Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp Instructor George Kosch started welcomed participants to the April 5th training session.
The theme of today’s training was to address why some people are successful in building an online business and others aren’t.
George explained that after nearly 20 years in this industry, he hears people repeatedly asking the wrong question.
People ask "How do I make money online?
George discussed why this is the WRONG question to ask.
The RIGHT question to ask is "How do I build a list?"
Specifically, the question can be expanded to, "How do I build a subscriber list? How do I get people at NO COST to join my Newsletter list?"
The more people you have on your subscriber list, the more potential buyers you have for whatever you are selling- advertising, affiliate programs, products, services or leverage for doing ad swaps, making offers and more.
The simple formula is this. PROMOTION + SUBSCRIBERS = SALES
To make sales online, to build a successful profitable online business you must have a growing mailing list.
Before the Internet this was known as mail order. On the web, it is known as a email marketing list, or subscriber list, or optin list.
Today, you see TV programs, News Programs, Retailers, Book Sellers all trying to build their own list via FaceBook, Twitter, Blogging, Apps, and Newsletters. These large companies know, and are doing what we are teaching you to do – build a list using online strategies.
Making money online is a result of building a list.
Now, it’s a simple thing to understand in concept, but in application it is not easy to do. If it was easy everyone would be making tons of money from online marketing. The people who ARE making money online by promoting products and services understand this concept of list building and actively build their list, then promote a variety of products and services to that list. The people who don’t understand this, and don’t do this, never ever fully gaps this connect and it’s importance for generating sales.
If you are one of the people who is trying to build your online business but not getting the results you want, do this. Study the successful online marketers, what are they doing that you aren’t? Are they promoting more than you? Where are they promoting? What are they promoting? Do they make offers? Follow up? Do they have a positive attitude? Find an example of what is working, then do it.
Developments and Demonstrations:
Traffic Multiplier System
George demonstrated the Traffic Multiplier System. This is a new list building tool available at no extra cost to all Silver and Platinum VIP Members.
The Traffic Multiplier works by taking any link for any website, and allows YOU to offer people credits for clicking on that link. You can offer a BONUS to people for viewing your link – they get something in exchange for traffic.
We’ve recorded a video to help you understand how the Traffic Multiplier System benefits both you, and your responders. The system allows people to opt-in or opt-out without obligation.
Worldprofit Social
Demonstration of soon to be released Worldprofit Social Network.
Questions were encouraged and answered throughout the training program.
A few Comments from Participants
Mary: Then you have to sign up as at least a Silver!!!
Barbara: George, Will you ever put up a mobile optimized site?
Linda: I’ll be watching this a few times…awesome
Garrett: Is there a reason for not putting the cloaked urls that exist to the new cloaked url address
Tania: take your time George … we will keep the excitement under control
Mary: This is like a university program. Just do the homework and relax!
NOTE FOR NEW Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP MEMBERS: If you are a brand new Member – WELCOME – you are on your way to building your own online business. The first thing you should do is start the online Bootcamp Training Lessons. We’ve got over 70 lessons to teach you what you need to know. Most lessons include videos and help suggestions. The online lessons are accompanied by the LIVE weekly interactive sessions with George Kosch. The LIVE training programs are recorded so you can watch when convenient for you. If you need help, if you have questions, or need some direction, just submit a Support form. We are here 7 days a week to help you. The resources and training in your Member area can be used to build ANY online business. Dig into the training, work consistently to build your business, have some patience and believe in yourself.
The LIVE home business bootcamp training was recorded and will be posted within 24 hours to the Worldprofit Member area in the Training section.
Next LIVE training session: Friday April 12, 2013.