Worldprofit’s Home Business Community Celebrates Wallace Johnson, our friend and colleague on his 89th Birthday.

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[tags wallace johnson,worldprofit,jeffrey lant,george kosch,sandi hunter,bootcamp training,home business experts]

Every day we hear from people who want to build an online business but they have a handful of reasons why they can’t.

Let me introduce you to a remarkable person who at the age of 82, STARTED his own online business, Mr. Wallace Johnson.

Today, Wallace celebrates his 89th Birthday and is one of Worldprofit’s Top Sellers.

It didn’t come easy for Wallace. He admits it took him about 6 months to wrap his head around what it takes to be a successful online marketer. He revealed that in the early days he focused too much on building and perfecting his site and not enough on what really matters – list building and lead generation. Those are the things that fuel a profitable online business. He credits George’s Kosch’s bootcamp training for teaching him what he needed to know and do.

Dr. Jeffrey Lant, CEO of Worldprofit and host of the online birthday celebration, asked Wallace what advice he has for new online marketers. This is what he had to say…

Stick to George Kosch’s bootcamp training to learn the skills you need. The first three lessons are the most important, you often don’t realize it at the time, but it is valuable and the foundation for lifetime online online earnings. Perserverance and stick-to-it-ness are the keys to success.

Remarks were made by Worldprofit co-founders Sandi Hunter and George Kosch. Various Members and other Monitors came on screen to share well wishes, to thank Wallace for the training and help he has provided, for being an inpiration, for his honest approach, his work ethic and integrity.

Wallace made some personal remarks saying he plans to live every day to its fullest!

A few remarks from well wishers

Garry Smith: What an inspiration and trainer
Lance Sumner: Wallace is a True Leader “Leads by Example”
William Buck: Always Do your Best in all You Do.
Gertrudes : Happy Birthday Wallace Johnson
Howard Martell: failure is not a option in this community
Joleen: you know the meaning of compassion and empathy, a great gift. A gift no money can buy. Thank you.
Howard: you inspire people to greatness
Lance Sumner: You are so Awesome Wallace
Joleen : I love you and WorldProfit. You will keep me here. :) The training and you are the tickit. You are such a respectful caring man, It takes what it takes to get us where we have to go!
Howard Martell: it takes time to hone the skills
Sharon Oshatz : you help us to learn how to speak with people in a kind and respectful way. We love you Wallace!  Happy Birthday and a grand, healthy, and happy year ahead!
Duncan:  To our knowledge, Energy cannot be created nor destroyed! You are that energy WALLACE! You shall transend & live on in another & better state it’s INEVITABILITY! Tania Vick: clapping for you Wallace !!!! Showers of blessings today and always!
Joe: thank you wallace and i look forward to learning alot from you and all

Dr. Jeffrey Lant read the article he penned for Wallace on his 87th birthday and it still applies today as we celebrate your 89th.

Happy Birthday to a great American, an inspiring person, and a true gentleman, Mr. Wallace Johnson. We salute you kind sir.

A recording of Wallace Johnson’s 89th Birthday Celebration can be viewed here: