Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Nov 6, 2015 brought to you by the Home Business Experts at

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[tags george kosch,training,worldprofit,online jobs,affiliate marketing,membership,silver,platinum VIP memberships,traffic,lead filtering]

Worldprofit’s Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch revealed today in the training a new feature that can save you MONEY and FRUSTATION.

Members, if you missed the LIVE session you won’t want to miss the recording – see below!

Training topics covered by George Kosch in today’s session.
Questions are encouraged throughout the program and requests for demonstrations as well.

A: Sales Funnels: What you need to know
 Places to promote to get the BEST results

B: Demonstration how to use this site for your own promotions, and offer it as service to put money in your pocket

C: Demonstration
 How to create key word specific or niche marketing videos and how this can help with your Search Engine Ranking and be a valuable source of leads, and self-branding tool.

D: Updates
 We are seeing too many Dealers making an honest effort to promote and getting taken by dishonest lead and hit sources.
 George discussed what to look for in QUALITY traffic and reputable lead sources.
 George also revealed a new value added service that has been added to all Silver and Platinum VIP Memberships, Lead Filters.  When Associates you refer are flagged by our system as being suspicious a new procedure is in place that automatically kicks in to verify that this lead is actually real. This filtering is extremely valuable to help you determine REAL leads and FAKE leads so you can go back to your source and question the value of what you paid for.  Fake traffic is a real problem in the affiliate marketing industry, even experienced marketers can get taken. Now you have a way to protect yourself with this new feature created by George Kosch.  

E: Monitor Training session for all SR and JR. Monitors is Saturday November 7th at 11 AM ET. 
 If you are a JR. Monitor we encourage you to come up for training with a SR Monitor, any time.
 We are looking for NEW PEOPLE to join our Worldprofit Monitor Team. If interested submit a Support Ticket and we will send you details.

The next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training is Friday Nov 13th at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET.

Members you can review the recording of the session today in your Worldprofit Member area under TRAINING. 

Thank you to all who attended the training session today, your input is always encouraged and welcomed.

Comments from training participants.

Garrett: love the new stuff that is ready it is aawesome stuff
 howard: yes that is why Worldprofit provides us the best bang for everyone bucks!
 Garrett: [Worldprofit’s] cb maximizer is better
 Cosmos:   So much to take in – Great stuff. One at a time
 Lisa: thank-you George and Sandi
 howard: Copy paste click= profits Sandi wrote article on this if I recall
 Tania: terrific training. Thanks George
 Wallace: Well Done George, Carry On. Fantastic!
 howard: ive also been using our live sales chat and that is powerful tool
 Cosmos: Great !
 Robert: Great training, time goes by to fast Thank You
 David: Thanks again George-see you next time
 Bo: Very Good George Thanks You For All
 Leif & Erika: Thanks george
 Wallace: Best ever training

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