Worldprofit’s Technical Director and Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch, presented 90 minutes of LIVE training today.
The first hour was recorded for the benefit of those Worldprofit Members who could not attend the live interactive session.
Training Topics:
Why legitimate list building is so important for earning income from a number of sources.
How Worldprofit helps you build your list to help you make more sales – no matter what you are selling.
Understanding the Home Business Market
How to set up a video blog.
Video Blog Themes
Camtasia’s easy conversion for YouTube
Video Review sites
When to use videos in your marketing INSTEAD of Landing pages.
Worldprofit Member Report Card – how new Members can use this to narrow focus and get on track
Studio Press
ClickBank and CB Maximizer
Demonstration of WordPress/Blog landing page creator
Remember: The resources discussed today can help you build ANY online business or help you sell ANY product or service.
The focus of Worldprofit’s Home Business Training is to help you earn MULTIPLE sources of income and provide reliable tools and resources to help you build your online business.
Our goal is to teach YOU exactly how to make money online. All the tools, training, resources, software and support included in the Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Membership focuses on helping YOU build consistent income from home.
Updates and what’s new!
We’ve been working hard for you to complete some tools that are going to power up your sales!
Specifically, we’ve been developing ways to help you build your lists.
MailChimp is now added to Landing pages for optin to your mailing lists.
Get Response and AWeber have already been added last week.
ListBuilder Landing Pages have also now been added for benefit of all Worldprofit Members. Find this tool in the Worldprofit Member area under
Advertising/Traffic then under Ad Examples .
Advertising/Traffic then under Ad Examples .
Next week we are hoping to release the new WordPress landing page creator. This will be easy to add code for adding landing pages to your WordPress Blog. Easy to use and portable for use on ANY WordPress blog.
Feedback on the new Ebook Creator has been very positive as Worldprofit Members use this for making offers.
Video Blog: More training videos added at
Following the recorded segment of the training George shared how Worldprofit got it’s start back in 1994. Following this, George spent considerable time emphasized the critical importance of consistent promotion, and key elements necessary to get results. Best time to promote? NOW!
Questions were answered from participants on a variety of topics.
Feedback from Home Business Bootcamp Participants.
Minta: Thanks for the great valuable training, George!
James: Thank you great new developments as always
Inge: George you are the best teacher I know,many thanks.
James: I have never been with a online business that is so laser focused on ‘growing the value’ of the opportunity. I really appreciate what you, Sandi, and Dr. Lant do for us..
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in today’s training. Your input is appreciated and valuable to all members of our Home Business community.
Conclusion: Today’s Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch will be posted to the Worldprofit Member area later today.
Follow up questions to the training can be submitted to the Worldprofit Technical Support Team.
NEXT Session: The next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp will be March 16th, 2012 at 10
For more information on Worldprofit’s Earn At Home Training programs go to for a free Associate Membership.