[category business]
[tags george kosch,bootcamp,training,worldprofit,make money online,home business experts]
Welcome and introductory remarks from Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch.
George Kosch is co-founder of Worldprofit Inc., and the Director of Technology. Over the last 20 years, George Kosch has developed many of the services and resources available to Worldprofit members and thus is the best person to provide the training. The training is based on our own actual practice and hands on experience. At Worldprofit we teach you what we know works while working alongside with you everyday to build your own successful online business.
Discussion Topics
Promotion and Marketing
Silver membership inclusions
Associate membership inclusions – how Worldprofit’s system is working in the background for you
Gmail why we recommend it as the best choice for email
How to check your spam folder
Domain Name Verification
Landing pages
How to get your free Associate members to upgrade
Worldprofit’s Affiliate Center
PayPal integrating BitCoin (Braintree).
In Development: Worldprofit Buy/Sell site.
George provided a sneak peak at a new website and service which will be released shortly that will benefit members.
George answered some great questions from participants during the training.
Demonstrations at request of participants
How to enter a banner and add a link within a Safelist.
How to change an image within a blog.
How can I remove a safelist that is on my site as a home page?
When we put links in the right column on our Worldprofit websites why does it push the center column down? I have seen this on others and mine.
Is Akismet Free? Why do they have subcriptions for personal sites.
How to change your site design to another template.
Can we put video on that site and how do we make the video smaller.
What about on our WP domain site, can we put videos there?
How to add another page to your website.
How to use Widgets on your WordPress Blog hosted by Worldprofit.
Using Iframes.
This is one of the benefits of the LIVE training sessions, you can get your questions answered and see LIVE on screen demonstrations of concepts or anything you need help with. This training is for you and offered every week to Worldprofit Members. George Kosch is your pesronal instructor and is avaiable to you every week to help you with learning how to build your online business.
A few comments from participants:
Mae: These classes are awsome George! Thanks much.
Cosmos: Great!
Cosmos: Cool once you practice using them. I really appreciate this George
Mae: George you should be a millionaire cause u r excellent teaching this.
Cosmos: Can I use this on a site other than Worldprofit?
Sharon: Wonderful George!
Garrett: good stuff
Cosmos: Thank you so much George
Vijian: Thank you George
Iphota: Thank you
Wanza: Thank you very much George
William: Thanks, George!
Rosalie: We have the best trainer on the net.
Anna: Thank you, George!
Garry: Thanks George another great session
Sadie: Enjoyed
Roy: Thank You
Thank you to those of you keen on learning for attending the LIVE training session. We appreciate your participation, questions and comments. You are on the right track!
The recorded version of the training session will be posted within 48 hours to the TRAINING section of your Worldprofit Member area (Top menu).
Next LIVE home business bootcamp training with George Kosch is Friday Sept 19, 2014.
We hope to see you there!
—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over two million people worldwide who already are at http://www.worldprofitassociat
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training.