Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Feb 21, 2014. Teaser: How to get one MILLION Ad Credits.

[category home business,marketing]
[tags home business,worldprofit,george kosch,affiliate marketing]

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Feb 21, 2014.
Presented by the Home Business Experts at Worldprofit.

Teaser. In today’s training…. How to get one million ad credits.


If you are a new MEMBER you should start the Bootcamp Training. It’s your path to INCOME!
Click on TRAINING, then watch the two videos for BEGINNERS.
Then follow the instructions for each lesson to progress through the training.
If you need help simply submit a Support Request form, our Worldprofit Support team is available 7 days a week.
George then provided an overview Diagram that shows visually the various aspects of promotion with your Worldprofit Membership.

-Big Picture put simply: You should be SELLING things not BUYING things.

-Importance of free Associate Members.

-The Worldprofit system teaches you to be a marketing machine.


Video Blogs are going up in price.
Order now to save $30 and get a Video Blog for $67.
The price is going up to $97 so act now to SAVE. or miss out.
To order, in your Member area on LEFT menu slect PLUGINS / BLOGS / CPanel then select VIDEO BLOGS.


Discussions and Demonstrations

1. Google Hangouts

Demonstration by George Kosch on how to use Google Hangouts and integrate your recording into a Landing page to generate leads!

How you can record ANYTHING GOES with Dr. Lant and then broadcast it.

To get started just search for GOOGLE HANGOUTS at Google, and you will find the site.

Excellent way to get search engine traffic!

2. George revealed how you can get get one million ad credits for any and ALL your promotion!

How? If you missed the LIVE training you will have to watch the recorded version, we aren’t giving this secret away to non-members.

Worldprofit Members, you now have UNLIMITED advertising opportunities with this new addition and all the others already in your member area!

This new PROMOTION site has been added to Money Makers section of your Member area.

We’re making it easier for you!

Join the sites !  Promote!  What do you promote? The AD EXAMPLES in your Member area.

3. WordPress. Widgets.
New Pinterest Blog offered by Worldprofit.
This was covered after the recording was complete but George will cover again in next weeks session.
Thank you to Vijian for posting such a great question.

4. Questions and Answers. George continued to take questions after the recording ended to help as many members as possible. We enjoy your questions as it allows us to personalize the training and address questions for the benefit of all members.


Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training session with George Kosch.
If you missed any portion of the training today the recorded version will be posted to the TRAINING section within 24 hours.
Next LIVE bootcamp training session is Friday Feb 28, 2014.

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Network with others involved in affiliate marketing at Worldprofit’s own social network site and when you sign up free you can expose your website address to our 1 million+ members. go to

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Now you can offer $10,000 in FREE Ad packages! This incredible tool has one purposes – helping you makes sales – in ANY program.