Worldprofit Home Business Bootcamp Update Sept 30, 2014.

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[tags worldprofit bootcamp,george kosch,earn online,affiliate marketing,home business experts]

September is Worldprofit ‘s Monitor Appreciation Month and we’ve offered Cash Sales Bonuses in this tribute.

Monitors! George has now completed the code required to calculate the Monitor bonuses for sales you made during your shift in  September.

In your member area on LEFT MENU under SALES AND COMMISSION,  select COMMISSION REPORT.
On that main page you will see the tally of sales you made and commission earned.
On Oct 1, we will do carryovers and then you will see the total amount included on your September report for payout on the 15th.

CONGRATULATIONS to each of you who earned a BONUS! Well done!

Anthony Slate
Judy Daus
Lisa Martiniuk
Linda Elze
William Buck
Tania Vick
Johan Willems
Wallace Johnson
Garry Smith
Lance Sumner
Pam Sudo
Sharon Oshatz
James Stevens
Chris Ninnis
Mark Walen
Rev Annette Lacey
Graham Commander
Sharon Oshatz
Michael Harris
Patrice Porter
Howard Martell

—> If you aren’t a Monitor yet, consider becoming one. It’s the best way to learn – and get some terrific PERKS!

*   *    *     *    *     *     *    

Here’s the TOP 10 Sellers for the month of September as of today.


Your consistent promotion and focus is earning you money and building your online business!

1. Linda Elze 
2. Wallace Johnson 
3. Lisa Martiniuk 
4. Leo Laurent 
5. Cottrell B. White, Jr. 
6. Garry Smith 
7. Howard Martell 
8. Jay Petersen 
9. Jessica Elwood 
10. Jim Noonan  

*   *    *     *    *     *     * 

Did you miss the LIVE bootcamp on Sept 26? Here’s the link to the recorded version.

Next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp is Friday Oct 3rd.  Access is within your Worldprofit Member area.


—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over  two million people worldwide who already are at
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. 

Review of George Kosch’s Sep 26, 2014 Home Business Bootcamp Training.

[category business]
[tags george kosch,home business bootcamp,training,affiliate marketing,worldprofit,silver membership,platinum vip membership,traffic resources]

Recap of Bootcamp Training Sep 26 (link to recording is below.)

George Kosch provides the LIVE Home Business interactive training every week for all Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members.
The training is focused on you  and teaching what you need to do to earn consistent income from trusted online sources.   Questions are encouraged and requests for demonstrations are always welcome. We want this training to be as helpful and meaningful to you as possible.

Major Discussion and Training Topics during this training session.

-Overview of Worldprofit’s earn at home training and traffic generation program.

-Promotion and marketing –  basics.

-What to do if you are a NEW Member at Worldprofit.

-Worldprofit’s Monitor Network – how these fine people work for you to close YOUR sales.

-Safelists and Exchanges – What you SHOULD promote and what you should NOT promote to Safelists and Exchanges – it matters!

-Conversion Rates: What is reasonable to expect.

Featured Worldprofit Services

Website Management System – George demonstrated how to use the Website Management System INCLUDED in your Membership. With this you can add pages, banners, affiliate code, videos, pages, change your template, and much more.

Who’s Logged In. The TOP Dealers all rely on the Who’s Logged in tool INCLUDED in your Membership to know exactly WHO are your best prospects. 

Traffic Control: Silver and Platinum VIP Members have access to free advertising credits. George explained how to access these free Ad credits in your Member area. Use these free ad credits to promote any and all your programs.

Monthly Traffic Injections: George reminded members that you are entitled to receive a MONTHLY traffic injection. Silver memmbers get a basic injection while Platinum VIP Members get a TurboBoost Injection.  George demonstrated where to access this in your member area and why you need to inject your traffic each month to benefit. This is just one of the reasons so many Members can’t even think about giving up their Worldprofit Membership.

George reminded Members that many of services and products in the member area include an INTRO video or HELP Video that you are encouraged to watch BEFORE you use the service.  Please watch this as it will save you time and make sure you get maximum value.

Did you know that Worldprofit Members have access to over 1500 advertising sources – really good ones too – ones we’ve used, tested and recommend. You can use these to promote any and all your affiliate programs and business opportunites as well as those ones offered by Worldprofit.

Other topics:

-Sneak peak at some new software that George ksoch has purchased the rights to and how it will benefit Worldprofit -members.

-IBO ToolBox

-What is a Worldprofit CEC designation and what is an MCEC designation?

Concluding Remarks

Thank you to each of you for attending the LIVE training session with your personal instructor George Kosch.
The recording of the Sept 26 session can be viewed here:

Next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp is Friday Oct 3rd.   

—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over  two million people worldwide who already are at
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. 

