Product Review: Google Snatch. Get on Google free! Suck Google Traffic From Your Competitors, here’s how with the FREE Click Formula

We came across a product from an underground marketer who quietly rakes in hundreds and thousands of dollars every month. The best part we discovered is that he doesn’t even spend a single cent on advertising to get hungry and eager people to spend and buy from him.

You see, over the past few months he’s been perfecting what he calls the ‘Free Click Formula’ method of generating free clicks from every search engine. Driving huge amounts of traffic that converts like crazy – WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE RED CENT for it… esssentially get on Google free!

And he showed us some massive proof that it works in any market or niche. See the proof here.

If you’re sick to the stomach paying for pay per click ads, making sales then handing back a huge proportion of your commission or sale checks to Google then this is something you will gladly enjoy hands down.

Indeed there have been times where we try and try and never hit the bank with real BIG checks, but now this is something that will change your outlook on making money online forever!
If you’re on the edge of your seat splashing money away on advertising that ‘sometimes’ convert, then this could be the answer you’re searching for.


If you want to know if these techniques work in any market, let me prove it to you!
As you know keywords are the MOST essential ingredient to any market or niche. He told us to go to Google and type this ‘keyword’ then that ‘keyword’ and look at the results. Now you’re probably expecting me to tell you that he was dominating the page left, right and center…
Well … he was! But what really got me worked up was, it wasn’t a small niche. It was a market that is excessively competitive and the BIG corporations are spending anything up to $50 each on pay per click.

The niche market was the enormous legal industry. You can imagine what these lawyers, insurance companies, car hire and medical agencies are making a year and you can imagine what they can possibly spend to get that traffic. This niche gets hundred and thousand searches a day.
Yet here was Latif, literally sucking traffic out of Google like a black hole for F.REE.
The Google Snatch method literally SWIPES major listings from the big boys (think eBay and Amazon) and he will reveal the exact same formula to you.
==> Go here

Google Snatch is fresh from the board room and you can have the opportunity to copy and paste the EXACT formula he uses still to this day.

Grab your copy now before you competitors find out:

We loved this technique, and highly recommend it. Go to the site and you will see for yourself.

Product Review: Mass Article Control. How to get Hoards of FREE Targetted Traffic

Ok, it takes a lot to get us excited, but we can’t stop raving about Mass Article Control (traffic generation software). It makes generating traffic easy, the traffic generated is free, and powerful for moving your site up the ranks at Google and other search engines thanks to the backlinking and unique content. Anyone who has used articles as a way to generate traffic knows it works but it is hugely time consuming to the point where hiring someone is the easiset way to do it. Now thanks to this software, Mass Article Control, you can do this yourself, easily and in minutes not hours and hours. We bought it, use it love it, and you can see from the testimonials that other marketers use it and are thrilled with the results too.

Read on to see what we liked about Mass Article Control, how you benefit, and how to get your hands on it before they stop production.



–> Enables you to get HOARDS of FREE targeted traffic!

–> Create up to and OVER 1000 articles from just *one* main seed article in UNDER 30 seconds

–> Huge in-built synonym database for ultra quickinsertion and replacement processing

–> Create and use market specific keywords and saveto niche specific categories for smart mass article creation which gets better with every use

–> Get published on hundreds of directories

–> Generate thousands of backlinks!

–> Dummy proof – NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! Training videos included.

–> You get Free lifetime updates


–> Automatically submits your article to 10 article directories at once!

–> Takes just 30 – 40 seconds to submit to all 10article directories

–> Submits your article with precision – no errors or funny looking formatting

–> Easy instruction video on how to use it

–> You get Free lifetime updates

Here is what one user has to say and we will be adding our testimonial shortly too.

Testimonial from 5 times #1 Clickbank Bestseller: SAJ

“I have personally seen the power of article marketing through some of my insider team members who use them tosend masses of free traffic to their sites and affiliate pages to make a killing while others dog it out on the ruthless PPC platforms. Usually you need a few good writers and need to pay them well for them to churn out quality articles regularly that you can actually use, and this takes a long time. What I have seen here just blew me away.
1000 fresh new articles created from just one seed article in under 30 seconds from a click of a single button! And then you can submit them all instantly all throughout the net! Man this is insane. I will be grabbing a copy of this myself to start dominating my niches and sending hoards for free targeted traffic to make even more cash. You should be charging a lot more for something of this calibre guys, take my advice and up your price.”

