
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