[category business,marketing]
[tags george kosch,bootcamp, affiliate training,marketing,online jobs,worldprofit,work at home, earn at home,make money online,home business experts]
Recap of Friday March 13th LIVE bootcamp training with Instructor, George Kosch…
If you missed the LIVE program, this review is not sufficient, you are urged to watch the recording posted to your Worldprofit Member area now.
Major Topics covered.
The Worldprofit System – Associates, Live Business Center, Monitors. Training, Commissions.
Promotion Tools and Resources (included in your Silver membership)
Lazy Blogger Software (included in your Silver membership)
The online Bootcamp Training lessons (included in your Silver membership)
Ebook Creator (included in your Silver membership)
10 of Dr. Jeffrey Lant’s books – being converted into a digital format – update from George Kosch.
Discussion: Why are some people so resistant to doing what it takes to build an online business?
Questions were encouraged throughout the program.
Thank you to those who attended the LIVE training session. Your input, questions, and comments are appreciated.
NEXT LIVE training session is Friday March 20th at 8 AM CT.
The LIVE interactive weekly bootcamp training with George Kosch is INCLUDED in every Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
It is a complimentary training program to the 100+ online lessons available to all Worldprofit members.
—-> Are you reading this and you’re not yet a Worldprofit member, you’re missing out on valuable training to help you learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. Join over two million people worldwide who trust Worldprofit for online training and support at http://www.worldprofitassociates.com