After nearly 10 YEARS with Worldprofit, this is what Wallace Johnson has to say about Worldprofit’s earn at home training.

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A BIG thank you goes out to Wallace Johnson for taking the time to share what he thinks of Worldprofit’s earn at home training program – after nearly 10 YEARS with Worldprofit! 

"George Kosch has done it again!  In a short seven minute video, he points out the necessary elements needed to be successful at making money on the cyber highway called the Internet. It starts with the purchase of a Silver Package Dealership in Worldprofit.  I have been a Senior Monitor and Dealer with Worldprofit almost ten years now, and I highly recommend Worldprofit. I have been successful with it and so should you!  The training sessions alone are worth the price of the monthly membership. Welcome aboard!

Wallace Johnson MBA MCEC
Apollo Project Test Pilot
(The Lunar Landing Mission)
Commander Spaceship DEWAJ 

Thank you Wallace, you have inspired us all with your ongoing demonstration of what IS possible at ANY age!

Sandi, George, Dr. Jeffrey Lant 

Worldprofit provides resources to build ANY and ALL your online businesses!

[category business]
[tags george kosch,worldprofit,earn at home experts,online money making,training,traffic sources,online marketing,traffic tools]

Here’s more free and low cost advertising options at your finger tips – exclusive to  Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members!

–>  The Solo Email Blaster
       Look on LEFT MENU select Email Blaster Program  

–>  Did you know your membership includes FREE Ad credits?

–>  Did you know you get TRAFFIC INJECTIONS each month INCLUDED in your Membership?  Go get ’em!

–>  Looking for a FASTER way to promote? Use the PROMO-BOTS. 
       Look on TOP MENU select PROMO-BOTS – follow instructions posted. Easy, fast.

–>  Did you know Worldprofit has made deals with OTHER advertising sources to get  our members FREE advertising? 
      Look on TOP menu select PROMO CODES.   Great for anyone with very little extra money for paid advertising. 

–> Here’s a biggy!  It’s called TRAFFIC Codex. You can get up to 1 MILLION Ad credits at NO COST.
     In your Member area on LEFT MENU select ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then click on TOP  TRAFFIC EXCHANGES. On that page you can use all of these of course but  the one mentioned here is the 6th one listed called TRAFFIC CODEX. Follow the instructions posted.

*               *               *             *                *

Safelists and exchanges offer you a way to promote at  no cost by earning ad credits.  

You DO have other options and who better than George Kosch to reveal the BEST options.

!!!!!!!    George Kosch has recorded a fresh video for lesson 100 in the Bootcamp Training program.
If you would like to try paid for advertising here are some great recommended options.


Simply change to lesson 100 under Home Business Bootcamp on the left menu then select Bootcamp Lesson Summary


 Or click this quick link to watch the video by George Kosch demonstrating how to promote any and all your own programs using the resources included in your Membership.

—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over  two million people worldwide who already are at
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. 

Follow Worldprofit’s earn at home training program and make money from home, here’s how.

[category business]
[tags worldprofit,george kosch,affiliate marketing,earn at home,make money at home,bootcamp training]

Question received today by Worldprofit Technical Support Department.

Question: So are you telling me all I have to do is refer Associates? When they land in the Live Business Center they are made an offer by the Monitor and when they upgrade to a paid Silver membership to get full privileges, I get the commission?

Answer: That’s correct. The more Associates you refer the greater your sales potential. Consistent promotion is the key to earning. You have ad resources, landing pages, recommended advertising sources, ad tracking and more – all in your Member area. The Bootcamp training by George Kosch teaches you what to do. Our Worldprofit Monitors are unique, trained sales closers. When someone you refer comes into the Live Business Center, they are encouraged to watch our video presentation, then they are given a spectacular offer to upgrade to Silver Membership. Some will jump on that offer and are then welcomed into our Home Business Community as a new Silver Member. When anyone you refer upgrades YOU get the commission. PLUS – your member area includes lots of other money making programs too! You can promote the products in the Money Makers Kit, the Fast Cash products, the 20+ income streams and so much more to earn MULTIPLE streams of income. OR – use our traffic and promotion tools to promote YOUR OWN BUSINESS opportunities or affiliate programs. All of this is covered in the bootcamp training. If you haven’t started yet do so now then plan on attending the LIVE training offered by George Kosch EVERY Friday morning. Bring your questions, get demos and get on the right track for earning consistent income. If you can’t attend the LIVE sessions watch the recorded version. The people that follow the training and promote consistently MAKE money, it’s that simple.

Our Worldprofit Monitors are standing by right now – waiting to close your sales !
24 hours a day! Seven days a week. What are you waiting for? Start promoting!

—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over  two million people worldwide who already are at
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. 

