Four things successful business people will do today… that you won’t!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Friend, let’s get one thing straight from the get-go. Successful people are going to do things today that you won’t. Read this, and you’ll discover what they are.

1) Successful people don’t just let today happen…. they plan for today… yesterday!

What did you do before you left your office yesterday? If you’re successful, you planned your success for today, determining your clear objectives and laying out the documents, materials, and other things you need.

In other words, you knew what you’d need, and you had it
readily at hand so you could, without special effort, pick up first thing today what you so carefully planned…. yesterday.

Organization, a constant focus on time management and
efficiency, not caffeine , are what the successful bring to the table. They cannot and do not consider yesterday concluded… until it is organized as the spring board to a successful today.

2) Email a stupendous offer just before you leave your work.

Want to walk in tomorrow to sales? To lots of great prospect leads?

Then email a terrific offer BEFORE you leave.

Most people, bushed, fatigued, tired, upon leaving their offices are contemplating the pleasures of the rest of today. But not the successful.

Successful people are mad keen on organization and efficiency…
and constant bank account pleasing cash flow. They know that today’s
dollars are the result of yesterday’s offers. Successful business people force themselves to stay, no matter how tired they are, no matter how pleasurable the day’s forthcoming events, until they have crafted the stunning offer that ensures cash flow throughout the hours they are
not present.

This offer must be a lollapalooza… the best yet.

As I write, much of the United States, much of the rest of the world is mired in an anaemic economic recovery that is, at best, just limping along.

Yet, by staying focused at all times on the main event, successful
business people will flourish and achieve even the most ambitious of
business and financial goals.

The key is having cash readily at hand…. and the means to generate
more…. at will.

This means offers, better offers, the best offers, never-ending offers.

Because you will be tired at the end of the day, craft your end-of-day
offers earlier. To ensure that it delivers the big success you insist upon,
shape that offer when your mind is fresh and your abilities keen.
Aim to make your offer better than you have ever made before; aim to make
it a stunner, head turning, a cash gusher.

What the most successful business people know is that cash is
king, especially when other people, people who do not have
and do not use such offers, don’t have it. If you focus as on your
#1 Priority the shaping and constant sending of eye-popping offers
you will have the cash, and thus the freedom, your less focused
and clever colleagues lack and will always lack.

3) Call three prospects who have been hanging on the fence,
uncertain about buying, and tell them you have the talking turkey offer
of all times… if they will act now.

Offers come in many shapes and sizes… but one thing they all
have in common is the “act now” factor. Offers to work must have
deadlines… and the very best offers mean prompt, immediate
response… no dithering allowed.

Most people, you see, even most business people, dither, offering
excuses when decisive action is called for. In fact most people are
not decision makers; rather, they are decision avoiders. The offer
is made for such people, for only a truly superior offer will get these
torpid ones to act at all, much less act on your speedy schedule.

Now, be honest. Did you, before leaving your office yesterday,
call at least three people with a special, once-in-a-lifetime,
knock ’em, sock ’em offer?

Or did you just turn off the lights and lock the door?

Want money?Then outline a “for my best customers” offer…
and call them to discuss it. (You may also use email to send
the offer… but never expect such an email to close the deal. For
that the phone is the key).

Pick up the phone, I say, and, upon reaching these prime
(if delaying) prospects, verbally embrace them, “Mary, you and
I have been in contact for many years. I was thinking of you
and wanted to make you a spectacular offer. Have you got
a minute?” Then deliver the offer of offers, tellingly delivered,
resoundingly delivered, convincingly delivered. This is a Special
Offer…. for a Special Person. Deliver it accordingly.

4) Select 5 customers and give them a special unexpected

People have always liked and will always like to get presents. It
makes us feel wanted, warm inside. The most important people
in your business are your customers; we all know that. However,
what have you done lately to warm the cockles of their hearts?
Not much, right?

Change that today.

Pick a few customers, 5 is a good number, and give them a
special gift, report, some free product, any kind of emolument…
something that says simply, honestly, “I value you!” Then
send it out.

Your customers will be pleased, gratified, impressed. No wonder.
In our busy world, too few take even a little time to do the right
thing; that thing that identifies you as a quality individual, well
deserving of such customers. Out of the enhanced good will such
valued offerings engender will come business, lots of business.
You deserve it.

Are you going to be the business success you say you want?

You now know what to do. The question, therefore, is whether you
will do it,and when.

24 hours from now, as you reflect upon this day, you will know
just how successful you will be, based on what you have
(or have not) done. It won’t take any longer than that to see
how well you’re going to do. You see, now as always, the success
you get (or forego) will be upon the actions you take and how
well you do them. In short, it’s all about you.

Bon voyage.

About The Author


Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of
Worldprofit, Inc., where
small and home-based businesses learn how to
profit online. Attend Dr. Lant’s live webcast
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on Dr. Lant’s 18 best-selling business books,
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