Product Review: Tweetomatic Profiteer

We have reviewed a number of Twitter promotion products (over 12) and were hesitant to review yet another one. We know Twitter is a powerful marketing tool but there are so many on the market, so when Tweetomatic Profiteer came across my desk I sighed and thought what else could be new? (I know, a ridiculous thought given that the Internet and promotion tactics, and software are always changing. But it was a Friday and I was beat, I’m sorry). I’m back at full steam now and dug into this new product with the attention it deserves, because this Twitter Software is the next generation and DOES have a lot of clever additions that I have not seen in other Twitter products AND it targets a specific niche. Read on.

Tweetomatic Profiteer was developed by Imran S and Mike Wright, two industry insiders who are in a unique position to deliver a product that performs as promised.

Specifically, Tweetomatic Profiteer automates the management of a Twitter account by 95%. Importantly the automation this product offers is 100% by Twitters rules, if it wasn’t we would have stopped our review right then and there. Marketers need automation but they need to live by the rules, we know that and so too do the developers of Tweetomatic Profiteer.

The # 1 thing we liked about Tweetomatic Profiteer was how it ties in beautifully with ClickBank. (ClickBank is a hugely popular company with over 10,000 products you can promote to earn commission). ClickBank is one of the most popular Affiliate companies on the web. So having a tool like Tweetomatic Profiteer as a promotion tool is a ClickBank marketers dream come true!

We also liked that this product was well tested and researched. We have found that too many of these promotion products get released too early without adequate testing, research and user feedback. We are happy to say that Tweetomatic Profiteer is not one of those prematurely released products. The accompanying manual is extremely thorough and will fill in any user knowledge gaps. The developers have videos and a blog for common questions and is very user friendly.

Product Review Conclusion: We give Tweetomatic Profiteer, a score of 9/10.
We highly recommend this software to web marketers, especially ClickBank marketers.

You can review Tweetomatic Profiteer yourself here:

~The Home Business Review Team