Review of LIVE Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Friday Sept 12, 2014. Presented by the home business experts at Worldprofit.

[category business]
[tags george kosch,bootcamp,training,worldprofit,make money online,home business experts]

Welcome and introductory remarks from Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch.
George Kosch is co-founder of Worldprofit Inc., and the Director of Technology.  Over the last 20 years, George Kosch has developed many of the services and resources available to Worldprofit members and thus is the best person to provide the training. The training is based on our own actual practice and hands on experience. At Worldprofit we teach you what we know works while working alongside with you everyday to build your own successful online business.

Discussion Topics

Promotion and Marketing
Silver membership inclusions
Associate membership inclusions – how Worldprofit’s system is working in the background for you
Gmail why we recommend it as the best choice for email
How to check your spam folder
Domain Name Verification
Landing pages
How to get your free Associate members to upgrade
Worldprofit’s Affiliate Center
PayPal integrating BitCoin (Braintree).

In Development: Worldprofit Buy/Sell site.
George provided a sneak peak at a new website and service which will be released shortly that will benefit members.

George answered some great questions from participants during the training.

Demonstrations at request of participants

How to enter a banner and add a link within a Safelist.

How to change an image within a blog.

How can I remove a safelist that is on my site as a home page?

When we put links in the right column on our Worldprofit websites why does it push the center column down? I have seen this on others and mine.

Is Akismet Free? Why do they have subcriptions for personal sites.

How to change your site design to another template.

Can we put video on that site and how do we make the video smaller.

What about on our WP domain site, can we put videos there?

How to add another page to your website.

How to use Widgets on your WordPress Blog hosted by Worldprofit.

Using Iframes.

This is one of the benefits of the LIVE training sessions, you can get your questions answered and see LIVE on screen demonstrations of concepts or anything you need help with. This training is for you and offered every week to Worldprofit Members. George Kosch is your pesronal instructor and is avaiable to you every week to help you with learning how to build your online business.

A few comments from participants:

Mae: These classes are awsome George!  Thanks much.

Cosmos: Great!

Cosmos: Cool once you practice using them.  I really appreciate this George

Mae: George you should be a millionaire cause u r excellent  teaching this.

Cosmos: Can I use this on a site other than Worldprofit?

Sharon: Wonderful George!

Garrett: good stuff

Cosmos: Thank you so much George

Vijian: Thank  you George

Iphota: Thank you

Wanza: Thank you very much George

William: Thanks, George!

Rosalie: We have the best trainer on the net.

Anna: Thank you, George!

Garry: Thanks George another great session

Sadie: Enjoyed

Roy: Thank You

Thank you to those of you keen on learning for attending the LIVE training session. We appreciate your participation, questions and comments. You are on the right track! 

The recorded version of the training session will be posted within 48 hours to the TRAINING section of your Worldprofit Member area (Top menu).

Next LIVE home business bootcamp training with George Kosch is Friday Sept 19, 2014.
We hope to see you there!

—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over  two million people worldwide who already are at
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training. 

Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Friday Sept 5, 2014. The Home Business Experts at Worldprofit

[category business]
[tags george kosch,worldprofit,online jobs,make money online,home business experts,bootcamp training,worldprofittube,worldprofit video sharing site]

Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Friday Sept 5, 2014.

George Kosch started the training session by welcoming all members.

He announced a new Worldprofit site for video sharing
Go there and start posting your videos.

Worldprofit services featured during this training session:

Video Blogs

Traffic Multiplier

Cool Tools section of the Member area

Discussion Topics

Landing pages
Solo Ads
Resources in your Member area to help you build ANY online business

Worldprofit JV Wealth Alliance – coming soon
Members will be able to sell to ANYONE products, services, websites, PLR, and so forth. Watch for details in coming weeks.

Thank you to all who attended the training session today offering comments and asking questions.
This training is for you!
The more you interact, the more you learn. All questions and requests for demonstrations are encouraged. There are no dumb questions. We want to help you build your own online business and this training is your vehicle for success.

The recording of the training will be posted within 24 hours to your member area in the Training section located on TOP menu.

Next LIVE training session is Friday Sept 12, 2014.

Thank you for the nice words following the training session.

Anna: Thank you, George, these trainings are invaluable. I’m so glad you emphasize the work involved because so many advertise a few clicks and you earn money, magically!

Pam: Thanks George great as usual

Michel: thanks george!

Mae: Thanks

William: Thanks, George.

Vijian: Thank You George

Roy: Thanks!!

—-> If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over  two million people worldwide who already are at
Worldprofit provides training, resources, software and support for people who want to learn how to earn at home from reputable online sources. Find out why for over 20 years now Worldprofit has been the # 1 popular choice for online home business training.