–Saj P, Affiliate Funnel System

Testimonial from: Alex Capuria (2 months on and I’m getting around 450 visitors to my site PER DAY!*)

“Just wanted to touch base and let you guys know that I’ve been using Mass Article Creator and Mass Article Submitter for 2 months now and I’m currently averaging around 450 people who come to my brand new site every single day! Let there be no doubt about this, these software applications work 100%. I used to hire a team of two people for around $875 permonth from the Philippines to do the exact same job that I now do myself (thanks to the Mass Article Control package) in just 1-2 hour every month. Whether the people out there are serious article marketers or just want floods of traffic, they need these tools.”
–Alex Capuria, Easy Golfing Tips

If you want *FREE TRAFFIC* and don’t want to work your buttoff getting it, then grab their Mass Article Control, Dual-Software package NOW! Push button easy and we mean it.

To purchase Mass Article Control go to:


How We Made $1000 in ClickBank in the first 4 Weeks! How we did it in step-by-step detail and how you can too!

How We Made $1000 from ClickBank in first 4 weeks! Follow our easy steps and YOU can too!

We didn’t believe it ourselves ! We have known about ClickBank but never took a really good look at it. Then we spent some time and realized the potential of being able to promote over 10,000+ Digital Products – good products too! – that work – AND people want! We thought of our Worldprofit Members. We thought WOW in addition to being able to promote Worldprofit services we can tap them into a HUGE INVENTORY of great cool things to sell!

Since 1994 our goal at Worldprofit has been to: help our Members make as much money online as we can with solid products, in demand products, and legitimate reputable programs and services.

With the economy as it is, these ClickBank products are low ticket products that people can afford, and YOU can sell a lot of them to make consistent income.

Don’t think this ClickBank money is chump change either, selling these products online every day, can add up mighty quick! We tracked our results and have made a video to show you EXACTLY what we did and how much we made in 4 weeks!

Watch the video yourself to see how we made $1,000 in 4 weeks and YOU can too!

Important: Worldprofit Silver and Platinum Members you are free to watch this video but remember you get the ClickBank Promo Kit free in your Member area already. Go get it!

*****SUPER IMPORTANT: If you are not a Worldprofit Member we want to help you too, sign up at and we will send you the info on making $1000 with ClickBank and Worldprofit in the first 4 weeks.

The Home Business Experts Product Review Team
Now in our 16th year of business helping people profit online.

Product Review: CopyNProfit: Proven Ad Strategies that Deliver $350+ Per Day that you can COPY!

Here’s a dirty little secret that I don’t think many “wealth” gurus want you to uncover ….

You see … people go to all these books, seminars (real estate, you name it!), etc

They go there and learn a ton about how to create killer revenue streams and say to themselves

“Wow, what a great idea…. I better try that”.
Then they go back to their lives….and NOTHING EVER HAPPENS.

That’s about 90% of people who never take action on what they learn.

Now, what about the 10% who (I suspect like yourself) who do take action?

Here’s the 2nd harsh reality … what’s taught to you is NEVER the bird’s eye view of how they do it.

They tell you to “learn”.

They give you bits and pieces to stumble over…. and it’s all kind of misleading unless you’re willing to endure all the time and effort.

I saw something very different recently…. arguably REVOLUTIONARY.

Check this out right now. (you will regret not seeing it)

—> <---- The guys behind this are showing their EXACT recipe (entire bird’s eye view) of what to copy and bring in $350/day streams over and over. It just does not get any easier than this. You literally COPY what they show and see if the operation makes profit … and it will. You have to actually TRY to mess this one up! They understand your struggle (they went through this themselves) … copying is easier and faster than learning and here, it works a hell of a lot better!To tell you the truth, for creating automated revenue, I wish I had this to copy when I first started affiliate marketing. So go in and COPY it now. You will be pleasantly surprised. P.S. After you copy a few of their recipes, start multiplying it until you hit your target goal … $1,500/day? $3,900/day? Then set it on auto-pilot. It literally is a no-brainer since you arecopying. You can get this product here – we tried it – we loved it – we think you will too.

Worldprofit Review Team

Posting Articles – POWERFUL way to get Backlinks and Increase Search Engine Ranking

Writing articles and submitting them to online directories is a very powerful way to increase your search engine indexing. The reason is that Search Engines LOVE new content and back links give you a ranking advantage.

When you publish articles be sure to include a Resource Box with your author information, contact details and here is the most important part – include LINKS to your websites. The key is that the content be unique and include links. Search engines determine the popularity of a site based on links to it. The more legitimate links you have to your website on a variety of websites the better it is for the ranking of your site in search engines.

For the little business guy or gal this is free advertising strategy that is worth the time and effort.

You can submit the articles yourself, or to save time, we recommend this product as an easy way to submit your articles, it’s called “Article Submitter”. We bought Article Submitter and we like it.

Worldprofit Silver and Platinum Members get Article Submitter free in your member area under the Resellers Club.

Non-members can get Article Submitter from Worldprofit at a significantly reduced rate using the link below.

Article Submitter: Automatically submit your articles to the article directory sites

Conclusion of Product Review: Article Submitter

~~The Review Team at