[category business]
[tags wallace johnson,george kosch,worldprofit,bootcamp,home business experts,make money online,affiliate marketing,work at home jobs ]
Thank you so much to Kevin, and so many others who have sent in such nice words about Worldprofit services!
It is so motivating to hear direct from you, how the services we offer are helping you build your online business.
We’ll run these in our blog and in the Bootcamp Newsletter.
Kevin’s review of Worldprofit:
"For once in my 29 years of efforts Worldprofit has shown me a list makes money on line. I have tried everything and spent thousands before finding the place I now call home. I set everything aside cleared my office and began listening. I knew going in that the one thing that can not be faked is results. No matter how well your site looks to Google you still need thousands to promote it. Here you are shown how by a team that has been successfully training people like me for almost 18 years. Knowing I would never have to pay some one else to promote my e-business sites meant I could now be in charge. I want to thank George Kosch for his programing and IT work. We enjoy a Friday seminar of training that I learn something from every time. Dr. Lant our CEO can be seen every day as he writes another article or E-book for us to use, learn, and profit from. Finally Sandi Hunter with her wisdom and marketing skills makes the perfect balance. To sum up everything I have seen is simple. Anyone who heard free in the past thinks it is a four letter word. Here it is, a reality if needed."
Kevin Deadder
California, USA.
If you would like to submit a testimonial, we’ve got 20,000 Ad Credits for you!
Use these ad credits to promote anything you want!
You see, we’re in the process of updating our Worldprofit Testimonials site – we need your help!
Submit a testimonial about Worldprofit services, or positive comments about the quality of our training, or our support… we sure would appreciate it!
Do so, and we’ll give you 20,000 ad credits at your choice of either SafelistExtreme.com or DragonSafelist.com (your choice).
It’s our way of thanking YOU for helping us get our new Testimonials page freshened up.
MEMBERS, to submit your testimonial go to this site below (make SURE you are logged into your Member area FIRST or the page won’t load for you)
When we receive your kind words, we’ll send you an email to confirm your 20,000 ad credits and your choice of Safelist.
Thank you so much for your time and your help.
We’re having a PARTY! A birthday party for Wallace Johnson who is turning 89!
Wallace Johnson, former astronaut, dedicated Monitor, Sales Champion and long time loyal Worldprofit Dealer is turning 89 years of age.
We’re celebrating Wallace’s special day on THURSDAY APRIL 17th at 1 pm ET.
We hope you will join us then in Worldprofit’s Live Business Center.
Those Monitors who wish to come on screen to make remarks are welcome to do so just email Dr. Lant at drjlant@worldprofit.com
!!!! Wallace shows no sign of slowing down he’s currently # 3 on April’s Top Sellers list.
Come and meet the man! Be inspired by what can be accomplished at ANY age!
See you then.
Sandi Hunter, George Kosch, Dr. Jeffrey Lant.
Worldprofit co-founders
LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch is FRIDAY April 18 at 8 AM CT.
The people making sales attend these sessions. Will we see you there? We sure hope so!
Don’t worry if you cannot attend the LIVE program it is also recorded and you can watch when convenient for you.
NOTE: If you are reading this and not yet a Worldprofit member, join over two million people worldwide who already are enjoying Worldprofit’s earn at home training program. Get your free Worldprofit Associate membership at http://www.worldprofitassociat