How to get the MOST out of your Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.
Your Worldprofit Member area is packed with over 100 awesome good-for-your business resources.
It’s easy to miss a few.
Here we detail how and what Members are doing in their Member area to get leads, grow this list and make sales!
If yo are New to Worldprofit this may help introduce you to some our resources you didn’t know about and can start using.
Some of our Members are in multiple programs and are using Worldprofit resources to grow multiple streams of income.
Other Members are focused only on promoting Worldprofit services to earn commission.
Our training teaches you how to do both, over 150 lessons to help you, guide you on your affiliate marketing journey.
Only Silver and Platinum VIP Members get access to these!
HINT: You can use the SEARCH field in your Member area to find these, or use the WP AI, or submit a Support Ticket and we will direct you.
TOP 10 most used Member Resources
Free Classifieds
Silver and Platinum VIP Members get both a Classifieds Plugin to install on your site, and UNLIMITED posting privileges.
Prospect Manager and Who’s Logged In
Silver and Platinum VIP Members can enter prospects, categorize, email, access Associate Member list, and use the Virtual Assistant for follow up.
Who’s Logged in allows you to know which of your Associates is logging in, the more they login, the bettter the prospect they are to upgrade or purchase advertising.
Premium Advertising Services
Silver and Platinum VIP Members get some PREMIUM Advertising included, while other PREMIUM sources can be purchased for trusted, verifiable traffic.
Worldprofit AI/ GPT / Deep Think
Silver and Platinum VIP Members can use our artifical intelligence tools to write copy, blogs, emails, newsletters, create images and more.
Multi-Commission System
Silver and Platinum VIP Members get this but need to activate this to be eligible for multiple commissions.
Graphics Studio
Platinum VIP Members get access to this easy to use professional design tool to create images for social media and more.
Platinum VIP Members can use Worldprofit’s powerhouse Autoresponder, no need for any other when you have this.
We don’t limit list size or sends. Our Autoresponder is huge favourite among our Members. Built by us, supported by us.
Promo Code Center
Silver and Platinum VIP Members get access to the BIGGEST Promo Code Center in the industry.
Use the promo codes to get free advertising at hundreds of sites listed in your Member area.
Traffic Injections and Leads
Silver Members get a MONTHLY basic traffic injection 1 x per month.
Platinum VIP Members get a MONTHLY MEGA Traffic injection 1 x per month.
Platinum VIP Members also get 100 EXCLUSIVE phone verified leads 1 x per month
Store Builders
Silver and Platinum VIP Members can easily set up one or more stores.
Amazon, JV Zoo, DigiStore, ShareaSale, Fiverr, Ebay or a PLR Product Store
URL Cloaker
Silver and Platinum VIP Members get access to our link shortener and link cloaker
Bootcamp Lessons
Silver and Platinum VIP Members can access over 150 lessons with topics 100% devoted
to helping you use your tools, resources to grow ANY affiliate marketing business.
PLUS, LIVE training every Friday for 1 Hour with Worldprofit Co-Founder, George Kosch.
Silver Members get access to our Support services 7 days a week.
Platinum VIP Members get PRIORITY FRONT of the LINE access to our Support Services 7 days a week
–> Use the SEARCH field in your Member area to find these resources, or use the WP AI, or submit a Support Ticket and we will direct you.
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